Tamil film Aaranya Kaandam will reach theatres this Friday (June 10) but the film produced by S.P.B. Charan and directed by debutant Thiagarajan Kumararaja, has been in the news for quite some......
Pavithra Srinivasan says Aaranya Kaandam is entertaining. Post YOUR reviews here!Yes, it's a gangster flick. And yes, it's set against the brutal and largely rubbish-filled background of the......
Sunny Leone is all set to star in an action film Quotation Gang. Shot in Andhra Pradesh and Punjab, Vivek Kumar Kannan's multi-starrer also stars... let's see if you can recognise them! Please......
One could say that 2011 was one of the best years for Tamil cinema. Quite a few films impressed both critics and audiences alike. Tamil cinema is passing through one of its best phases with many......
Get your low down on what's happening in the world of Tamil cinema, right here! Karthi, the young Tamil actor and Suriya's brother has done something no other actor has done before -- he has......