The Bombay high court on Friday queried if it amounted to confinement when the juvenile accused in the Pune Porsche case was granted bail but was taken back in custody and kept in an observation......
A paternal aunt of the teenager allegedly involved in the Pune Porsche car crash that killed two IT professionals last month has moved the Bombay high court claiming the boy was in 'illegal'......
The Bombay high court on Thursday frowned on media reports pertaining to witnesses who will be summoned in the Central Bureau of Investigation probe against IRS officer Sameer Wankhede on charges......
The Bombay high court on Thursday extended till June 23 the interim protection from arrest granted to Narcotics Control Bureau's former Mumbai zonal director Sameer Wankhede in the Central Bureau......
The Narcotics Control Bureau's Special Enquiry Team (SET) had an ulterior motive of giving a clean chit to Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan in a drugs-on-cruise case and suppressed material evidence......
The Bombay high court on Thursday quashed the Enforcement Case Information Report' (ECIR) registered by the Enforcement Directorate against Jet Airways founder Naresh Goyal and his wife Anita Goyal......