By filing a case against Citibank in the Rs 300-crore fraud at its Gurgaon branch, Sanjeev Aggarwal has shifted the focus of investigations from one bank employee, Shivraj Puri, to the whole......
These start-ups include high-growth companies such as Ola, Paytm, Lenskart, UrbanClap and Urban Ladder.Nearly half of these have gone on to raise follow-on funding, a key measure of success for......
Smarter, healthier products are helping new food brands carve out a niche. Ranju Sarkar reports. Jacqueline Fernandez is Raw Pressery's brand ambassador.Don't miss the Raw Pressery Story: Rs 5......
Credit Vidya helps lenders assess credit and fraud risk for thin-file and new-to-credit customers. Ranju Sarkar reports. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ When Riyaz Ahmed from Erode in......
Liv.Ai makes speech recognition software that allows people to transact in their native languages. Ranju Sarkar reports. Apple's Siri uses voice queries and a natural language user interface to......
'Sridevi touched my feet.''Kajol is magical.''You will feel Salman is not paying attention, but when the camera rolls, he does the step you just showed him.' IMAGE: Madhuri Dixit and Anil Kapoor......