Tamil Nadu Dragons edged past Hyderabad Toofans 4-3 in shoot-out to climb to the top of the Men's Hockey India League table in Rourkela on Thursday.
This was after both the teams were locked 2-2 at the end of regulation time.
In the regulation 60 minutes, Tim Brand (3rd minute) scored from a field effort while Maico Casella converted a penalty corner in the 59th minute for Hyderabad Toofans.
Australian Blake Govers scored from a field strike in the fourth minute before Jip Janssen (37th) converted a penalty corner for Tamil Nadu Dragons.
It was a lengthy shoot-out, where eventually Tamil Nadu Dragons had the last laugh.
The win propelled Tamil Nadu Dragons to the top of the eight-team standings with 17 points from eight games, while Hyderabad Toofans are at the third place with 14 points from the same number of matches.
Tamil Nadu Dragons will next face Team Gonasika on Saturday, while Hyderabad Toofans will be up against UP Rudras on the same day.