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Wimbledon Quote Hanger

June 30, 2008

Andy Roddick

'As far as fun nicknames, headlines and whatever, I don't really care. Everyone's beatable. I've beaten the three of them. But if you're asking if it p***** me off at all, I don't really care. I just want to win tennis matches.'

- Andy Roddick, when asked whether he had heard of references to the 'big three' of Federer, Rafael Nadal and Djokovic. 'A-Rod' went out in the next round.

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  • 'You know, when you've seen the Rolling Stones from the front row and then all of a sudden you're like seven or eight rows back and there's a really tall guy in front of you waving his hands and screaming, you can't see much, it's not going to be as good as the other show.'

    - Roddick remembers better times following his second-round defeat to Janko 'Tipsy' Tisparevic

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