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Text: Arun Venugopal. Photographs: Paresh Gandhi

At nine, the first of several top-of-the-card fights begins. The event everyone is waiting for is Singh's 10-round fight against Barnes.

Singh is ranked Number 6 by the US Boxing Association. Barnes, who is black, is number eight, meaning that this is technically a formidable matchup, and due to a scramble at the top, the winner of this fight is likely to climb high in the rankings.

The fighters emerge: Singh in a red robe and Barnes in blue.

"The Man from Poonjab India," calls out the announcer, "Guru Singggggh! Singggggggh!"

The bell rings and the two fighters stake each other out.

"Jermell, the man's talkin' 'bout yo Mama," yells a white man from the crowd, affecting his best Southern accent. "Knock his ass out."

For the first couple rounds, Singh is slow off the marks and takes a lot of shots to the body, even falling to one knee for a moment. Clearly the back is affecting him. He eventually takes advantage of his long arms, but Barnes continues to pull in close, connecting to the head and keeping Singh on the defensive.

It's the end of Round 3 and one of the busty Hooters girls comes out - short orange shorts, tight white T-shirt. She makes her away around the ring, smiling broadly as she holds up a placard with a big '4' on it.

"Heeeere is Bianca," says the announcer. "This is Bianca, from Hooters, located downstairs. And you're invited to the party."

The fight resumes, and Jermell is clearly wearing down. The men exchange right jabs. Jermell connects hard. Singh throws a big swing and misses, drawing cheers.

Round 5. Singh is starting to look desperate, shoving Jermell against the ropes. Jermell slips out and they switch places.

"Get off the ropes, Guru," shouts someone from the crowd. "Get off the ropes."

"Come on, Guru, use that long stick."

In the sixth round, a number of Singh's supporters start calling out to the referee, trying to draw his attention to Barnes' cup, the large padding that protects the groin and lower abdomen. They contend that Barnes has been allowing his cup to ride up high, diffusing the impact of Singh's punches to the body.

"Pull his cup down, ref. That cup looks like a turtleneck!"

The referee walks over to Barnes and in, what looks like something straight out of a schoolyard, yanks his cup down, drawing heavy cheers.

"No more neck brace!"

Also see: An officer and an gentleman

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