
The Jordan Files

Jordan and Scottie Pippen:
Their close relationship was evident after game 5 of the 1997 NBA Finals in Utah. A flu ridden Jordan mustered up enough desire and energy to drop in 38 points and hit the game's winning three-pointer.

Afterwards Jordan weakly raised his arms in triumph and his teammates rushed over to congratulate him.

As Pippen reached him, Jordan, realising Pippen would not let him fall, allowed his legs to give way and he slumped over into Pippen's arms.

"He was Michelangelo in baggy shorts, a player with such a rich imagination he transformed the game into a work of art," declared Phil Jackson, who was Chicago Bulls' coach.

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Did you know?
Jordan was the Bulls' all-time leading scorer and 3rd all-time leading scorer in the NBA with 29,277 points.