
The Heavyweights

Jack Dempsey (1895 - 1983)

Nickname: Manassa Mauler

Few fighters had a better nickname than the Manassa Mauler.

Dempsey personified savagery in the ring. The image of a ferociuos Dempsey ripping into man-mountain Jess Willard during their title bout in 1919 is an enduring one in boxing folklore. Willard retired at the end of the third round with a broken jaw, two broken ribs, a closed eye, and a partial loss of hearing.

Dempsey is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of modern boxing, and has gone down in history as one of the toughest men ever to enter the ring.

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Famous Quote
"Honey, I just forgot to duck."
Dempsey to his wife Estelle after losing his World Heavyweight title in 1926.