Clinton will be a commander-in-chief who would defeat the Islamic State, the US president said, adding she will make a "smart and steady" US president, though not without her share of mistakes.
How many of the 354 films Aseem Chhabra watched in 2017 have you seen?
'For years American academia has used the concerns about Hindutva in India to almost completely trash the concept of Hinduism.' 'In the American debate, Wendy Doniger's point of views perpetuated Hinduphobia.' 'Americans were willing to change... Indian intellectuals let us down badly.'
These are extraordinary times for America. And the escalating crisis will force undesirable and unwelcome changes in the lifestyle of Indian Americans. had sought readers' views on the US presidential election. Here are some responses.
Director Suparn Verma and resident film critic Raja Sen discuss the 2007 movies.