The total assets of 31 chief ministers are worth Rs 1,630 crores according to an Association for Democratic Reforms report.
West Bengal's chief minister is the poorest CM with just Rs 15 lakh in assets.
J&K's chief minister, with assets worth Rs 55 lakh, is the second poorest.
Kerala's Marxist chief minister is the third poorest with Rs 1.18 crore in assets.
Karnataka's CM is the third richest with assets worth more than Rs 51 crore. His liabilities are Rs 23 crore.
Arunachal Pradesh's CM is the second richest chief minister with assets worth over Rs 332 crores. He has liabilities to the tune of Rs 180 crore.
The richest CM has assets worth over Rs 931 crore with liabilities of more than Rs 10 crore.
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