9 Most Hated Countries In The World

People across the world hold distinct opinions about different countries, shaped by what they read in the news about those countries' military actions, government policy, cultural influences, religion or even the way their tourists behave.
World Population Review has compiled its 2025 list of Most Hated Countries around the globe.

Pic: Satish Bodas/Rediff.com

The Communists in Beijing are untrustworthy as we learned at our peril when the PLA occupied parts of Ladakh in 2020 months after the summit in Mamallapuram.
Xi Jinping's secretive and tyrannical regime will stop at nothing in its zeal for global glory.

Pic: Canva

United States
By the time his 2nd term as POTUS ends, we wager that the USA will be the most hated nation on the planet.
2 months after being sworn in, Donald Trump has alienated America's friends, angered those who voted him into office by his bullying and sown divisions in his country and beyond that may take years to repair.

Pic: Canva

Gorbachov's glasnost and perestroika are long buried and replaced by Putin's Stalinesque penchant for eliminating adversaries, encouraging loyal oligarchs and embarking on military catastrophes like the invasion of Ukraine at huge cost to Mother Russia.

Pic: Canva

North Korea
For over 70 years three generations of the dictatorial Kim dynasty have ruined a country that stands in sharp contrast to its prosperous southern neighbour.
Freedom is a non concept in Pyongyang where everything spins on the Kims' whims.

Pic: Canva

After killing 40,000 Palestinians and counting in Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel is a pariah State, hated by everyone who values humanity.

Pic: Canva

The nation which invented terrorism as State policy has come to be haunted by groups like the Taliban which it once sponsored.
Sunni-Shia-Ahmadiyya killings are frequent and diabolic.
Pakistan's democracy is held hostage by the military which crushes all opponents.

Pic: Canva

Cruel attitudes to women, human rights abuses, a dictatorship operating under a veneer of democracy, nothing changes in the ayatollahs' Iran, reviled in the West for sponsorship of terror groups like Hezbollah and its nuclear ambitions.

Pic: Canva

22 years after Saddam Hussein's ouster, Iraq remains violent and volatile with periodic bombings and acts of terror unleased by ISIS remnants.

Pic: Canva

Embroiled in a devastating civil war since 2011.
The killings and humanitarian crisis continue even after the tyrannical Assads fled to Moscow.

Pic: Canva

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