A woman, who was allegedly locked inside a toilet for over a year by her husband in Rishpur village in Haryana's Panipat, was rescued by Women Protection and Child Marriage Prohibition Officer Rajni Gupta along with her team.
Gupta said that she acted upon information and rescued the woman on Wednesday.
"I received information that a woman was locked in the toilet for over a year. I come here with my team. When we reached here, we found that it was true. It seems that woman has not eaten anything for many days," Gupta said.
"It is being said that she is mentally unstable, but it is not true. We have talked to her and it was apparent that she is not mentally unstable. We can not confirm whether she is mentally unstable or not, but she was locked in the toilet. We rescued her and washed her hair. We have filed a police complaint. Police will take action accordingly," she added.
The victim's husband claims that she is mentally unstable. "She was mentally unstable. We ask her to sit outside but she does not sit there. We have taken her to doctors but there was no improvement in her condition," he said.
Police have filed a complaint in this regard.
"Rajni Gupta went to the village and rescued the woman who was locked by her husband Naresh for over a year. We have registered a complaint and we will take action after investigation. It is being said that the woman is mentally unstable. We will take the advice of the doctor and proceed further," a police officer said.