Four weeks ago, when Narendrabhai visited the White House, observers detected chill in the Oval Office with the prime minister of India, who has been glad handled by two previous presidents, being treated in a somewhat aloof manner by the current incumbent at 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Vice President Kamala Harris -- she of desi origin even giving Narendrabhai a not-so-veiled sermon on democracy.
No such frost was visible at the G-20 summit in Rome if this Press Information Bureau photograph posted below is evidence.
Please click on the image to check out what we mean.

IMAGE: There is bonhomie.
There is the presidential arm around the prime minister's shoulder.
Joe likes or is intrigued by what Narendrabhai is saying.
And both men have a clenched fist as if to indicate Climate Change? Let's Fix it Now!!
Photograph curated by Manisha Kotian/
Feature Presentation: Mahipal Soni/