Self-styled godman Nityananda Swami, who was caught in sleazy video footage, on Saturday said the video was morphed and manipulated to misrepresent his personal life but did not deny his images with actress Ranjita in the film.
'There is a lot of misrepresentation, manipulation, conspiracy and morphing. We are working, which part is recorded in a conspired way, which part is morphed, and which part is misrepresented,' Swami told Times Now news channel.
He said the girl in the video was his devotee and she was taking care of him when he was ill.
"She was serving me for a long time. She was volunteering and serving me and taking care of me when I was sick for a long time. There is no denying that she was, she is and she will remain a devotee," he said.
He said he became sick last December, when the actress volunteered and served him. He was physically unwell and was "consciously in a deep samadhi", he said.
Swami, who has been slapped with cases of cheating after the video footage came to light on March eight, said the video will be sent to experts to find out the portions morphed in it.
"I believe I do not have any lust. 100 per cent I am sure that I do not have any need for other person," Swami, who is currently in Haridwar, said.
He said the video has been misrepresented by an onlooker.