Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh and Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh, who have been at loggerheads, on Friday sought to bury the hatchet and reach out to each other ahead of post-poll scenario.
Digvijay Singh called up Amar Singh and asked him to forget the past which was marked by recriminations during
election campaign. The Congress leader said he had asked Amar Singh to "forgive" him if any of his utterances had hurt him.
Similarly, Amar Singh also conveyed apologies if any of his comments had hurt Digvijay,
pre-poll alliance as well as electioneering.
Amar Singh has been accusing Digvijay, Congress general secretary in-charge of Uttar Pradesh, of playing a spoilsport
in firming up pre-poll alliance between the two parties. The Congress leader has also been paying back in kind.
The attempt to bury the hatchet is clearly intended to ensure that there are no problems in firming up a post-poll alliance.