Karunanidhi's remarks came in the context of certain adverse comments by Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami and state Chief Electoral Officer Naresh Gupta during the recent bypoll from Tirumangalam assembly constituency. Writing in party organ Murasoli, the chief minister said he was raising the issue to generate a public debate on acts of the poll officials.
The DMK patriarch also questioned the timing of the Tirumangalam bypoll held in January. He said EC had ordered Tirumangalam bypoll in January even though the Parliament
Karunanidhi said Gupta went one step further to say there were lot of electoral malpractices and violence when there was no clashes and he could not "betray" the EC. In an obvious dig at Gopalaswamy, he said a top official, who was supposed to be impartial, had said Tirumangalam bypoll had become "a blot on democracy". "Can this be construed as influencing the voters?" he asked.