The Jammu and Kashmir police questioned a dozen of persons and examined the call details of army jawan Javaid Ahmad Wani who went missing a couple of days ago from his native Kulgam district while on leave, officials said on Monday.
The soldier, posted in the Ladakh region, was supposed to join work on Sunday. His car was found abandoned at Paranhall.
A dozen of people have been questioned and the call records are being examined as the search operation to locate the missing soldier continues, officials said.
Wani's father has appealed to those who might have abducted his son to release him alive since he was the only breadwinner of the family.
"I appeal to all the brothers to let him go alive. If he has troubled anyone, I apologise for that. If they want I will get him to quit his job as well," Mohammad Ayoub Wani told reporters on Sunday.
Wani said his son had gone out to buy meat on Saturday evening as he was to go back to his place of posting on Sunday.
"He told his brother to drop him at the airport tomorrow (Sunday). Some time later, we got a call that his car was found abandoned with its doors ajar," the father said.
Eyewitnesses claim that there were blood marks in the car but officials have not confirmed or denied it.