Uttar Pradesh minister and Bharatiya Janata Party leader Jitin Prasada on Wednesday took a swipe at Kapil Sibal after he quit the Congress and filed his nomination for a Rajya Sabha seat from UP as an Independent backed by the Samajwadi Party, asking him "how's the 'prasad'", in an apparent payback.
Prasada, a former member of the G23 who had written to Congress president Sonia Gandhi seeking an organisational overhaul before quitting the party and joining the BJP, took to Twitter to say, "How's the "Prasad" Mr. Sibal!#Rajyasabha," seeking to get even with the former Congress veteran.
When Prasada joined the BJP months before the UP assembly elections, Sibal had written on the microblogging website, "Jitin Prasada Joins BJP. The question is will he get 'prasada' from BJP or is he just a 'catch' for UP elections? In such deals if 'ideology' doesn't matter changeover is easy."
Sibal had used the "prasada" analogy to hint at the benefits the leader could possibly reap from joining the BJP.
The pun did not go down well with Prasada, who got a payback moment when Sibal announced he quit the Congress on May 16 and filed his nomination as a Samajwadi Party supported Independent candidate on Wednesday.
Prasada tagged Sibal's tweet and gave it back to him in words the latter had used when he quit the Congress.