Rashtriya Janat Dal president Lalu Prasad's daughter Rohini Acharya, who donated a kidney to her father, has earned the praise of Union minister Giriraj Singh, one of the most strident opponents of the former Bihar chief minister.
Singh, who represents the Begusarai Lok Sabha seat of the state, expressed his sentiments on Twitter, sharing a picture of Acharya fast asleep on her hospital bed after the surgery in Singapore.
"Beti ho to Rohini Acharya jaisi (Rohini Acharya is the kind of daughter one should have)," Singh tweeted in Hindi, adding that the Singapore-based daughter of Prasad, in her early 40s, "shall serve as an example for the future generations".
The RJD supremo, who is serving sentences in a number of fodder scam cases, has been granted bail and allowed to travel abroad by a court for medical reasons.
His eldest daughter Misa Bharti, who is by the side of her father and younger sister, posted a video of the ailing septuagenarian on her Twitter handle wherein he can be heard muttering words of thanks to his well-wishers back home.
"All of you prayed for me. Now I am feeling better. I am feeling well," the charismatic leader can be heard saying in the video clip, barely 10 seconds long.