Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday promised loan waiver of up to Rs 3 lakh to farmers in Gujarat, LPG cylinder at Rs 500 instead of the current price of Rs 1,000, free electricity to farmers and up to 300 units of free power to general consumers if his party comes to power in the state.
Addressing the 'parivartan sankalp rally' in Ahmedabad, Gandhi made a host of promises to people of Gujarat, where the assembly polls are due later this year, including creation of 10 lakh new jobs, building 3,000 English medium schools and free education to girls.
"The BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) government here will waive loans of top industrialists, but have you ever heard that they have waived loans of farmers?" Gandhi asked.
"I promise to waive loans of up to Rs 3 lakh of each farmer after we come to power in Gujarat," he said.