Abducted engineer P Krishna Rao was released on Tuesday after a month's captivity by National Democratic Front of Bodoland militants in Assam's Kokrajhar district, police said. Rao, who was abducted on October 16 by militants of the NDFB anti-talks faction, was released in Karigaon area around 1200 hours, they said.
He was immediately whisked away by police to an unknown destination for medical check-up and questioning. "We have received information that he has been released. He spoke to me over phone. He told me that he is safe," Rao's
The 53-year old project manager of Hyderabad-based Gayatri PCI, hailing from Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh, was kidnapped by five heavily-armed militants from the construction site on National Highway-31 at Joypur under Kokrajhar police station. The company has been engaged by National Highway Authority of India to construct the four-lane highway in Lower Assam.