India is experiencing its worst heat wave in 122 years.
The day temperature in Delhi is 47.2 degrees Celsius.
In Punjab, Muktsar recorded a day temperature of 47.4 degrees Celsius.
In Haryana, Hisar saw a high of 47.3 degrees Celsius.
Please click on the images for glimpses of how Indians are trying to beat the heat.

IMAGE: A young boy swims in a canal to beat the heat in Jalandhar. All Photographs: PTI Photo

IMAGE: Young boys swim in the Brahmaputra river in Guwahati.

IMAGE: Boys take a bath in a tubewell in Jalandhar.

IMAGE: A man takes a bath at a public water tap in Amritsar.

IMAGE: People cool off in a pool in Agra.

IMAGE: People cool themselves with water at a water park in Prayagraj.

IMAGE: Cows drink water from a water body on the outskirts of Ahmedabad.
Photographs curated by Manisha Kotian/
Feature Presentation: Rajesh Alva/
Dear Readers, do you have a photograph that best describes the summer?
Your photographs can be funny, heart-warming or quirky.
It could be a recent photograph or a blast from the past.
The photographs could be from anywhere across India or the world, but they have to be original.
Do mail your pictures to (subject: Summer Pics) along with your NAME and the place where you LIVE. Do include a little information about where you clicked the photograph and what makes it special.