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Stop being a wimp State!
'A little more visible readiness to use force or simply testing an ICBM or two will change how the other powers interact with India.'
Uncle Sam's devious plans
'Trumped up charges are intended to be negotiation points. The target country, in this case -- India, is being forced to negotiate, just to get rid of such fake realities.'



August 30, 2004 |



Is the US suspicious about Pakistan?
A cynical view is that Pakistan has more to gain from waging a long and highly public war against terrorism than it has from totally defeating it -- because the foreign aid could dry up.


June 1, 2004 |



An agenda for the new right
'Hard and unthinking ideology is not what this nationalism is about -- it must be about Indian national interests, pure and simple.'


April 28, 2004 |



Imbalanced media and the loony Left
'Who'll tell the Leftists about patriotism? They are internationalists, first and last. These extremists suggest dialogue with Pakistan, but never ever mention terrorism against India.'


April 28, 2004 |



The threat in the North East
'Since last year, terrorists caught by India have been confessing to an ongoing demographic
warfare, targeted primarily at Assam and also the larger North East.'


April 23, 2004 |



Beware of Musharraf!
'Anti-India terrorist groups still receive Pakistani government support and encouragement; these
groups are raising funds in public, recruit openly and plan/carry out attacks on India.'.


December 22, 2003 |



Cricket is not this important!
'So, if you and I refill the coffers of Pakistani cricket with our hard-earned money, there's a very good chance some of it will find its way back to India -- as bullets into the heads of Indians.'


November 5, 2003 |



Uncle Sam blesses the swamp
'Basically George junior wants peace in Afghanistan till the Presidential election in November 2004 -- but at what cost to Indian and Afghan lives?'


October 23, 2003 |



Lessons for India Inc
India needs to become an innovator in multiple fields, if it wants to remain a growing economy beyond this current price-driven outsourcing phase, says Arindam Banerji.


August 28, 2003 |



Lessons for India Inc
Cost-cutting by moving to second tier cities in India and China is making India, Inc more competitive, but is it enough for survival when outsourcing gets far more competitive?


August 25, 2003 |



Lessons from North First Street
'In spite of the tremendous experience it has in managing the business of innovation, US-based venture capitalists and entrepreneurs could not manage the explosion caused by the innovation of web technology.'


August 22, 2003 |



The Gurgaon factor
The Gurgaon boom is today's snapshot of India, Inc, says Arindam Banerji.


June 20, 2003 |



The Neelam Plan
'Pakistan has consistently defined the Kashmir imbroglio over the last 57 years, they have defined the problem, they have defined the issues, they have taken a lead in actions and they now are defining the solution.'


