Tension at India-China border

1. China continues to be India’s biggest threat to national security.

2. Should the government have accepted the Opposition’s demand for a discussion on the China issue?

3. Do you believe that the Modi government is not as vocal against China as it is against Pakistan?

4. Is the government doing enough to contain the Chinese threat?

5. Should India be alarmed by China's growing intimacy with Russia in view of the war in Ukraine?

Russia-Ukraine war

1. Who do you believe is responsible for the war in Ukraine?

2. Do you agree with India's position in Ukraine -- dialogue and peace over war?

3. Should India continue to buy Russian oil, despite being pressured against it by the West?

4. Is Russia committing crimes against humanity by bombing civilian targets and torturing prisoners?

5. Should the medical students brought back from Ukraine be admitted to Indian med schools?

Bharat Jodo Yatra

1. What is the purpose of the Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Yatra?

2. Is the Bharat Jodo Yatra making a difference in the way people perceive the Congress and Rahul Gandhi?

3. Do you agree with the Congress' charge that the BJP is trying to stop the yatra by using Covid as an excuse?

Inflation and Economy

1. PM Modi has targetted for a 5 trillion dollar economy by 2024. Possible?

2. India ranks 107 out of 121 countries in the Global Hunger Index, which means India's hunger level falls in the 'serious' category. Is the government's priorities -- statues, bullet trains, global conferences -- misplaced?

3. Do you think the government is able to contain inflation?

4. With unemployment rate at 8%, is the Centre doing enough for job creation?

5. Do you agree with FM Nirmala Sitharaman that 'rupee is not falling but dollar is strengthening’?

Hijab Row

1. Was it appropriate for college and school authorities in Karnataka to insist that Muslim girls wearing hijab must remove it before coming to class/sitting for exams?

2. Do you think the entire hijab row in Karnataka and other parts of the country was politically motivated and was allowed to blow out of proportion to polarise society?

3. Hijab can be a part of uniform just like Sikh turbans.

4. Who should decide if a particular article is essential to one’s faith or not?

5. Do you believe an educational institution should not endorse any form of religious symbolism?