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'I am hoping that Obama will shut down Guantanamo'

January 2, 2009
Are you sure he did it? Was he really the mastermind behind 9/11?

Yeah, it seems the Al Qaeda people themselves admit that he was important and a central figure. We have documents from Al Qaeda that mention his name and mention that he came up with the idea of 9/11. He was the one who argued for the use of airplanes. The whole conception, plan of 9/11 was his. The Al Qaeda leadership has admitted this and we don't need him to tell us that.

American credibility about these things is so low after the killings of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan. You mentioned the due process of law, but after Al Ghraib you know how sceptical people are.

I agree. I think in America President Bush and the government have committed many wrongs and lied to the American people and to the world about the weapons of mass destruction. The whole case of invading Iraq was based on a lie. And, probably a deliberate lie.

In many cases people were tried in courts. We have defended many such people. You must remember that I am also trying to defend Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. There is no doubt that many people who were tried were unjustly sentenced and they were innocent people.

Having said that, let me add that there is such a thing called Al Qaeda. And, there are some evil people in Al Qaeda who have done 9/11 and who have done other terrible things. I have no doubt that Al Qaeda has done 9/11 and we have evidence of it. I am convinced.

There are many theories circulating in the Islamic world, like the one about it being a Zionist conspiracy. It's difficult to find many Muslims who are convinced about what the US government claims.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories because to organise a conspiracy one requires so many different people and it requires huge effort to coordinate people that it is impossible to organise and keep it a secret. In any case, we have the tapes of Osama bin Laden admitting that he organised it.

We know all about the 19 hijackers. We know all about their families. We have tapes and Al Qaeda's admission about their men. It is just not about the American tapes or proof. A lot of evidence exists on the Internet, anybody can see it.

What sets apart Khalid Sheikh in Al Qaeda?

I think he is a very smart man. He has spent time in Kuwait, Pakistan, and he has been educated in America as well. He is clearly a genius for organising a very evil terrorist action. I am very happy that we have him in custody.

What are you exactly defending about him?

I am defending his right to a fair trial. I think he is entitled to a fair trial.

Is he getting a fair trial?

No, I don't think so. These military commissions that are organised in Guantanamo Bay are not fair. After all, they are military-run.

I am hoping that President-elect Obama will shut down Guantanamo. All the prisoners will be brought to the US and will be tried under the normal courts of America. That's my hope and that would be the best thing to happen.

Image: Razor wire-topped fences are seen at the detention facility at the US naval station in Guantanamo Bay. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/Reuters

Also see: America's War on Terror
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