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'Fundamentalists have tremendous power in India'

February 2, 2009
But what followed, he said, was clearly organised, systematic, attacks on Christians.

"Over 2,000 to 3,000 people destroyed and burnt down the homes of Christians, killed them and drove the others away, while the government forces stood idly by and did not show any real resistance and strong will to prevent that," he rues.

This was why when the state told the Supreme Court that it had implemented all the high court's directives to offer protection to the minorities, Archbishop Cheenath said one judge had rebuked the state's advocate. "So, from that you can see the lack of any action on the part of the state," he pointed out.

Asked if he is concerned that India's secularism is being eroded for the sake of political expediency as he had argued, or if he still has faith in the plurality of India, Archbishop Cheenath said, "We have strong faith in the Constitution of India. Unfortunately, the Constitution has been ignored and not implemented because the fundamentalists have such tremendous power. Because, unfortunately, the political parties used the fundamentalists for their gain. Now, over the course of time, these groups have become very strong and now instead of being used, they are dictating to the political parties and to the government."

"Until and unless this trend is controlled," he said, "secularism will be just on paper and under threat in India."

Image: A protestor denounces the violence unleashed against Christians in Orissa during a rally in New Delhi. Photograph: Ajay Verma/Reuters.

Also see: Local factors led to Kandhamal violence
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