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Tibetan ire rages as dragon spits fire

March 18, 2008
Over two dozen Tibetans were arrested in Munich and outside the United Nations building in New York on Monday.

The slogan-shouting protesters carried placards which said 'UN, Where are you?' 'Wake up, UN,' and 'UN, We Need Your Support'.

As the protesters carrying Tibetan flags tried to squat on the road in front of the United Nations, they were stopped by the police.

Tsering Palden, president of New York's Tibetan Youth Congress which led the protest, said they want the UN to intervene to stop killings in Tibet.

However, despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry, the United Nations Security Council is unlikely to take any action or even discuss the issue.

On his part, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has said that he was 'increasingly concerned' about the tensions and reports of violence and loss of life in 'Tibet Autonomous Region' of China and elsewhere and has called for restraint on the part of authorities.

Image: A Tibetan protester holds a banner in front of the International Olympic Committee headquaters in the Swiss city of Lausanne.
Photograph: Fabrice Cofrini/AFP/Getty Images

Also read: In Tibet, China dishonours Olympic spirit
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