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People are very cautious in Afghanistan

July 10, 2008
This was my first trip to Afghanistan. It is the 64th country that I have visited.

What I read was primarily connected with the political scenario under the various regimes. Other than that I had no preconceived notions about the country. Every experience was different, educative and will always be treasured. I was struck by the aridity of the landscape. If it wasn't for my friend Sandeep at the embassy this trip would not have been possible. That connection gave me access to transportation and opened a lot of doors.

My only regret was that I had very little time in Afghanistan. I wish I could have visited Bamiyan and gone to the other towns. Maybe I can do that on my next trip. This journey was immensely thought-provoking because I went with an open mind. No, I did not fear for my safety. Not for one moment was I scared.

Image: The palace of the former king of Afghanistan, now destroyed, in Darulaman, Kabul.

Also read: A rare interview with Taliban leader Mullah Omar
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