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'I want to do so many things in music. I wish I had 25 more years...'

April 18, 2008
Music academy gave you the lifetime achievement award on its 80th anniversary. Are you happy to get such awards?

I am happy I did, but I wouldn't be unhappy or disappointed if I didn't.

But I am very happy that music academy found me worthy of giving the lifetime achievement award to me.

You said you wish you had 25 more years...

I want to do so many things in music. I wish I had 25 more years because I have a lot of ideas and I have this urge to do more. I feel I have a lot more music left in me. I am not satisfied with what I have done. Music is like an ocean; one lifetime is not enough to know it or serve it.

But it is all up to God. God willing, I will do it. I had done the lyrics and music of the dance opera 'Jaya Jaya Devi' which was first performed in Cleveland in the US. It was performed at 76 places in the US. My plan was to do another dance opera at Cleveland this year. Now, I want to do it in 2009.

I hope God gives me the health and energy to do it.

Image: Presenting a memento to Sir Yehudi Menuhin.
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