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'The human rights situation in China has worsened'

April 16, 2008
What is the reason behind using the Olympic torch relay to call attention to the problem?

All human rights organisations take advantage of international events to highlight the issues that prevail in that particular country. Twelve years ago in 1996, when the US was hosting the Atlanta Games, we used the event to lobby for a worldwide drive to abolish the death penalty.

So, this is something we do before all major international events. But this time, there is support from the general public also, and it is showing.

Amnesty says China is involved in pre-Olympic 'clean-up'. Does it mean the 'clean-up' goes beyond Tibetans?

When the Olympic games were awarded to China, we were highlighting the human rights violations going on in the country. And China in fact made some promises. They said the Olympic Games will in fact help improve the human rights situation in that country. We were all positive, but unfortunately that did not happen.

So, to begin with they were the ones who linked human rights to the Olympic games and now, we are merely holding them to their promise. Also, the human rights situation in China has worsened ever since it made that promise.

Image: A protestor lies on the street in San Francisco blocking the intended route of the Olympic torch relay. Thousands gathered in the city to protest China's policies toward Tibet, as the torch passed through its only North American stop. Photograph: Max Whittaker/Getty Images

Also see: Biggest anti-China protest in two decades
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