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'We have no reason to be hostile to India'

October 16, 2007
Is India on China's radar at all?

India is very important to China. India has information technology, a knowledge economy and education system. We are learning about it. We are two countries consisting of more than two billion people and we have no reason to be hostile. We should integrate our efforts to secure energy. You have more people speaking English than China has. Many doctors and IT graduates work in US and Europe. Even in universities you have people speaking in English. At the Shanghai Institute of Social Sciences (where this interview was conducted) there are not many people like me who speak English. China is eager to learn from Indian civilisation.

Is it progress that stops people from demanding democracy?

We enjoy freedom very much. We believe we have democracy. We can now own our homes. We can move freely in our country. People are able to come to work in Shanghai. The freedom of movement within country is there. In Shanghai we have 3 million floating people who are not residents.

Can the Elephant and the Dragon tango? How?

Yes, that is the title of my new book. India and China should have a strategic partnership. Some people say it's unrealistic. We should march forward for Chinindia. We should march forward for integration of two societies. In 1954, China and India signed Panchsheel - the five principles for peaceful co-existence. Why in new century not have a new Panchsheel?

But, after Panchsheel the 1962 war happened.

That is because we violated the five principles.

China violated it.

Both sides I think. Mainly Jawarharlal Nehru violated Panchsheel. He wrongly assessed the situation. I think Nehru committed some mistakes. I think China needed to defend it. But, these things are not for discussion in the media.

Image: Hawkers at newly built railway platform in western China. The Chinese people are happier than before because they have now large variety of choices.
Also read: Robyn Meredith on the rise of India and China

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