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A return to the life of a revolutionary

October 5, 2007
Apparently, Guevara decided to leave Cuba in 1965 to foment revolutions first in Congo-Kinshasa (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), then in Bolivia.

In his search for 'new battlefields', he resigned from all positions in government and renounced his Cuban citizenship.

For two years, his whereabouts remained secret.

Photograph: The Cuban-Argentinian guerrilla poses with a Congo soldier involved in the revolutionary movement Guevara led in that country. After the failure of the uprising, Guevara spent several months in Tanzania where he wrote about his experience in the Congo resulting in the book Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria: Congo (Writings on Revolutionary War: Congo)" which became available in Cuba for the first time in 1999. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

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