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'When you face death, you don't feel cold, you don't feel fear'

June 26, 2007
Tell us now about your assault? What did you feel?

It was at day time, but because of the snowfall, you could not say if it was day or night. It was snowing so heavily.

Couldn't the Pakistani commandos see you?

No, but they must have known that something was going on because of the firing from the base camp to divert their attention. We had been trained for such a fight and how to lob grenades.

There was a single bunker on the top. I threw a grenade inside and closed the door. At the end, six Pakistanis were killed. We brought back their bodies which were later handed over to the Pakistani authorities during a flag meeting in Kargil.

Some sources say there were 17 persons manning the post.

Some must have escaped towards the Pakistani side, perhaps over the cliff. But only six were killed. I think, we bayoneted three or four persons, I don't remember now.

When you are fighting for your life, you cannot say...

How long did the operation last?

We left by noon. The entire operation was completed by 5 pm, so five hours including the climb.

Were you cold or tired?

In these conditions, when you face death, you don't feel cold, you don't feel fear.

You don't think you are going to die or fail.

Did you think of your wife or your dear ones?

No, never. But I prayed to the Gurus before and after the operation.

After having been successful, I considered myself a lucky man.

I must tell you, a strange thing happened one day before the assault.

As I was feeling depressed, I heard the voice of Guru Gobind Singh who said: 'I was only testing you.' Then my depression disappeared. It is the only time I have had such an experience.

Image: Captain Bana Singh

Also see: ''Before he fell he told his men: Don't leave them'

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