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A Rajasthan Gala for a cause
February 27, 2007

Head injury -- mainly from automobile crashes, falls and sports -- is a leading cause of death in children and young adults.

For 20 years, the Brain Trauma Foundation has developed and maintained guidelines for emergency care that have been used around the world, saving thousands of lives.

One such beneficiary was prince Shivraj Singh of Jodhpur, who sustained a head injury while playing polo and lapsed into coma. Thanks to BTF and its guidelines, the prince recovered.

The BTF will now establish a new trust in New Delhi called the India Head Injury Foundation to work with major Indian hospitals and medical professionals. Shivraj's father, Maharaja Gajsingh II of Jodhpur, will chair a Royal Rajasthan Gala in New York to raise funds, part of which will go into the setting up of the Indian unit.

The Gala will be held on March 7 at The Pierre hotel, New York City. A highlight will be silent and live auctions featuring exclusive trips to India, magnificent jewels and Indian-themed couture.

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