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The Bedouin king

December 21, 2007

King Abdullah

Saudi Arabia's king may have formally ruled his country for two years -- stepping up to the throne on August 1, 2005 -- but he has been the man in charge in Riyadh for many years before that, especially following the serious stroke that felled his half-brother King Fahd in 1995.

Abdullah, commander of Saudi Arabia's National Guard since 1962, has arguably been the most influential Saudi royal for the last 25 years. A keenly sought voice on both Middle East politics and Islamic terrorism.

And though he is 83 years old, unlike many of his siblings, the king is physically fit, as he demonstrated so vividly during his visit to New Delhi in January 2006, as the chief guest for Republic Day.

Photograph: Hassan Amma/AFP/Getty Images
Also read: Asia's Monarchs
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