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Kalam on wings of fire

Asked what they spoke about on the flight, Rathore said, "I was giving him more technical instructions on how to operate the plane. He also told me how eager he was to fly an Air Force plane since his childhood."

When told to sum up his feelings, Rathore said, "I am happy that I was the chosen one for this duty. It's one of the proudest moments of my life. He is a scientist and he has helped our country to move ahead in defence. I am proud to do this service for him and our country."

After landing, the President was treated to combat exercises by IAF squadrons.

An hour later as he waved goodbye he said, "I feel proud to tell every Indian that they are in very safe hands and our borders are very well protected and there is no danger from any enemy."

Image: After the Sukhoi touched down a visibly-delighted President Kalam said he was very proud that he will get to keep the uniform.

Also See: One year in Rashtrapati Bhavan

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