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The Peacemaker

It was under Ariel Sharon's influence that the peace process between Israel and Palestine really took flight.

Surely, an ironic role for a man who was considered Enemy No 1 by most Palestinians, especially for his role during Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Sharon, then his country's defence minister, was accused of condoning the massacres at Palestinian camps in Lebanon.

In a historic move last September, that angered many of Sharon's rightwing supporters, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip.

Many believe his death could be a body blow to the West Asia peace process.

Image: Ariel Sharon, then Israeli defense minister, smiles as he visits Israeli settlers on May 11, 1981, at Bet Hadassah in central Hebron, where Jewish ultra-nationalists were squatting to press their case for settlement anywhere in the Arab occupied territories.

Also See: Ninan Koshy: The India-Israel-US Nexus

Photograph: STF/AFP/Getty Images

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