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Our people are on the march

Honourable Members,

To ensure that every citizen of our Republic is empowered to know how Government programmes are being implemented, we brought forward a path-breaking legislation to increase transparency in the functioning of Government at all levels. The Right to Information Act, 2005, is a historic piece of legislation. By ensuring greater transparency in the functioning of Government, it will help reduce corruption.

Reforming the instruments and processes of governance is an important element of my Government's reform agenda. We have taken several steps to begin this process from the very top. A new system of Performance Appraisal Reports and appraisal by an Eminent Persons Group has been put in place of the existing system of Annual Confidential Reports. My Government is introducing mid-career training systems, with promotions based on a new criteria and an accelerated empanelment procedure for senior civil servants. A voluntary retirement non-promotion system on the basis of mid-career screening will be put in place for the All India Services to ensure that the best and the brightest are rewarded for their performance and commitment to good governance. My Government has instituted the Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Public Administration to encourage initiative, efficiency, honesty and commitment to good governance among civil servants. Steps have been initiated for setting up the Sixth Pay Commission for government employees.

My Government has set up an Administrative Reforms Commission to undertake a comprehensive review of governmental machinery at all levels and to end bureaucratism, thus fulfilling a commitment of the National Common Minimum Programme. The National Disaster Management Authority has been operationalised and is expected to play a fruitful role in coordinating and planning disaster mitigation and management efforts.

There is a need to pursue reform of our judicial system. There is a need to bring down pendency of cases in courts at all levels and reducing the time taken for deciding cases. There is also a pressing need to make justice accessible in an easy and comprehensible manner to all citizens. My Government is working on proposals to address these issues through more courts, the use of technology and computerisation, improved procedures, and introduction of local courts.

Our electoral system has had an impeccable record and is the pride of our nation. However, there is always scope for improvement, particularly in decriminalizing the electoral process, reducing frivolous candidates and providing more teeth to electoral officers. My Government is working on proposals in all these areas.

Dr Kalam with students of the President's Estate School at their E-Learning Centre on 13.10.2005.

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