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On her new role

One of the major factors in your favour has been your accessibility. Do you think that is going to change now?

I think it would be even better now because one of my main agendas is to be accessible to the people, to listen to their problems, to have open forums.

We've even launched a web site called where people can directly communicate with me, send in their complaints and we will deal with it promptly.

Have you been getting a response?

We have got a very good response.

And have you been able to redress any of the problems?

We did address a few, but once the code of conduct came in, we had to keep the rest in pending files.

Do you know what percentage of your constituency would be people under 30 -- the youth?

I think the percentage is going to be very high next year on because, each year, more people 18 and above are going to be coming out to vote. In the year 2010, India itself is will be the youngest country.

In my constituency, I think more than 40 per cent of the people would be under 30.

How are you going to motivate them into being more involved?

This cannot be an overnight thing.

Now, I tell people don't chuck stuff outside your window. They say, arre, itna ganda already hai [it's already so dirty], if I don't throw, it's not going to make a big difference. But if everybody starts thinking like that, then this is never going to change.

It's like each drop makes an ocean. It's not going to be easy, but you have to start somewhere.

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