'HIV+ people are not free at all'
Independence means freedom. It means equal rights for everyone. That we are not slaves to anyone. But this is not the reality in our country. There are caste conflicts. The lower castes are not free. HIV+ people are not free at all.
Whatever our religion or caste, we are discriminated. We are not free in our minds. We are not free in reality.
It gives me a feeling of pride to be an Indian. But there are so many shortcomings. Apart from feeling proud of the fact that I am an Indian I am disappointed with most things happening in our country.
The inequalities here are too glaring. The gap between the haves and the have-nots. The gap between literates and illiterates. The gap between various castes. The gap between people of different religions. The gap between different language groups. This is all too much to achieve equality. They say that our country has 'Unity in Diversity' but there is no unity.
G Kumar is HIV+ crusader who says the only way to fight AIDS is for the infected to come out in the open. He spoke to A Ganesh Nadar