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Photograph: Arturo Mari-Vatican Pool/Getty Images       

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Pope John Paul II takes a break during his Alpine vacation in July 2000 in Val d'Aosta, Italy

'His power rests in the word, not the sword. As he has demonstrated throughout his papacy, John Paul needs no divisions. He is an army of one, and his empire is both as ethereal and as ubiquitous as the soul. In a slum in Nairobi, Mary Kamati is dying of AIDS. In her mud house hangs a portrait of John Paul. "This is the only Pope who has come to this part of the world," she says. During his most recent visit, he sprinkled her with holy water. "That," she says, eyes trembling, "is the way to heaven..."'

'Pope John Paul II has, among many other things, the world's bully-est pulpit. Few of his predecessors over the past 2,000 years have spoken from it as often and as forcefully as he. When he talks, it is not only to his flock of nearly a billion; he expects the world to listen. And the flock and the world listen, not always liking what they hear.'

-- William F Buckley in Time magazine

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Also see: The Festival of Nine Nights

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