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Kalpana Chawla can never die

February 03, 2003 19:55 IST

Name:Ketan Rajput
Kalpana will live on forever in the hearts of all Indians.She has brought glory to the nation in life and in death.

I offer my condolences to the family of Mrs.Kalpana Chawla.

Name:Prasanna N. Deshpande
As time gently eases grief, may the dream, the vision and beautiful memories that Kalpana and all the Brave Astraunauts Lived for,be an Inspiration to all the Indians and human beings across the world. (Hindi) - Kalpana Sirf Kalpana Banke Na Rahe Jaye !!!. May it give U and all the family members Strength that caring thoughts and prayers are with you as we all remember the brave astraunauts and their sacrifice for the Mankind.

Name:Sanjeev Garuda
Kalpana Chawla can never die, she has etched in our hearts and minds that dreams can come true with hard work. but we will miss her....

Name:himanshu sachdev
she is a great loss to the great nation may god be with you all in this hour of grief.

Name:Anjan Mitra
I am so sorry. Ms.Kalpana Chawla was brave daughter of India. Please accept my sincerest condolences.  

Name:ketul shah
she was given india proud.

Name:Raghu Ramaiah
Hi, My deepest condolences to u and all the people who adored Kalpana like us... My inspiration and for many others is Kalpana and her achievements..I am sure that you will find some solace in that she has inspired millions of Indians and others throughout...

Name:sangeet agrawal
i am stunned to hear abt the accident.i was a great admirer of kalpana.may god give her family the courage and wisdom to face the loss.it is a national loss.please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Name:Syed Sanaulla
It is a great loss to the whole humanity, I hope Allah gives the strenght to her family to accept the calamity.

Name:Sanjeev Mehen
Till yesterday I did not knew much about Kalpana Chawla. Today, I feel inspired by her life story. My salutes to a great lady who made me proud of being an Indian.

Name:Mishan Britto
We are all proud of her....to say she is our sister from India. My prayers for her departed soul

Name:kakoli sengupta
She is never to be forgotten by any of us. I pray to Almighty for the departed soul.

Name:Vijay ,Nirmala ,Sneha & Balaji
Our deepest Condolence.May her soul rest in peace.

I hve seen Lt.Kalpana Chawla only in pictures. I am great Fan of hers and I am Proud that she Died a death she wanted to. may god give peace to her suol and it rest in eternity. I was really shocked on wathing it live on CNN and BBC and was literally crying. I an that strong that I did not cry on my uncle`s death.

Name:Sanjay Srivastava
I am deeply shocked and numbed by this enormous tragedy. I'm one of those proud Indians who were waiting for Kalpana's arrival back from space and to celebrate. I mourn her loss from the bottom of my heart. Please accept my condolences. There would'nt be any one like Kalpana.

Name:maj grewal & family
Its feels like a personal loss

WE R proud as an Indian

Name:Pinaki Mukerjee
I am griefstaken by the news. She has made us proud, science and the total humanity proud. Hail Kalpana. Hats off to you. Hope the mission that you took is accomplished after you. May your soul rest in peace.

Name:Sridhar Raman
Please accept my sincere condolences. She is a brave girl and done India proud. She has worked all the way from Karnal to NASA which is a great achievement in itself.

Name:Ravi Ravindran
For me personally Dr.Chawla was always an inspiration, the heights she reached as the articles mentions is simply super human. My sincere condolences go out to the her familiy, and families of the seven astronauts. She died for a cause, the cause to grow science for humanity, and let this only be an inspiration to the scores of minds out there and help nurture Dr.Chawlas dream further.

Name:Dr. Benny Thomas,Toronto, Canada
My deep Condolences at this sad and tragic moments.I salute you, Kalpana,the really admiring hero of India.

Name:Subramaniam Vadakanchery
Our family joins your family and friends in sharing the grief. May GOD give you strengh and courage.

Name:Vijay Singh
Dear Kalpana's family, In this moment of inconsolable sorrow, I would urge you to have faith in the deathless dream that fired Kalpana's life and career- just what her name means "imagination". "Hurl defiance to the stars!" said Marinettti, an Italian poet, and that's what Kalpana did. With sincere condolences, Vijay Singh

she is proud of india

I mourn deeply for Kalpana, my dear fellow Indian. may her sould rest in peace,........

Name:mohit singhal
she has been an inspiration for a lot of us here. We'll always try to stride for excellence, of which she was a model

Name:Chris Plummer
What a waste for the world to lose such a talented person. I am proud of the achievements of Kalpana Chawla and think she was a role model for young women. There should be a science scholarship established in her name t encourage young Indian women.

Name:Vishal D
You belonged to the stars, as they belonged to you. The maker of the earth and the stars, was blessing this affair. We thank him for letting you, the one who belonged to the stars be with us, the mortals. Your journey here has given hope; strength and courage to those who want to be belong to their passion. Your Journey there will give our maker, your taker the joy that we had of being with you. We thank you for being you And we know as we gaze up into the night sky, that you are there somewhere, where you belong.

Dear, we will miss you as a living inspiration.

Name:Proud Indian
May her soul rest in eternal peace and God provide enough strength to her family to overcome the grief at this tragic moment. Kalpana Chawla has done us proud as an Indian and truely she was a role model for our country. To honour her efforts and achievements, India should name one of our space shuttle or a major program after her name. God Bless Kalpana Chawla.

Name:vandna smita
its a terrible loss to our nation.it seems as though a precious stone is missing.she has done us indians proud.her achievements are invaluable. we deeply condole her sudden demise.may god give all her family members the support and emotional strength at this traumatic moment.

I deeply regret this shocking demise of kalpana chawla Its a great loss to the nation. May her soul rest in sublime peace

We have lost one of India's Pride in the Field of Science and Technology nothing is to be said at this moment rather to express my deep grief to the family members

Name:O vijaya Kumar
Please accept our condolences on the heroic death of kalpana. As Indians we are truly proud of her. She is a role model for all the students and youngsters of this country.

Name:gopal shanbhag
it takes a lot of guts to venture into uncharted territory like space .hat's of to this brave woman who had the intelligence and guts. let us not forget she passed away in the line of duty

Name:Rajeev Chelikkattil
Great Women!I have no words to express the grief. Be proud to have such a great daughter, sister.. who conquered the world! May god bless her. You are not alone ,billions of people sharing the same feelings...God is great ....he written,The great people live short
Name:Prasanna Vasan U.K
she made india proud and it's a great loss that india cannot compensate ... Prasanna

please accept our heartfelt condolances.It is a loss to the whole humanity.She shall Always live in her spirit and guide the young woman generation of India

All my thoughts goes to the family of Kalpana Chawla. She has indeed made our nation proud. Kalpana was genuinely a "Woman of substance".

Name:Ashish Ghosh
No words can console the irreparable loss. She has done your family and all us Indians proud. We pray to the almighty for eternal peace to her and strength to you all.

Name:arun kumar, kerala
Kalpna's dearest ones, nothing will make you console but she indeed make our country proud.she is going to get the eternal sancity.

Name:Finney George
Our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. From All of us in Kuwait

I am sending this message of condolence to let the bereaved family know that they have in me, another mourner for Kalpana.Though I don't know much about her, from what i've seen on Tv and read in the papers, she seemed to be a very benevolent and a much-loved person.I am really shocked by this tragic end to a wonderful life.i'll miss her...

Name:Naveen Yamarthy
We,the Indians are all proud of her. We join u in this sad hour to mourn her loss.The Nation is proud of her

Name:Arif Siddique
You feel sad when such a brave person is no more with you, but defintely their marks and paths are always with you.

god bless

Name:Sree Kumar.C
Kalpana, You were a treasure but we couldn't protect you from this separation. You will live in our hearts and spirits and as a phenomenal role model and personality we would like to achieve.... your soul should rest in peace...


Name:anshul + nikhil
we are proud to know what achievements were an being made by an indian its a big proud on nation and on all nationals but sideways its very mournful that the person bringing such great proud is no longer with us at such a short age and in an accident wich was highly unexpected we pray for ur soul and have all our condolence with ur family

 Name:G Kaliprasad
If only this inspires many youngsters to choose her path, her job is well done. May her soul rest in peace.

you may not have landed on earth; but you have landed permanently in our hearts; if ever i have a daughter, i would like to name her kalpana.

I felt very sad she was an inspiration to all the women in India.

Name:Subhor Khanna
Kalpana, Not everyone have the vision and, more importantly, the determination to live a life that you led. You shall remain in the hearts of the countless of people like us who you never knew but who followed you closely to seek some of the similar determination. May God be with you.

Name:anil jain
Kalpana's loss can never be filled, but she has left examples for all indians to be bold,dedicated towards their country & humanity.God give strength to all her family members specially to her parents to bear.We feel proud of her parents of giving such a thrilled child to the country. God give peace to her soul & she may get place in heaven.

Name:Nitin Kashyap
May the Good Lord help you all through the difficult times, and may her soul rest in peace. She has done India Proud!

india will always remember the pride brought by kalpana chawla for the whole country.you need guts to be different.

Name:sunil baliga.m
i pray to god to give u the courage to accept the death of one of the greatest astronaut of all time..i salute the great lady with great pride..its a fact that we have lost one of the all-time great women astronaut on earth..

There are no words yet written to symbolise a disaster i grieve for her and all her colleagues. manuj

Name:Shalini Anand
Kalpanaji has made a spectacular dent in her field.She will always be alive within girls who follow her footprints.

Name:Vasanth S
Kalpana sacrificed herself for the betterment of mankind. We will all be grateful for her sincere hard work. We will miss her! Our prayers are with you in this mournful moments.

Name:Srikanth Paturi
Kalpana Chawla's death is very unfortunate. However she made more than one billion Indians proud since shes is the first Indian women to have date with space. She stands apart from others from the fact that she became the first women to pass out with aeronotics degree at Punjab University in 1982. Kalpana as an astraunat prooved to women around the world that there arent any venues leftover to be occupied by women. Many people might still dosent know the amount of danger and risk involved with an astraunat..this is probably the riskiest, and most dangerous profession till date for humankind. My heartful prayers to god and my deep regrets to Kalpanas family.

Yesterday was a sad day for all of us. Kalpana died for a noble cause. She bought laurels to the country where she was born and to the country she emigrated and became a citizen. What a great achievement. She is a great inspiration to the young. My condolences to your family, and all other families of astronauts who died during this Columbia mission. They all died for others.

achievements of kalpana can't be put in to words. she led a great life.

Name:Prabhakar Goriparthi
She made all Indians proud with her accomplishments and will be a guiding light for the millions of Indian men and women for years to come. My family shares your grief at this moment of sadness. Sincerely. Rama, Abhsihek and Prabhakar

Iam in Melbourne, Australia right now for my studies. Words cannot express my sorrow at the loss of the brilliant and exceptionally talented Kalpana. She was indeed a gift to our proud nation and will be a shining beacon of hope to the children of India and around the world for many years to come. To me, and for my future kids and grandchildren, i will remember Kalpana Chawla as the Woman who embodies the undying spirit of humanity. There're a billion peoples prayers hoping to ease your pain. My condolences. God bless all of you'll.

Name:Sambasivan Amarnath
The good that people do lives after them. Dr.Kalpana Chawla will always be remembered as a brave astronaut, heroine of space travel and will always be a source of inspiration to all humankind.God Bless America.!!God Bless India.!!

Name:Nilima Dani and family
Hearty condolences.

Name:Prasun Adhikary
Kalpana is a national herione .. she has done all Indians proud ! May she her soul be in peace and she will be always in the hearts of we Indians !

Name:shiraz desai
When a tragedy of this nature strikes, one can only ask for longlasting strength to the affected families and friends.. however not to forget that those who endeavour to take risks and challenges.. never lose.. they only win with their indomitable spirit and beliefs. You were special Kalpana.. and all those who perished..because u had the will to make it ...

Name:K.R.Venkatramani Abu Dhabi
Dear Pappa & Mamma, We all have lost our illustrious sister in a very cruel way but equally proud to be called as an Indian like our darling sister. may her soul rest in peace. With warm regards, Venkat Abu Dhabi.

Name:Hemant Verma
I salute her.....

Name:Rajendra chadha
i waiting for her letter . after sucsses of her past project "she sent to me a photograph and write rajendra kumar ke liye shub kamnai kalpna chawala " in reply of my letter in hindi .yester day iwas also remember and waiting for her reply , shocked news for me rajendra chadha

Kalpana will live in our minds as a 'kalpana'

she has done india proud........we salute her.

i feel that this "the most goodess person is not dead and nor we should mourn for taht becoz she is still living in our memory ,in our heart.and we must feel proud that wtever she needed for her life till end her wishes are fulfilled, as wtever she did "kalpana in he life" she let her made her dream to come into reality, as she herself want to become astaunaut and she became and she wanna have her end with this only and she get. we must be felt proud of her deeds, and she along with her deeds still surviving in this world in our heart.

we have lost our indian star among the countless stars in the sky.

Name:Pardeep Kumar Sharma, Los Angeles
We all could be followers but very few choose to be leaders like you. Hats off to you for making India proud & sacrificing your life for betterment of Humanity. I salute you.

It is very difficult to express my feelings. I was filled with shock when I first saw it on CNN. Ms.Kalpana Chawla has really done India proud of her achievements.Indians including me share your sorrow at this hour. (vkiran_2001@rediffmail.com)

Name:Sudhir Veer
Your work will be remembered for ever "Hats Off To U"

Name:Subhash Guha
Respected family members of Dr. kalpana Chawla I am having really short of words to express my sadness over the death of the death of Dr. Chawla - believe me when I heard it cried for so many times sat infront of CNN TV for the whole day... but at the same time I belive she will be an idol of courage, conviction, determination to all generations of people to me also.. She will be source of inspiration to millins of people like me in hours of discomfort... I am proud also to be an Indian born like she is ... My heartiest condolense to her family ... 

kalpana was a sadhana, may her soul rest in peace

kalpana chawla was a special person for us and wud always remain in our hearts.....she made india and each indian proud to the core......may her noble soul rest in peace.

Name:Nazareth Napier
I am sorry to hear the demise of one of the great personality of our nation, may god bless u and give u courage to overcome this grief.

Name:Bhagwandas Jakhotia
My deepest condolences to the family. Her achievements are an inspiration for the generations to come. Salutations to her.

Name:manmohan nayyarMD
We are born to die,Lord Krishna say there was no time,when you were not present and there is not time when you wont be present.Death is to our physical presenceKalpana has gone back to Him. Only one in million goes back to Him..

Name:Vikram Chaudhry
Dear Kalpana..we Indians are proud fo you.May your soul rest in peace.

Name:Vimalesh Sharma
I am deeply shocked for what has happened.This should have not happened,as it was one of most proud moments of every Indian in any corner of the World.I personally could not stop my tears drop as i was her brother talking about her on Zee News. She will always be remembered by every Indian on this earth. Jai Hind

Name:Dipesh Shah, Liverpool UK
She made a proud for India.... She was a daimond of India...

Name:Vinod Bahekar
She really made us proud & I hope NASA will be more careful in future.

Name:Ravi and Seema Thakur, Toronto
Like many Canadians, We both were sadden by the news of the crash of the Columbia Space Shuttle STS 107. Let us not forget the contribution to a better humanity by Commander Rick D. Husband, Pilot William C. McCool, Payload Specialist Michael P. Anderson, Mission Specialist Kalpana Chawla, Mission Specialist David M. Brown, Mission Specialist Laurel B. Clark and Payload Specialist Ilan Ramon. At the news of the crash my thoughts immediately went back to January 28, 1986 the day we lost the Challenger Space Shuttle. It is unbelievably sad, but not completely shocking. I think we tend to forget how risky each and every space mission is for astronauts. God bless their souls. Their efforts will never be forgotten. We Indian mourn for Kalpana, but she has already lived forever inthe heart and souls of us and we pray to the lord her soul lays in peace with all other crew members on board. Ravi & Seema

She was the real hero for millions of Indians. May her soul rest in peace

Name:gaurav khanna
i think it is not only personal loss to her parents but also to the country.she was an awesome souce of inspiration to the student community."may her soul rest in peace"

Name:Kapil A Suvarna
My sincere deepest condolences to the entire Family of Kalpana Chawla, "The Pride Of India". in the truest sense. I really felt someone close to me, has left me forever.

kalpana is eternal and inspiration to all indians

Name:B.Ganesh rao, mangalore, Karnataka
Dear close relatives of Kalpana Chawla In her sad and sudden and unexpected death India has lost a glorious daughter who made all of us proud.She will be living legend in our memories.We all are greatful to you for giving us a daughter of the nation who showed what Indians can achieve.We salute you.

Name:Kamala bandepalli
You truly are a wonderful, bravest and a beautiful soul. You made the woman kind and certainly your country proud just by being you. May your soul rest in peace.

 Name:Ramana Murthy
I wept for the finest India has produced. She did us all proud. The day before, me and my wife were browsing the TV and came up on NASA channel...and we saw Kalpana Chawla and had our 4yr old watch her as Kalpana was floating and performing her experiements and the narrator recounting what she was doing...my daughter was completely taken in...and i hear my wife's remarks...'you can be a astrounaut too' she was telling our little one. The next day morning while browsing...Rediff ...I saw the message...stunned and fixed...and saddened. I will never forget you...Dr.Kalpana. You are an inspiration. Will always be.

Name:rama murthy vadlakonda
i salute the most brave personality..who carried the country's flag to the universe.i deeply mourn ur death..ur indias rose and ur comitment and bravery will remeber by us and followed by our youth..tht's the only way we tribute to u..

Name:shavak oberoi
Kalpana Chawla did the best she could do for her country and for many Indians whodream of being an Astronot. I wish her my last regards to her and hope her soule rests in peace.

What a loss, what a loss!! :( I remember seeing her in awe when she came to visit UT Arlington. She was such an inspiration to all Indians. I am shocked by this disaster.

Name:Amit Aggarwal
Kalpana has always made us Indians proud. She'll always be alive in our memories. May her soul rest in peace.
Name:tarun hinduja
we have lost one of the great indian who has made india proud of,and will always be remembered.

Name:gur prasad satsangi
we all shall always remember this great woman of substance and may almighty take her soul in peace.And bless India with another Kalpana Chawla

Name:ranjit nair
she came ..... she conquered..... she .......... my heartfelt condolences. ranjit.

Name:rajiv&anjum diwan
God bless you Kalpana,and may God give your family peace.you really pride of india.god bless you all.

Name:Bhanu Prakash
She deserves a Bharat Ratna.

Name:Chandan Dasgupta
Kalpana Chawla was the " Sky Angel " of our country. Her sacrifice for the betterment of the mankind will never go astray.

Name:Gautam Sharma
Her life can be summed up in one phrase that aptly describes her aspirations ''Reach for the Stars''....... Wherever you are may u be in Peace.

Name:R.S.Ramanan,Tiruvannamalai,nr Cennai
iam one among the millions who are shocked and in the state of sadness & disbelief.Praying to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi to give the family members the strength to withstand the great loss and peace to the departed soul.

Name:Rajesh Dogra
She was my Montu(as i called her usually) and i am not able to come to reality that My Montu is not there.The Vaccum created by you, my Loving MONTU..will never be filled.I will always miss you and my swollen eyes shall always search for you in the space at all times through out my life and perhaps for lives thereafter too.

Name:levaku v reddy
Yes,Kalpana Chawla lives for all eternity. My hearty condolences to her bereaved family

kalpana chawla was the icon thru which one use 2 wonder that we can achieve anything under this world if one wishes so. her life was full of determination and thats the key. its a really great loss which one could not easily forget.

Name:Dr. Usha K Sharma
Kalpana Chawla will always remain an inspiration to girls in general, and Indian girls in particular; her success was richly deserved and her laurels well earned. She lived and died as she would have wanted to, doing what she loved best. We join you in mourning her loss to the world of science as well as to her husband and family. May her soul rest in eternal and everlasting peace.

Name:Bhasker Mukerji
I live in Canada. I salute this great lady and feel proud of her achievements because she was an Indian like me. Her demise is a great loss to this world and more to our country. But, I am sure that her extraordinary achievements would motivate us forever and would produce many great sons/girls in our beloved country. May God rest her soul in peace. Vande Mataram

Name:Sumeet Tak
This is indeed an unrecoverable loss. May god give all of us and to the bereaved family strength to face this sad moment.

Name:Tushar Upadhyay
She is an inspiration for the generations to come and has made everyone proud.She will always remain alive in our hearts.I and my family deeply mourn such an immense loss and in this moment of grief, we all are with her family and beloved ones.

Name:Sharmistha Bhaduri
In Thic Country where most of the people believe that women are born to manage the household affairs, where a birth of a girl child is so much intolerant and biased that they are even killed the moment they are born,KalpanaJi's achievements are a great boost for all of us. She stood amidst all odd and anomalous and proved thousand of those biased people wrong. She achieved what she wanted and showed us the path to dream high and to accomplish them. in this sad moment when she is no more with us , my heart goes out to her immediate family. i don't know how to console them. Just want to tell that " amidst all the millions of the stars those are shinning in the sky,Kalpana Chawla and the rest of the 7 astronauts will always remain together as the most brightest stars ever found. May god bless her family and give them enough strength to fight this harsh reality and may her soul rest in peace.

Name:Seema Mukherjee [ Jamshedpur ]
I sincerely mourn the death of Kalpana who had done India proud.You are not alone in your moment of grief. We are always there with you and realise the pain you are in.May God give you the strength to bear this loss and may he guide you to live without her physical presence.May her soul rest in peace.

Name:Seema Mukherjee [ Jamshedpur ]
I sincerely mourn the death of Kalpana who had done India proud.You are not alone in your moment of grief. We are always there with you and realise the pain you are in.May God give you the strength to bear this loss and may he guide you to live without her physical presence.May her soul rest in peace.

Name:Rajiv Jude
Dear Fellow Family Members, I and a whole nation of people, share your sadness in this day of sorrow. Kalpana Chawla's pioneering spirit and personal accomplishments have inspired this generation of Indians who looked upto her as a role model for men and women alike. As a family member, her loss to you, cannot be expressed in words or be fathomed. Please accept our condolances in your hour of grief, as you are not alone but a whole nation shares your loss. She will continue to live within us and inspire anybody and everybody who wishes to reach such dizzying heights that she herself had scaled. I'm sure, she now rests with her Maker, in eternal peace and happiness. May God Bless you and your family.

Name:Varad Srivastava
As an engineer of Indian origin in the U.S., she is, was and will always remain an inspiration to all of us who have a dream. And you showed the world yesterday on T.V. that Indians will not fail to shy away from the risks any new frountier summons, when you showed courage in the face of tragedy. Thank you for raising a courageuos and proud Indian who was not only India's, but the worlds pride.

 Name:K Syed Ahamad
dear parents, dont worry about her death, she still living as a voluble star. -syed Ahamad

we all deeply mourn the tragic death of kalpana chawla and other astronauts .our heartfelt condolences to their families

Name:pankaj pandit
God bless Kalpana..... May her courage & fighting spirit inspire us all Indians.....

Name:An admirer
May God bless your soul and you come back as an Indian again.

Name:Radha Gopal & Gopal
Why did this have to happen?We can never comprehend the loss. We are with you in your time of irreparable loss.We can assure you that a billion people all over our land are praying for her Soul. May God give you the strength to bear this loss with courage. Be Proud of Your and our Kalpana.

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