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"This is a great day in Iraq's history. For decades hundreds of thousands have suffered at his hands... for decades he threatened and attacked your neighbours. That is all over. Now it is time to look towards the future," Bremer said.

Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of US ground forces in Iraq, said, "At about 8pm (on Sunday), forces from the 4th infantry division... and special operations forces conducted Operation Red Dawn to capture Saddam Hussein..."

"There were no injuries. In fact not a single shot was fired. He is being talkative and cooperative," he said.

Hussein was hiding in a "spider hole", about two to two-and-a-half meters deep with a ventilation pipe to enable him to breathe. The hole was camouflaged with bricks and dirt.

Two Kalashnikovs and $750,000 were also recovered.

Saddam after he was given a shave and a haircut

Photograph: US Army via Getty Images

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Also see: Tikrit - The final frontier

Gulf War Complete Coverage

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