MOVIES Ghai gets academic Subhash Ghai, Bollywood's resident showman, announced his dream project this January. And it wasn't a new film but an academy! Whistling Woods International, housed in Mumbai's Film City studio, will be a 'world-class' film academy, with international filmmakers as visiting faculty. Not that Ghai didn't announce films this year. On October 24, which marked the silver jubilee of his production house Mukta Arts, he announced two films: Kisna: A Soldier Of Humanity, starring Vivek Oberoi, and introducing Isha Sherwani and a British actress, which he will direct. The second, Aitraaz, will be directed by Abbas-Mustan and will star Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra. Text: Sita Menon
Complete Coverage: Subhash Ghai