March 17, 2001


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Wed Mar 14 20:29:36 2001
Name:ashotosh tiwari
Views:Think over it……. It is really disgusting that the defence ministry bureaucrats and defence officials are involved in acts severe for the country's defence. Who are employed for and paid to think about the security of the country are engaged in anti-national activities. If these few army officers and politicians can disclose all the facts of national security for just a few lakhs of rupees then we can understand that what will they do, if paid more amount. All such persons should be sacked immediately and a court-case of "deshdhroh" should be filed against them with an ultimate aim to give them a punishment that will make a tuff teaching to whomsoever involved in such type of activities. These proofs (video tapes) can't be ignored and look worthy to be believed. If one can manage to get these corrupted defence personals telling all about national defence needs and purchasing plans for few lakhs of rupees, one can imagine that the agencies like ISI (which are spending huge amount for getting such information) can get all sort of information about the policies of armed forces and national security moves by just throwing few loafs of currency towards money hungry dogs. It is the duty of each and every true Indian to kick them (all who are playing with the national interests) off the society. The devoted army soldiers and young officers are giving their lives for the pride of the country and these few heartless greedy people are playing with their emotions and lives by supplying second grade material for shake of just few rupees. It is the responsibility of the PM, Hon’ble Supreme Court and Hon’ble President to take initiative in the interest of the country and give all involved a severe punishment. If PM will do the politics in this matter or will see the party interests, then that will not be the justice with the post he is holding on. If country will not be there who will be able to survive? %0

Wed Mar 14 20:32:26 2001
Views:The central issue is that corruption has percolated throughout the society. Unless drastic, severe and punitive measures are immediately taken, corruption will erase the fabric of our society. The armed forces are not above corruption and therefore what the common man has known for decades has been displayed using modern web technology. Lengthy jail sentences for all bureaucrats and court martial for army officials will be a good start.

Wed Mar 14 20:33:55 2001
Name:Sai Easwar
Views:it is indeed sad to see the Only One Incorruptible system (atleast people thought so) is indeed corrupt and lacking discpline..The government lost the moral to rule the country anymore..defence minister after this serious allegations must have resigned but indeed he is happilly sitting in office..SHAME ON HIM..SHAME ON VAJPAYEE.. the allegations on Brijish Mishra should also be exposed and as i am pretty sure Mr. vajpayee and Mr. Advani have something to do with this whole scandal..Mr. venkaiah Naidu gave one of the stupidiest & dumbest statement yesterday that "IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BJP AND IT HAS EXPOSED THE BAD OF CONGRESS"..Mr. Naidu ..u big dumbo..congress has nothing to do with this..they are live tapes showing your fellow corrupt party members taking bribes..tell us about that not give some stupid statements

Wed Mar 14 20:36:19 2001
Name:Srinvias Dhati
Views:GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!! What kind of half baked investigative reporting is this!!!!!. This is nothing but pure Tabloid reporting…..plain and simple sensationalism for the fledging website. would have done a great service to the country, if it had proved that the end result of them getting the defense contract was because of bribery….not this fictitious defense company which had agents throwing money around and claiming the exposed a defense deal. Receiving unsolicited money towards party funds is nothing new… This is democracy…and that how the political parties raise money… Even in the US!!!!!

Wed Mar 14 20:38:34 2001
Name:Shashank Mathur
Views:Though such wheeling dealing in the Armed Forces has been suspected for some time now, it is shocking to see the allegations as well as the evidence all in one place. This expose surely has shattered the common man's faith in our leaders. Many of those caught on tape have unwittingly implicated the higher ups by singing about their exploits in this whole murky game. The opposition, notably the Congress has been crying hoarse asking the Vajpayee government to quit. They ought to practice some discretion here, for who knows what the remaining tapes, which Tehelka hasn't yet disclosed, contain. In the ultimate analysis, we the citizens of India could find that all of our political parties are caught in a mind-boggling web of deceit, greed and compromise and none is above board.

Wed Mar 14 20:47:38 2001
Views:Tahelka is filled with Congress and left cronies. Isnt Mr. BigB part of Tahelka board? Its no surprise they are trying to pull off this. Its good to expose these elements. But we have to keep nations interests at heart too. Given the same circumstances most of the individuals irrespective of party lines will fall for that. So what are we trying to prove apart from damaging the country at a crucial time? We accept such high degree of corruption at personal level. Unless we start at grass roots this is nothing more than "tamasha"! Tahelka sure enjoying its 15 minutes of fame.

Wed Mar 14 20:51:57 2001
Name:Pramod George
Views:The entire defence procurement system needs to be made transparent. There is so much corruption in the system that anybody who knows the ropes, becomes a somebody with greased palms. The greedy Defence-Political-Administrative nexus created over the years have become a fiefdom of foreign arms dealers who indirectly control India's defence decisions. The army appears the most tainted in this whole expose. We already know the level of the Indian politician - its sad to know that they have managed to reduce India's professional forces to the same level that they grovel in. If you ask me , punish the corrupt Army officials who are meant to protect the country, the middle-man who has sold his country and compromised her defence and foremost ban the politician from the face of the earth - the root of all sins. Why can't Indian Industries and Scientists be encouraged to develop defence equipment. Isn't it better to develop our internal resources rather than depend on foreign companies who cannot help in times of need like providing spares etc. India should sign a No-War Pact with all her neighbours and settle the Kashmir Issue once and for-all and spend her earnings on her people. After all we are now 1 billion strong - no power on earth would dare to interfere, if we can resolve our pending problems. I urge our leaders to take quick decisions and turn the stakes in their favor.

Wed Mar 14 20:53:20 2001
Name:Krishna Prasad has done an outstanding job. I think people of India have been craving for this new revolution in our press. The press should concentrate more on these issues rather than on some fashion shows. I wish Tejpal can do something about the mafia connections in the film industry and the politicians. All the politicians should be completely under an anti - corruption agency which is not connected to any present govt agency (should work independently). All the bribe money should be taken back from the majors and the ministers who were involved and diverted to Army welfare fund and other funds. The Majors should be Court marshalled and the Miniters should barred from contesting and prosecuted. The congress party is blaming BJP now, But they did the same thing in many cases (Bofors, JMM etc) in the past. If they are in power people know that they are better than any party in India, maybe because of their experience in the centre. Like Tejpal mentioned it is now the people and the court system has to do something about it. I think the press has to also suggest the people or give direction to act.

Wed Mar 14 21:00:09 2001
Name:Rakesh Gupta
Views:I think such expose are needed to reduce and clean up the environment of corrupt, unless such expose happen people don't pay attention to corruption, as they are used to in their daily life. So In that respect it is good, that both people in High position as well as politicians have been caught red handed on video tape, for some the system will punish, rest will be punished by the people themselves in election, let the law take its own course. Beside, the aspect of expose, I have a feeling that it is a conspiracy to blame everyone in the govt. to bring it down. in fact an equation 1+1= 11 comes to mind. We all know that politicians are corrupt and they take donation, I have personal experience of it, the system itself makes people corrupt, how can a system expect politicians to spend crores in election and settle for thousands in salary, so we need a political and election reform and also reward program for politicians, the reward should be enough to dissuade corruption and sufficiently reward the honests. Another thing which is needed to reduce the financial burden on politicians is some kind of state funding of elections. Having said above, I would not like anybody sp. the opposition to stop the proceeding of the house, on this excuse, but they should participate in the discussion on this issue, and make the govt. take appropriate action against all these people. This should not effect our defense deals, a case in point like Bofors and HDW, the country should not lose on technology and product because of this scandal. A cleaner and transparent system is the need of the hour.

Wed Mar 14 21:09:22 2001
Name:santanu nandy
Views:Nothing of any sort or consequence will happen. Everything will be just fine in a few days and corruption will go on and on. Why? because people like you and me, who are shocked the most are the people who are responsible for this sorry state. Generation, before us and our generation never joined politics ( dirty job eh!) and left it to thieves, cohorts, hoodlums and what have you, having done that, we express shock today-hypocrites-all of us the supposedly good citizens!

Wed Mar 14 21:14:15 2001
Name:Shauravi Malik
Views:The tapes have only proved what all of us for long have presumed and cynically accepted as the natural state of affairs. I think that it is the job of the media to investigate such affairs and make those in power accountable to those they represent. The motives and the people behind Tehelka taking up such an expose are indeed suspect in many of our minds. Nevertheless, where the police, the forces, bureaucrats, politicians, anti corruption officers, et all have failed us and not been able to stem the rot, I hope that other media forms will take up such "investigative" journalism and be more vigilant. It would bring many skeletons out of closets.....whether or not people will be brought to book remains to be seen.

Wed Mar 14 21:15:42 2001
Views:If Indian democarcy has a ounce of accountability left ,the goverment has to resign. Or else it would hard to differentiate between the corrupt elected heads in Pakistan like Benazir and Sherif from Vajpayee

Wed Mar 14 21:22:13 2001
Views:Mr Krishnamurthy is right, this is definetely a conspiracy, not by the opposition but may be a foreign power which has moles in the defence estabishment and try to sabotage the advances India is making to defend its own self. The whole affair was so well rigged that it has a professional touch and all links have to be investigated in detail by the Intelligence organisations.

Wed Mar 14 21:22:35 2001
Views:I'm happy that such a thing has finally seen the light of day, after all these years of guessing but not seeing !! I'm certain that these corrupt lot will sell their mothers and wives and daughters if lured with sufficient money & gold chains !! After all, they've sold the country & their souls..why should they stop now ?? Having said this, i have a feeling that this malaise will still continue..they will find alternative ways of doing it ( but no more suitcases in offices , for one !!). We Indians are not ingenious for nothing - we get what we deserve !!!

Wed Mar 14 21:23:20 2001
Views:The people involved should be severely punished and hopefully, it serves as a warning to other people who are involved in such dealings.

Wed Mar 14 21:23:36 2001

Wed Mar 14 21:36:14 2001

Wed Mar 14 21:47:32 2001
Name:M Alagappan
Views:Veracity is to be confirmed and then only commented.

Wed Mar 14 21:50:59 2001
Name:Manish Sachala
Views:Army's Top Most Officials are Corrupt means, Now anybody can play with Indian defence. It's Like Meer Jafar Who Betrayed and The war was lost before it was battled. I personally feel that all ministers are and Top Most Officials are More than That Meer Jafars. God Save My Nation. Long Live India.

Wed Mar 14 21:52:31 2001
Name:Gavin Satur
Views:Cheers to the Tehelka team for exposing the corruption of our politicians and defence personnel...that must have been a helluva job you guys did..I'd love to work for ya ;o)... Irrespective of whether this is a conspiracy (as the new BJP acting president puts it) or not, they have been caught red-handed on tapes and their heads should roll !!

Wed Mar 14 21:57:38 2001
Views:Am I glad!! But again the problem is you will have One set of crooks(Congress, AIADMk etc.) will try to take advantage of this. Therefore by being impartial and exposing such tapes of people from different parties(SP, RJD, Congress, CPI-M etc..) you will be perceived as being neutral and also it will be a type of serial which this country badly needs at least to shake these third rate people from looting this country, making us look like fools and feel impotent. Therefore more of this exposes the better it will be.. Why not look at RTC offices, Check Posts, Railways, Company registrars office, DEath certificate issual authorities etc. to start with. AM I GLAD MAN!!!

Wed Mar 14 22:05:04 2001
Views:I think an impartial investigation is essential. We should bear in mind that the Sukhoi deal was signed when Mulayam Singh Yadav was Defence Minister. R.K. Jain's accusations must also be seen against his enmity against Vajpayee and Mishra. These tapes must lead to a thorough investigation. Heads will roll, but they should roll with the force and evidence of the law, not the demented brayings of an extremely corrupt opposition.

Wed Mar 14 22:11:10 2001
Name:Sanjay Dhar
Views:I am very depressed after hearing about this. Nobody trusted political leaders, civil servents but we still had faith in the army- that faith is also gone.Is there anyone there who can help this country ?

Wed Mar 14 22:15:54 2001
Name:Gnana sekaran
Views:All politicians are power hungry and which is proved after the cabinet meeting. Atleast on moral grounds Defence Minister should have resigned.Jaya has taken money in the defence minister's bungalow. nobody is ashamed.all NDA allies are united in justifying corruption.We are fools.we have elected them such people should be hanged in the public place.just remeber kargil martyres and these leaders.

Wed Mar 14 22:18:22 2001
Name: sachin
Views:sir, what the tehelka want's to state that evryone is corrupt from cricketeers to army officials to politicians everyone is corrupt. it's the contry of corrupt people. only want to sensatoionalise a very serious affair. thank u.

Wed Mar 14 22:20:35 2001
Name:pankit shah
Views:Excellent job,a tehelka by the tehelka team.All of them are caught redhanded.All knew these was happening,but now there are the proofs.I am myself a BJP supporter,but these scandal has erased all my faith from those dhotis.The whole gvt. should resign. I and all mu fellow indians are with the tehelka team. COMMON MY FELLOW INDIANS,THESE IS THE PERFECT TIME TO COME TO THE STREETS. THESE IS THE SECOND FREEDOM STRUGGLE.ITS NOW OR NEVER. We are all with the tehelka team,common guys keep up ur good work.

Wed Mar 14 22:23:46 2001
Name:Sabyasachi Patra
Views:Another scandal. Well there are many of them. Do we remember the players in chara ghotala? Scams come and go.. What difference does it make to the common man? There would be statements. Prompt accusations and counter-accusations. Opposition would again resort to unruly behaviour in the Parliament and outside. It is difficult to believe that people have agreed to accept even sums which appear to be pittance given the amount of spending in defence. Ofcourse people have expressed opinions about doctoring of tapes. Given the nature of our Judicial system, one can go scot free for years even if this is true. More so when politicians and political parties are looking for quick wins in terms of blaming and painting others as 'sinners' and inturn themselves as holy cows, the thought of doctoring tapes can occur to somebody. Furthermore, it is aided by a short public memory. Who is at fault? After decades when the truth is finally out, the generation accused/involved in it would have passed away. Pity the common man! Reduction in interest rates pushes him to stock markets and suddenly his hard earned money is wiped out as Stock Markets crash due to such defence corruption induced shocks. This generation who is thus affected would have tried to rebuild their fortunes again by the time the 'Truth' is out. If at all the Truth of who is guilty in such deals is establised. Sounds Cynical? Isn't it. One wonders how deep is the malaise. If corruption has touched the moral fabric, there is no way our future generations can be left untouched. Do we want to leave such a legacy for our future generations? Sabyasachi

Wed Mar 14 22:24:04 2001
Name:haja alaudeen
Views:This is not the first time we are hearing of scandals in indian politics. But what we have in this case is indisputable proof. Why hold the defence minister as scape goat. If the NDA leaders have a bit of conscience, the whole government should resign and fresh elections must be conducted. but the irony for the indian voters is the choose the best of the worst. God save our country from these corrupt politicians.

Wed Mar 14 22:28:46 2001
Name:B Thomas
Views:It is said that in a democracy we get a governance that we deserve. Do we deserve any better? The scam exposed by tehelka seems to be just a tip of the iceberg. To say that our country has become corrupt to the core (including media) is an understatement! Now only true and brave journalists can fight against this monster that we have unleashed.

Wed Mar 14 22:29:59 2001
Views:I think the Defence minister should own moral responsibility & step down.Had the BJP & Samata party been in opposition, will they not be shouting hoarse to the ruling party to step down? morality.

Wed Mar 14 22:30:24 2001
Name:c ramesha
Views:No wonder none of the investigations, Boforos, fodder scam, etc etc ever get concluded. What a shame!. As times passes even this will be forgottena nd business will be as usual.

Wed Mar 14 22:40:50 2001
Name:sanjay k janardhan
Views:they are guilty and they should be hanged to learn a lession for others

Wed Mar 14 22:47:39 2001
Name:Sourav Dasgupta
Views:Tehelka's latest 'dhamaka' has exposed something which we all knew about (remember Bofors?). Theoretically all the guilty people from the top to the bottom should be punished. If that means twenty five percent of the entire establishment (corrupt IAS/IFS/Customs/IPS/Defence/Ministers/Clerks/Peons/Babus/Officers/Secretaries/law enforcement)- so be it. What we will have instead is a 'tamasha' of hundreds of enquiry commissions which will achieve nothing and waste more public funds. If I have read correctly, the BJP acting President has already made up his mind that the enquiries will prove that all charges are false. Thank God that he doesn't think that is an ISI conspiracy to destabilize India. Kudos to the Tehelka team for the expose.

Wed Mar 14 22:48:53 2001
Views:This is a pathetic attempt by the congress to dirty vajpayee who seems invincible. Congress is always trying to do this. I hope we are not ruled by soni baby now

Wed Mar 14 22:50:53 2001
Name:krishan joshi
Views:Its shame on the Government and its leader Mr Atal Behari who should resign immediately, as always posed lijke a very clean and selfless person. Now time has come to show all what he always said when he was in opposition.

Wed Mar 14 22:51:29 2001
Name:firoz Jamadar
Views:Congratulations Tarun Tejpal and your investigative team of Mathew Samuel and A Bahal. You have done a great job for the nation and exposed the hypocrisy and greed of politicians. Now that they are nailed, it's only a question of time that they shall perish. Keep up the good work and great courage you have. The nation is proud of you . i heartly pray to god to help you

Wed Mar 14 22:54:11 2001
Views:It comes as no surprise that defence deals are 'facilitated' by hefty bribes, or that those incharge of 'procurement' and the babus in charge are part of this murky game. As a concerned citizen, it is refreshing to see the truth behind these deals come to light, albeit that this is surely the tip of th iceberg. Whats more important, of course, is the outcome of this rigamarole. Would be heartening to see serious and sustained attention to the issue by the media, and cases made against those accused by PIL groups. In the best interests of justice, would like to see these cases and 'inquiries' expedited by the SC, and actual convictions for those proved guilty Unless visible actions are taken here, the morale of the country and its (already limited) belief in the justice syetem are certainly under threat!

Wed Mar 14 23:01:10 2001
Name:Vivek L. Dev
Views:Well,Well was'nt the issue of corruption settled sometime in the mid-80's when Mrs.G.informed us that corruption was a global phenomenon and many 'intellectuals' of the fourth estate had nodded vigourously in agreement.Then came Bofors and the media tried its best to hush it up. It was followed up only because Mr.Clean lost the elections.Meanwhile Mr.Chandrashekhar came along and declared that Bofors was fit for a police sub-inspector to investigate and the media intellectuals went nodding again. There are many in the media who believe that 64 crores of Bofors was peanuts and the whole thing should be given a decent burial. And what about the St.Kitts scandal in which the media guys did some excellent evidence fixing. Only a few months back when Narsimah Rao was found guilty of bribing there were not a few among the journos who opined that Rao probably did a good thing for the country facing an economic crisis. What hyprocisy!

Wed Mar 14 23:01:51 2001
Name:S Singh
Views:The Scandal is a shame. Period. Now lets get down to some pertinent aspects. Firstly. Defence middlemean are a necessity. To assume or wish them away is being downright stupid. Would anyone go to buy a car direct from the Maruti factory? Obviously not. Its the same when we talk about Defence Deals. Secondly. The officers who were involved in the Tehalka Expose must be removed from the appointments they hold and sorry to say Court Martialled if it is warranted. Thirdly. There is need to investigate throughly the degree to which corruption has entered into the Defence Services. Its a FACT and its time we wake up. Fourthly. The Govt NOT SERIOUS ABOUT THE SCANDAL. Its essentially a waste of time i feel and I NOT being just a cynic.

Wed Mar 14 23:10:50 2001
Name:sandeep dixit
Views:i think the government should crack the whip on the guilty by hanging them.even the defence minister should not be spared.
Wed Mar 14 23:11:45 2001
Views:Hang the guilty

Wed Mar 14 23:14:00 2001
Name:R. Bachu
Views:"When Patriots became Traitors" The govt is now busy trying to cover up all these story.Denying reports that no deal was done. Whether these people fixed any deal or not , it is quite evident how these people are making money.All have a share of it. A deal made with words is as punishable as a deal made with money and well executed.The Govt should realise the fact and admit guilt. The best thing the BJP and Allies could do not to speak too much and try to cover up, but to keep silent.Let the law and people take over. These politicians should realise that " There are people watching..and we are not Blind and dump as you people are".... Jai Bharat Matha..

Wed Mar 14 23:20:16 2001
Views:1)After reading the details , "'seems surely a well conceived project to defame the present BJP & allaince Govt. 2)There is no other milage they would be getting out of this project than just creating some damage to the image of present Govt. 3)It does not do any good to the nation ,because if not the present Govt , what is a better alternative? The Opposition parties, were they better or they were more clean? 4)The answer to the grait epdemic of the corruption in this country can not be found by such means of leading a trap & making joy when somebody is caught into it. Such master-minded & well fuded trap will surely trap somebody, dishonest as well as honest, because we have systems & practises establishes over the years which can not change OR people of this country can not change in few years, let whatever Govt come at the center.

Wed Mar 14 23:22:45 2001
Views:first i thank &congrates
tehlka team to unearth such important defence matter in front of public. we are thankful to you. the persons involved must leave the respected office at earliest. once again thankful on behalf also for every person of this country. good work done.

Wed Mar 14 23:22:54 2001
Views:India is a place of scandals. Some come to surface, some dont and people are aware of their presence all the time. Politicians in India enjoy immunity to scandals because of 2 reasons, one the way the government functions and two the dormant consciences of the citizens. Its just a matter of time when matters cool down. Its time the people wake up. I think the guilty owe the country big time and there isn't anything they can do to amend it. I think all guilty should be told to gaurd the Indian border until death. Owning up on moral grounds is a day of the past, any politician can do that not changing a thing except for saving his life. Punishing them to gaurd the Indian border will set a perfect example for all who take INDIA and its soldiers for granted.


Your take on the defence scandal