January 28, 2001


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Tue Jan 30 01:11:17 2001
Name:Kishma Tummala
Condolence Message:May God give all the strength and courage to tide over this difficult period. God bless the departed souls. We all are there with you in this hour of grief.

Tue Jan 30 01:12:48 2001
Condolence Message:it is heartening and un bearable, we can not see the impact of earth quake in the news,just imagine the people facing in front of their eyes.May god give them stregnth to face it.accept herty condolence and feling from the heart.

Tue Jan 30 01:14:53 2001
Name:Preetam Thakur
Condolence Message:May God give you all strength & power to overcome this tragedy.

Tue Jan 30 01:17:11 2001
Condolence Message:it is heartening and un bearable, we can not see the impact of earth quake in the news,just imagine the people facing in front of their eyes.May god give them stregnth to face it.accept herty condolence and feling from the heart.

Tue Jan 30 01:17:18 2001
Condolence Message:We are greatly shocked to see what has happened to our country people.We pray god to give strength to the people who have lost their kith and kin in this tragedy.We pray Mother Nature to protect all of us.I pray people deeply hurt should recover soon.

Tue Jan 30 01:19:02 2001
Name:Sampath Chakkarapani
Condolence Message:May God be with the bretheren of Gujarat who lost their near & dear.

Tue Jan 30 01:19:57 2001
Condolence Message:Mara vhala Gujarati banduo: I am really sorry to hear this news about this terrible and very tragic calamity striking my dear one. I could not believe the news and the destruction it has caused to our lives. My heart goes to each and all of you and sincerely wish I could be there with you to hold you and be of any service to you. I want to assure you that I am here to give you all possible help and support to rebuild APNA GHAR and STATE

Tue Jan 30 01:21:26 2001
Name:Jean Quinn
Condolence Message:This must be one of the sadest and most horrific event of our times. To all of the families touched by this tragedy,it is with horror we view this level of devestation without the ability to help in some way. It will take many lifetimes to recover from the sense of grief the people must be experiencing. It sounds rather useless to say that I and those I know will be praying for you and the souls of your loved ones but this is something we can offer. Sincerely, Jean Quinn

Tue Jan 30 01:24:50 2001
Name:Basker Mathrubootham
Condolence Message:It is with great sorrow that I am sending this message. To know that thousands of people are dead and many others left homeless brings tears to my eyes. What took decades of hardwork to build in industry has taken a few seconds of nature's fury to nullify. In this hour of need, we stand united as brothers/ sisters with you. It may have destroyed our state but can never destroy our brotherhood. Prayers for all!!

Tue Jan 30 01:25:56 2001
Condolence Message:May God Help the needy and give solace to heavenly spirits.

Tue Jan 30 01:28:51 2001
Name:Raman Kapil
Condolence Message:Feel the pain and do as if this could have happened to anyone of us and our Families- thats what a NATION is for. We have to accept the God's decree but shall do our best. DO NOT LET THE FEELING THAT MONEY DONATED BY ME WILL NOT REACH THE NEEDFUL. SINCE YOU CAN N'T GO THERE SO EVEN IF 70% OF YOUR MONEY REACHES THERE THEN IT IS BETTER THAN NOTHING REACHING THERE (THATS IF NO ONE DONATES THINKING THIS).

Tue Jan 30 01:36:55 2001
Condolence Message:My Deepest condolence for this tragedy and May god show peace on our homeland... I am praying the god,not to show anymore incident like this.. Kalaialagan.P Toronto, Canada.

Tue Jan 30 01:41:59 2001
Name:Firoza Hooda
Condolence Message:No words can wipe away the tears or calm the sorrow and grief that the people of Gujarat are going through. My heart goes out to all of you those who have suffered this tragedy and have lost everything. Though we cannot do much sitting here, we should all unite and contribute whatever little we can and try to to bring life back there.

Tue Jan 30 01:42:46 2001
Name:Madhu Talupur
Condolence Message:I am totally shocked after listening to the news and I pray to GOD that everything would be back to normal and in future nothing would never ever happen to India and to the people in India.

Tue Jan 30 01:44:18 2001
Name:hema mannarsamy
Condolence Message:I dont how to start,bcos it is so difficult to stop tears while thinking about it which is worse in writing. deep from the bottom of my heart i feel so sad for what happend to my fellow indian. wish i could be of some help. i pray god to give u enough strength and courage to bear the pain

Tue Jan 30 01:44:38 2001
Name:Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Condolence Message:My heart-felt condolences to all affected. Science must take into account the potential for human grief. Om Shanti.

Tue Jan 30 01:45:16 2001
Name:Sanjay Kulkarni
Condolence Message:Sharing the deepest feeling for all the people who have lost their dear dear ones. May God give you all people the strength and will power to overcome the terror. The loss is immense any cannot be fulfilled,but God & God alone is the saviour.

Tue Jan 30 01:46:26 2001
Name:Affected Reader
Condolence Message:India is indeed cursed. Observing the series of natural disasters - quakes, droughts and cyclones, air-crashes, countless railway disasters, terrorist attacks, road accidents - it's hard to think the country's not cursed. There's nothing but bad news - the loss of life on a large scale is unending. No other country has misfortunes in such an unending procession.

Tue Jan 30 01:49:09 2001
Name:Sanjay Joshi
Condolence Message:Its very sad to hear about the huge loss of life and property. When you are so far away from your country, it hurts even more. Hope God has mercy on India.

Tue Jan 30 01:49:42 2001
Name:Kishor Kotecha
Condolence Message:To our brothers and sisters who have departed during this tragedy, may God give you eternal peace. To those that have been injured, May God give you the strength to recover quickly. To those that have lost the loved ones, may God give you the courage to come to terms with your loss. And to the rest of us, may God give inspiration to do what we can to help the unfortunate ones.

Tue Jan 30 01:50:47 2001
Name:Radhika Chopra
Condolence Message:I sincerely express my condolences to the many families who are suffering the worst calamity of their lives.May God be with you, and help you restore your lives soon.

Tue Jan 30 01:50:48 2001
Condolence Message:My heart goes out to the people died and survivors of earthquake. Its nature(God) grim reminder that man is helpless in front of her(Him). They say that earthquakes cannot be predicted but it generally seen that animals behave differently with a sense of panic just before such a disaster strucks, I hope scientist can find someway to utilise this. May God help the departed souls to rest in peace in Him and give the courage to the survivors to build back their broken and shattered lives. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Tue Jan 30 01:52:15 2001
Name:Dr. Ravinder Gupta
Condolence Message:My prayers for all the affected people. May God give peace to the departed souls and strength to the survivors to bear this terrible loss of life and property. It is time we open our purses and send relief money. India Development and relief Fund in U. S. A. ( is doing a great job of sending 100% of your Tax-deductible contributions directly to the Non-government organizations engaged in service in this area. We have already started collection through our temple and will be sending our collection shortly. Please join in this noble cause. Thanks Sincerely, Ravinder Gupta

Tue Jan 30 01:53:18 2001
Name:Meyyappan Ravi
Condolence Message:My Heartfelt condolences to the families and individuals who have lost their near and dear ones. Let's pray the God be with them. *** Not only the condolence message,let's all put our great efforts to help the people in need. I have no doubts that many of us already planned for something to help. If not please do it fast, to show that we all are with them.

Tue Jan 30 01:54:05 2001
Condolence Message:I convey my deep and heartfelt condolance to all of the victims and family members. - vaithianathan

Tue Jan 30 01:56:18 2001
Name:Ravi Ketavarapu
Condolence Message:At this moment of tragedy, I wish and pray the Almight GOD to shower some relief in this region. I am deeply moved and shaken by this Natural Disaster. I pray, "may be the force be with you, "The fellow Country men". For all the survivors, I convey my well wishes to have come out of this Mother Nature's Fury. I ask all the country men and entire human race to come to gether and speed the relief and restoration procedures. Deepest Condolences, Ketavarapu Family.

Tue Jan 30 01:56:33 2001
Name:padma nanjundia
Condolence Message:i am extremely sorry for the people of gujarat who are silently suffering losing their kith &kin.we are all with them at this hour of grief.ipray god almighty to give them strength &courage to build stronger gujarat & no more calamities.

Tue Jan 30 01:56:59 2001
Condolence Message:I heard, I read, I imagined and I wept. I wish I was there to help my brothers and sisters. If only I can do something. I am trying here to get my friends put up a fund/collection that I can send to my fellows in Gujrat. Well atleast in monetary terms. Please let me know how I can send it and who can I send it to. If nobody knows, perhaps they can just guide me to who I can ask about it. You are more than welcome to reach me at my above email address Thank you all and my deepest condolence...

Tue Jan 30 01:59:37 2001
Name:Arvind Mohan
Condolence Message:I'm sorry...

Tue Jan 30 01:59:38 2001
Name:Raj and Ramani
Condolence Message:Our heartfelt condolences to all the victims.

Tue Jan 30 02:03:13 2001
Name:Durga Prasad
Condolence Message:Sorry for my beloved Gujju guys, my condolenses for those who lost their near and dear one. May god bless you.

Tue Jan 30 02:04:08 2001
Name:Avinash Bhatt
Condolence Message:Words possibly cannot convey the sorrow and emptiness which all of you are feeling. In this moment of sorrow, my prayers go to all of the surviors and their familes and my deepest condolences to the all who are no more with us. I pray that God give you all enough strength to pass over this period .

Tue Jan 30 02:05:07 2001
Name:Bill Benson
Condolence Message:After such devestation that struck India, what words can be said to convay the sympathy felt by my family and me towards the Indian people. I hope that India, as spiritually strong as she is, will see that those who perish are in a far better place, and that they have shed the cares of this life, and take their rest in Paradise. I take hope from the photograph of an injured child, who, despite her bandages, was finally able to smile a beautiful smile again. I believe that she represents the Indian people, who will recover from this, and, hopefully, will be stronger for it. But in the meantime, please allow us to pray for India and her people, to try in some small way to send comfort to those who now mourn. There are many religions whose followers now cry out for strength, and may your prayers be answered, no matter what faith you hold. B. Benson Corona, CA

Tue Jan 30 02:06:53 2001
Name:padma nanjundia
Condolence Message:i am extremely sorry for thebrothers &sisters of gujarat.the magnitude of their suffering can be imagined even though we are miles & miles away from them.we are with them inthis hour of crisis & we pray god to give them courage & strength to build a stronger gujarat &no more calamities.

Tue Jan 30 02:08:51 2001
Name:Satish Nukala
Condolence Message:My dear fellow Indians who are the victims of the deadly Quake, I don't get any words to express my feelings for you, I can feel your pain and sorrow, remember the entire World is with you, May God bless you with immense mental strength to overcome your grief, life may not be normal for many after the Quake, but it is nature's fury and we will have to accept it, I once again convey my deep condolencses to every victim.

Tue Jan 30 02:13:27 2001
Condolence Message:Words cannot be solace for this tragedy. Time is the only healer. May the souls who perished rest in peace and may god the almighty give the neccessary strength for the people of Gujarat and My nation to recover from this tragedy and continue its march. Athinarayanan

Tue Jan 30 02:13:50 2001
Name:Proud Indian
Condolence Message:Whats done is done. Sympathies will not bring back the dead or rebuild the broken homes and dreams of people. We can type tons of condolences. But friends this is not the time to grieve and offer sympathies, IT IS THE TIME TO HELP. Give whatever you can afford to every rupee, dollar and cent will count a lot more than sympathy messages. Lets do it fellow indians, the country needs us. Jai Hind Madru

Tue Jan 30 02:15:22 2001
Name:Tarun Arora
Condolence Message:Dear All, Its tough times for our friends in Gujarat. I have some fond memories associated with that place. I always used to wonder how come people are so sweet and straight forward in this part of country. These days I am in San Francisco and would be leaving for India on 16th of Feb. I have started a small help campaign to collect donations for my brothers n sisters in Gujarat. I would go out in streets of San Francisco and ask for help ! Every penny collected through this drive would be deposited with Prime Minister's Earthquake Relief Fund. I urge you all to come forward and contribute in every possible way in these tragic times. You can reach me on Hoping the very best for my pals in Gujarat. Tarun

Tue Jan 30 02:15:37 2001
Name:Sharath Shivashankar
Condolence Message:My heart goes out to so many people coping with the loss of their dear ones. May God give the victims the strength to overcome this tragedy. I shall pray for you all.

Tue Jan 30 02:15:37 2001
Condolence Message:I sincerely pray for the victims. May God give u enough patience and serenity to sustain this tragic incident.

Tue Jan 30 02:18:07 2001
Name:Jagadish Velagapudi
Condolence Message:The quake has been devastating and the loss has been beyond description. We as humans and particularly as Indians should rise to the occassion and help the grieve struck people. There is no way to compensate for the loss of human life, the least that we can do is give some monetary contribution which would help the poor and the suffered in some way. We should do whatever we can, big or small, whatever we afford, to help the people of Gujarat. Finally one should remember its humans who can help humans. Let us all rise and help the people who need the help. For the people of Gujarat, may god give them courage and strength to fight this imcomprehensible loss.

Tue Jan 30 02:18:12 2001
Name:Kanchan Mahesh
Condolence Message:Words cannot express what I feel for all the affected people of Gujarat and the nation. I sincerely hope that God gives strength to all the people to raise avove this devastation that nature caused and help every soul that is troubled.

Tue Jan 30 02:18:19 2001
Name:Venkata Ramana
Condolence Message:Devastating. We should now look into supporting the survivors. Let us all help them in what ever means we can. Let us not just cry for a while and forget about these unfortunate brothers and sisters. Ramana

Tue Jan 30 02:20:53 2001
Condolence Message:May GOd give pease and prosperity to all Affected peope of this recent earth quake.

Tue Jan 30 02:21:02 2001
Name:Jagadish Velagapudi
Condolence Message:The quake has been devastating and the loss has been beyond description. We as humans and particularly as Indians should rise to the occassion and help the grieve struck people. There is no way to compensate for the loss of human life, the least that we can do is give some monetary contribution which would help the poor and the suffered in some way. We should do whatever we can, big or small, whatever we afford, to help the people of Gujarat. Finally one should remember its humans who can help humans. Let us all rise and help the people who need the help. For the people of Gujarat, may god give them courage and strength to fight this imcomprehensible loss.

Tue Jan 30 02:24:29 2001
Name:pankit shah
Condolence Message:My heartiest condolences are with my fellow citizens who had died in the quake and also to those who have survived it.May they rest in peace.May god give the will power to the survivors who have lost their kith and kin.

Tue Jan 30 02:28:35 2001
Condolence Message:May GOD be with all at this critical juncture. Man is humbled by Mother Nature once again.

Tue Jan 30 02:30:18 2001
Name:Dolly Bakhru
Condolence Message:Sorry to hear about my Country. Very bad had happened to our state Gujarat, where thousands of innocent people have died. God will give them strength to their family members and wish, peoplr who are still under the rumbles will survive.

Tue Jan 30 02:31:45 2001
Name:Srinivas and Madhavi Chinta
Condolence Message:Our deepest condolences to bereived families.

Tue Jan 30 02:32:47 2001
Condolence Message:For the Indians here in US.. the condolences alone dont count much .. Make sure you donate to the Earthquake relief .. These small amounts in Dollars would really help the people in our homeland who have suffered so much ..

Tue Jan 30 02:36:46 2001
Name:Sanjay Patel
Condolence Message:Why is mother nature so cruel. Why Gujarat and Why India? It could have been another country.

Tue Jan 30 02:36:54 2001
Condolence Message:sorry!~folks to know that most of you have lost every thing in this grave tragedy...we regret for what happened and please accept our condolences...we shall as a country together wish you a speedy recovery...we r here to help you...

Tue Jan 30 02:37:49 2001
Name:Raghuveer V Shastry
Condolence Message:This is surely one of the worst calamities to befall our country. May the god almighty give the strength ,courage and resources to all the victims and thier families to face this tragedy.

Tue Jan 30 02:40:52 2001
Name:Narayan Katti
Condolence Message:This is a terrible tragedy. I feel utterly sorry for the people of Gujarat. Though no amount of consolation can take away the sorrow of these people, I pray God to bestow courage and strength to all the people in Gujrat to face this difficult situation.

Tue Jan 30 02:40:58 2001
Name:Harsha Ram
Condolence Message:may the god bless the survied people and i pray the god to give strength to the family of the dead

Tue Jan 30 02:45:46 2001
Name:Nitish Korla
Condolence Message:It's the biggest tragedy for the nation and let us contribute as much as we can for the noble cause.... May God give enough courage to people to stand this Calamity!!

Tue Jan 30 02:46:15 2001
Name:Raja Ismail
Condolence Message:My heartfelt condolences to the people of Gujarat and other states who have suffered loss of lives, limbs, and property in this disaster. May Allah give the survivors the courage to get over this unthinkable tragedy. This is also the time we do some soul searching ourself, and realize how shameful it is to dislike people on the lines of religion, race,caste and wealth. None of these parameters came to the rescue of lives, nor none of these were applied to take lives. It was pure and simple human life that was taken away. It is time we realized how uncertain life is, and how we waste it in hatred towards one another, instead of living together by mutual help and understanding. Hope the sad memories of this tragic incident will help us lead a life with willingess to help each other, readiness to listen to one another, ability to understand one another, share and adjust with one another, and spend it usefully and purposefully. I pray to Allah for all those who have suffered. Raja Ismail.

Tue Jan 30 02:46:34 2001
Condolence Message:It was a shocking news from India,unable to bear the grief stricken quake deaths.I pray to God to give mental strength to all our Indians to overcome this disaster. Jai Hind. Deva

Tue Jan 30 02:46:42 2001
Name:Arpita Basu
Condolence Message:I am really shocked to hear such a news sitting in USA. I can really feel the pain for the people who have lost their family members and are themselves alive to bear the pain throughout. I don't know if there is any consoling words for them the only thing that can be said that prey to god for all those who have deep injurious, so that they get well soon. We indians who are away from their homeland prey to god for the people of Gujrat to give them the mental strenth to overcome this grief.

Tue Jan 30 02:46:49 2001
Name:Rohan Asarawala
Condolence Message:Although those who have gone cannot be brought back,but we pray that their souls rest in peace in heaven.My sincere and heartful condolences for those who have lost their loved ones and may god give them the strength to bear it.

Tue Jan 30 02:49:46 2001
Name:Mr & Mrs.Katkoria
Condolence Message:Jaishrikrushna Bhukamppidit shu shu viti chhe te darek paper ma avati bolti tashavir tatha samachar jani ne amo temaj sau Londonvasi sad thai thai gaya chhe Iswar sau ne himat ape temaj mutra atama ne sadgati ne shanti hari Om


The Earthquake Message Board: United in Grief