April 17, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Thu Apr 12 21:07:55 2001
Name:Tushar Vakharia
Views:Europe is opening up its market for the IT consultants and there is demand. One of such country is Germany.

Thu Apr 12 21:09:34 2001
Name:Rajeev Gupta
Views:I am a H1B Visa holder and working with a US internet firm.The company is laying Off almost all its employes. Can i stay in US till i get the next job or should i return back to India.

Thu Apr 12 21:10:11 2001
Name:Sridhar K
Views:whatever goes up has to comedown,and whatever comes down goes up eventually, take heart my fellow H1Bs, things will bounce back, this is only a temporary phenomenon, coming from a culture with survival being the primary emphasis, we are not the ones to sit back and take a beating, lets do all we can to beat this crisis and emerge as the successful winners we always are

Thu Apr 12 21:12:15 2001
Views:we should make h1-B as green card after one year.

Thu Apr 12 21:13:22 2001
Views:I think that H1b should be given to the candidate as a work permit,like 6 yr work permint

Thu Apr 12 21:13:36 2001
Name:Dedicated to real H1-Bs
Views:It's absolutely unfair for qualified H1-B workers to leave the country as they get laid-off. Here is the point to make a note, "QUALIFIED H1-B". Couple of years ago, there was a flood like flow of people from India into US. People got hired like crazy, Anyone who looks like a 'Human' got hired by stupid employers. The problem does not stay with employers, how many people from India faked their resumes and got high paying jobs, I even know people who does not have bachelors degrees got hired on H1-B. First some procedure has to be devised to find out all these fake H1-Bs. I support that these faulty H1s must be sent back. And there should be respect to the real talented people and they must be given a provision to stay and protect their status inspite of loosing jobs as economy slowed down. It's not to hurt people with real talent. This message to attack people with fake degrees, resumes. Any thoughts, let me know.

Thu Apr 12 21:15:03 2001
Views:I really don't why this recession is? What is going wrong in the world? Everywhere people are afraid of their job security not only in USA but in India too. this is for some other reason ie. WTO. Indian companies afraid of Chinese competion becaz of their very low priced items. Actually what is the reason for recession in USA??

Thu Apr 12 21:15:46 2001
Views:I think the general consensus is that H1B holders should be given more time to find a new job.We are just like visitors who can not live at the hosts place forever no matter how much we have helped the host. It only hurts if u fall in love with somehing that doesnt belong to u. Its a bad scene, I agree....lets fight till we can....we should be proud that we have India to fall back on...even though we always thought only aout ourselves....thats a true motherland .

Thu Apr 12 21:16:57 2001
Views:It is true that there have been lay offs by the various IT and IT based companies..but i think that this trend will not continue .It is a fact that all those who have been laid off have to stay here without a job but i think this will not take time for these people to find a new job here because IT is such a field which is going on changing day by day and it has become a important aspect of all our lives and there are still many advancements that have to take all I have to say is people need not worry and i dont think that we have to land up in a serious thought like getting back to India.

Thu Apr 12 21:23:30 2001
Name:nitin kumar J.N
Views:Pl help me to solve my problem! I did my Diploma in Civil Engg. after my 10+2. Now iam having 5 yrs of good exp from a reuted Civil Eng company of India. Is it posible for me to migrate to US in search of a Job and how to do so? Please enlighten me in this regard. I shall be oblidged for the same Th You nitin mail -

Thu Apr 12 21:25:10 2001
Views:Guys, Here is a great news for the H1B guys who are troubled by their employers (bodyshoppers). It's a new dawn to get freedom from the so called "bond". Read this:

Thu Apr 12 21:25:31 2001
Views:As everybody know the american policies are use and throw, hire and fire, last. so no hard feelings !!! Come out the dreams boys !! Time to pack our bags !! We didn't come here on some ones mercy....they needed skill people and we are here and if they don't need now we don't need them too. Lets make India stronger with whatever we learned here so far.

Thu Apr 12 21:26:51 2001
Views:Make Canada big

Thu Apr 12 21:28:48 2001
Views: How is the situation in India ? Are employers still looking for Java/C++ professionals ?

Thu Apr 12 21:30:28 2001
Name:Dhananjay Khirwadkar
Views:It's Good

Thu Apr 12 21:33:19 2001
Views:really the things are what are the doubts i couldt understand whom to ask are the silicon dreams still there can the new generation engineering students dream of joining the silicon and make there dreams true or is it better to create the environment here and be a part of making india superpower in this area i would be really glad to see any one reply and clear my doubts as a student confused of the things going on

Thu Apr 12 21:39:35 2001
Views:It doesn't matter we can go back and work in India. Dont forget that we are Indians and no need to feel bad to go back to our mother land. We Indians can make a thing out of scrap too, so why to be laid at the mercy of others, form a group of all indians and blast them again. We all are with you!! Best of Luck " The Land which treats everyone on par". Give their services to their Motherland and "Bring the name INDIA to IT Fame of the World" "Nothing is Impossible , Nothing is Too late" Indians are working hard to make american economy stronger, why can't they work in the same way to make indian economy stronger. we have to build india stronger so that our dependency on states or any other country will be less.This can be done only by us ,nobody from outsides will do this for our country and home. so don't loose hope and cheer up guys

Thu Apr 12 21:42:20 2001
Views:Not fair at all, H1B progam contributed greatly to the economy of US. h1b guys are part of the economy, they paid taxes ontime, made investments here..

Thu Apr 12 21:42:55 2001
Name:Sudarshan Setlur
Views:I agree that the immigration laws need attention but it is not exactly high on lawmakers' priorities. But generally speaking if you like the cars and hi-fi life capitalism offers, you should be willing to take the risk. The basic tenet of capitalism is after all "No risk, no reward".

Thu Apr 12 21:47:54 2001
Views:To all those who say that H1-B holders knew the deal and should not crib. I TOTALLY agree. The only problem being, since we are being taxed just like a normal working CITIZEN, why should we not get a little break by way of extending our stay while we can get another sponsor or so. That is instead of the present 10-15(?) days how about 6-8wks ?? Or like I have said in an earlier post, dont take social sec, medicare, etc from our pay since we are not going to get anything out of it. Take income tax by all means but stop there.

Thu Apr 12 21:49:06 2001
Name:Nagendra Nurti
Views:The US Administration along with the INS need to realise that H1-B holders from India are the most productive and trouble free immigrants this country can ever hope for. Indian immigrants are rarely ever involved in crimes or such, unlike most other immigrant communities in the USA. It is time the US govt and INS woke up to this fact and introduce radical new laws to ease the life of these people. One excellent step would be to make the greencard process a much smaller and hassle free one. Think about it - the US has so much to gain and nothing to lose by granting green cards easily to us Indian workers.

Thu Apr 12 21:49:29 2001
Views:It can't get any worse

Thu Apr 12 21:50:53 2001
Views:i am a H1 B worker from India myself and have been in the US for the past 2 years working as a software consultant. Sure, H1 B workers are among the first ones to lose their jobs but one has to realise that the "hire and fire" work culture is part and parcel of being employed in the US. the industry here is completely market driven and the IT industry , being more volatile and therefore more susceptible to market fluctuations, does carry with it a certain amount of risk. having said that, i still think it is very sad that many H1 B workers have been given the pink slip without proper prior notice and/or compensation. that certainly is unfair . but the fact remains that if the appointment letter of the employees does not mention any notice period or compensation package in the event of termination of employment, there is not much that the worker can do about it. If there is some mention of the terms of breaking of employment by the employer, i believe, the company is liable to be taken to court on that count. the US laws are very scrict regarding employment contracts which are binding in the court of law. here i have a few observations i have made. if the worker is terminated from his job, there are a few options that he/she can consider. i know that not all options are feasible in all the situations but it could be worth a try. 1. Try and ask ur employer is he is ready to keep u on board without pay for some period of time (maybe a month or so). this would give some time to find another job. 2. Try and find some opportunity outside of the area where u currently are. For example, the East coast does not seem to have been as hard hit as the silicon valley right now . this doesnt mean that things are all fine in the East coast, but one may have a relatively better chance of striking it there. 3. i know of people who have managed to land in another job in the past few month

Thu Apr 12 21:51:37 2001
Views:Friends, Why being afraid of going back to india. I believe we have served enough for this country, and now our turn to serve our country. Ok the life here is good and money is big, but now is our chance to do some thing for our country also. So why be afraid, make ur sprits high, think as its ur mothers call and serve her. See people who came here for money, and who dont have confidence in them selves as far as there knowledge is concerned r the ones who r afraid to go back.

Thu Apr 12 21:56:17 2001
Views:To all these ppl who r saying that the thier motherland(INDIA) is better than the US. So India has more culture and values than here, but doesnt mean that now u have to go back (according to US rules), you should criticize the US. where are ur Indian values? Dont u guys know something called Appreciation (Thank you)?Didnt ur motherland thought u that u should rather say Thank u to US, or whatever gave u chance to come here in first place. How in the world u could have come here if US GOVERT.. didn't gave u the chance. I think u guys should thank the WHITE PPL who even let u stay here. oh yeah, if u r really indian than dont blame the US(once it was ur great dream). 2nd thing, going to india, and making it more strong thing. If there were opportunities, then why would u have to come here? think about it.Why would u even dream of Us in first place?Now that u have to go Dont say that shit with us and here i come my great india.Many ppl who are saying that u dont care about money any more? LET'S NOT LIE TO OURSELVES ANYMORE. If i had to leave, i would leave the appreciation. Thats what my motherland thought me.

Thu Apr 12 21:58:45 2001
Name:Lali P
Views:It was a contract made for x number of years. After that if you have to go home, it should be taken in stride. In between, if one loses a job, I think one shd. be given enough time to find another job. If you are on the bench and are not paid etc. is it worth the struggle? It is so much cheaper/less stressful to go back to India and try for a job later in the US.

Thu Apr 12 22:01:56 2001
Views:when lot of indians had come to us on H1-B visa, many american citizens had lost their jobs. I did not hear any indians worrrying about that. The message was clear, american companies are here to make money. So i suppose there is no use feeling sorry for ourselves now.

Thu Apr 12 22:02:11 2001
Name:Ashish Mrig
Views:The h1b holders come to US after leaving almost everything in India, no it's not fair but then you have to take the risk. Till recently everything was going smoothly but now just because things have changed is no reason to cry foul. It's the market here and we should learn to take everything in stride.

Thu Apr 12 22:02:23 2001
Views:People who think that guys in US does not contribute any thing to our Mother Land. They are mistaken ! We do BOSS ! We are more patriotic than the guys who think like that.

Thu Apr 12 22:06:41 2001
Views:Most of us in the United States who are H1-B visa holders were used to living in a false sense of security. The question of 'fair' or 'not fair' or of 'hard work' doesn't make sense and is meaningless, though are good to stir up emotions. H1-B visa is a just a permit for an alien to work in this country. Also its not as if we had to leave our country just because they implored us to do so. We wanted to earn in dollars and thats the simple fact. So unless you are well on your way to getting a 'Greencard' your position is not safe any time, be it 'slowdown' or 'boomtime'!! Personally in my short stay of 4 years in the United States, I earned a lot in terms education.. not just in academics but also in life.

Thu Apr 12 22:08:20 2001
Name:Deepak Gajre
Views:I've been living in the US since 4 years, not under a H1-B visa though, I'm under a F-1. I do know that when a company sponsers an employee for a H1-B visa, the INS gives the visa for working in that company ONLY! So if they are laid back, their visa is terminated and they have no option but to come back to India. Also, for people wanting to get more info on United States visa procedures, you can visit the website - it has a lot of useful information.

Thu Apr 12 22:10:52 2001
Views:I feel, it is a game of one's fate. Life is too hard here without a monthly salary. So it is good for a person laid of t try his luck for 2-3 weeks and get back home. Once the situation improves, he can always get a chance of coming back to the states, rather then spending the money earned too.

Thu Apr 12 22:23:40 2001
Views:All H1s must leave US immediately once they are fired. This visa was made just for this reason ..use and throw ... cant you guys realise this simple fact. whats the big deal. go back ..india has enuff jobs to keep your needs taken care of ... at least this country gives H1s ..very few other countries even allow other people to work without so many hassles. free lunch is over go back and learn some real programming rather than doing some b.s. scripting and trying to fleece the client of their money. cheers!

Thu Apr 12 22:32:33 2001
Name:Sanju Burkule
Views:The economy is surely down, but I think people should not start giving comments like "But in hard times, they(H1B workers) have been the first to lose their jobs and the first to be asked to leave America". H1B employees are no different than other employees, and managers do not make any distinction between a H1b and a non-H1b while thinking of layoff. Layoff is a hard time for a company, and projects are cut down, costs are cutdown depending on hundreds of other factors. Its a shame that we try to create differences like these - ourselves. If a person has skills, he is not laid off. And even if he is, he can get another job in a month or two, and he need not go back to india. And even if it is going back to India, he can get a good job in India. Its just a bad market phase which is difficult for EVERY IT professional. Stop creating differences between Americans and Indians - this is narrow minded attitude.

Thu Apr 12 22:33:04 2001
Name:Sanju Burkule
Views:"The most vulnerable of all the technology workers in the US, these immigrants have toiled to be a part of the great American dream" There is no one as _most_ vulnerable. Non-skilled workers are vulnerable, and marketing, support groups are vulnerable - which can be cut-down and the company expenses can be streamlined. Do not put H1b into *most* vulnerable or least vulnerable category. Getting laid off is not the end of the world. Going back to you India is not that - you have failed!?!? Why do you put such shameful feelings into these professionals. Whatever they have learnt, whatever they have experienced can surely be used later in the career. Indian companies can offer lots of opportunities now, if its tight in US, surely the companies are going to offshore thier projects to get them done cheaply. this is an opportunity for Indian professionals to create companies in India, or take projects to India, or work in Indian companies which have good projects. I would like to summarise it in this way - If the company needs you, you will not be laid off. If the company does not need you - you should not stay where you are not needed. Put your knowledge to work and make profit to the company, thats the more important to give you job security, H1b visa is just a means of entering the company. Rest is in your hands. Do not blame the visa for your layoff. -Sanju

Thu Apr 12 22:33:14 2001
Name:Sunder Gali
Views:Are we stupid!! to curse USA? H1B is formed as temporary employment. We all signed up to this inspite of knowing this. Because we want money --$100,000 instead of $2000 we make in india. We agreed for risk. Lets live with it. Thanks to US &INS atleast we have oppurtunity to get green Card. Why should INS discriminate between tech people and rest of people who want to come to USA. You guys made made money in 1 year what you cant make in life in india. If you have guts go back start doing what to learnt...working hard, honesty, teach police& government not to take bribe, dont spit on road waitin line, be curtious to elders, be curtious while drving, dont throw the garbage in streets. Have a good & quality life ...instead of wasting time in bandhs & curfews. Good luck to all who want leave. QUOTE (Amithab in Bemisal) : One day we all perish and we dont take anything but leave money & comfort but poor leave poverty & pain anyway nobody will be happy

Thu Apr 12 22:39:39 2001
Views: Just a important advice . If you are laid off do not feel depressed or low or .... . Be bold and always remember that no country is good for you than your Own in the long run .

Thu Apr 12 22:39:48 2001
Name:Sanjeev Gupta
Views:All the employee who laid off because of market down, should allow them to stay in u.s unless they find jobs and also should get the compensation from the goverment just like u.s citizens or green card holders.

Thu Apr 12 22:41:41 2001
Name:Sreedhara Sondur
Views:Laid of H1B professionals should be allowed to stay and search for new job for atleast 3 months.

Thu Apr 12 22:47:27 2001
Views:Hello everybody, This is a plea from me for an help and advice . I am a software professional who has just been laid off ,beccoz my dot-com co. was closed , I have been unemployed for a month now , what do I do ? According to the laws do I have to leave for India now ,or do I have a choice .Kindly guide me .. Help !!! Bobby

Thu Apr 12 22:49:32 2001
Views:It is really unfair to the people who have been worked hard for the company and have been laid off and told to leave immediately. Really there is no Job security here.Its a tough time for the married people.

Thu Apr 12 22:49:36 2001
Name:Prasad Putcha
Views:Everyone who has invested time and money in this field knew from thebeginning this had to happen some day or the other. So what's unexpected in this? Moreover, we Indians are world renowned for our hunger for money, not careers. This is equally true of Indians going to other countries, notably the middle east.

Thu Apr 12 22:50:22 2001
Views:I think it should be ok in 6 months or so. This field is getting saturated.

Thu Apr 12 22:51:05 2001
Name:Antesh Sinha
Views:While the scene is not good for people on H1 [or even Green Card holders], we shouldn't panic. This thing was bound to happen anyway. The dot-coms with hardly any asset but trading at $200-$300 on NASDAQ and to fool the investors, hiring of unnecessary staff made a perfect recipe for disaster. It's also the time for Indian companies and body shoppers to export quality, not just quantity. I have seen so many people who would have failed miserably in India but managed to come here and ofcourse, it doesn't do any good to the image of India.

Thu Apr 12 22:52:21 2001
Views:Enough of whining ! H-1B is a temporary visa and you should be knowing about the risks before leaving your "motherland", family and friends ! I knew the risk when I came here. As far as companies go, they always look for their benefit and you should be careful in choosing the company that you join. Can you blame them all the time for how they treat us as we have taken full advantage of the economy boon last year asking sky-high salaries and applying for multiple H-1's thru different companies. Better research should have done in choosing the company that you join and not just the one that paid you the most !

Thu Apr 12 22:54:58 2001
Name:Sriram Ramji
Views:I think we (H1B holders)have no right to complain. We have come here knowing pretty well that we have to leave once we are laid off. But I think that INS should give us some time to find another job and not ask us to leave immediately.

Thu Apr 12 23:08:01 2001
Views:Hi, Don't everybody know that we have to leave this place one day. Everybody used the money of Indian goverment by studying there at subsidised rates and come here to serve American companies and earn money. May be it's not that bad but hanging still here when the US asks you to get out is silly and greedy. Get your ass back to India and serve the companies over there with the skills you earned here.

Thu Apr 12 23:08:36 2001
Views:Stop whining and wake up. I've seen some excellent indian developers and scientists and I've seen some absolutely pathetic H1B software "professionals". In a meritocracy only the best will survive.

Thu Apr 12 23:16:31 2001
Name:Get Real
Views:STOP WHINING, people!! We H1B holders made a choice. No one forced us to "give up jobs everything" and come here. We CHOSE to come here. We came here on TEMPORARY WORKER status. We knew this when we accepted our jobs. We knew the terms and conditions. We still CHOSE to come here. When the conditions were favorable, everyone jumped at the opportunity and sold "house car everything" to move to the US. Now, when it's time to sell "house car everything" and move back, everyone's complaining. GET REAL!!!

Thu Apr 12 23:18:26 2001
Views:When u were given a H1 B the country did not gaurantee u a permanent stay. They only wanted you for whatever jobs had to be done. Its not the USA that u have to be mad with......its your consultant. He should have told u the way things work hire & fire. USA does not want you in the country unless u have something to do here, else they give u the TA TA. And right now its "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST", ...........when the going gets tough, the tough get going. So if u have it in u, then ALL THE BEST.

Thu Apr 12 23:21:47 2001
Name:Samir Khairnar
Views:There was a mad rush into the hi-tech area. Anybody and everybody wanted to be a part of this industry without judging their potential & their area of expertise. People who work on an H-1 visa should understand that this visa is given only on a temporary basis to fill the vacancy where a suitable US worker is not found to fill that position. I feel the right thing has happened. The herd instinct has come to hard-core reality. Samir

Thu Apr 12 23:39:16 2001
Views:i think there was a free lunch available and too many went for it. in an industrial economy, if you have the goods you will always survive. first, how may really good MS/Btech CS people have been laid off ? surely , they must fare better than niit/aptech etc folks. i think for the most part, companies or h1bs, the market is getting rid of chaff. as for h1bs being axed, this is not our country. people got here to make a quick buck- so go make it elsewhere. there are more welcoming shores. The American dream and so many notions we take for granted are for Americans/ westerners, not us. However rosy the picture might be, why do people make great financial committments in us , that they cry about leaving . why get to the us by hook or crook? And why get married to us life ? it is like "married to the mob". i think there is no witch hunt for h1bs ; whatever happens in the market place dictates what companies do; if americans were working in india, to survive, we would be doing exactly the same thing. people should not be overeager to get to us and when here, should function with a greater degree of detachment. therein lies an answer.

Thu Apr 12 23:45:02 2001
Views:things are different now..the existing rules cannot be applied as they are for people who devoted their precious time here and have also paid huge sum of taxes and generated a good amount of revenue for the govt. They cannot be asked to leave right away....what if they cannot fing a good job back in India..who are they going to rely on to supprot themselves....An optimum solution has to be derived

Thu Apr 12 23:55:38 2001
Views:hey folks, go back to india and work for india and imporve the indian economy.many people hesitate to do just for the reason "MONEY" ...

Fri Apr 13 00:04:59 2001
Views:According to Wired News,INS is no longer insisting that you leave the country if you dont get a job within 10 days. But the following rule is probably still in effect: A 3-year ban on foreign nationals who have remained unemployed in the states between 180 and 364 days; beyond 365 days, this ban can be extended to 10 years.

Fri Apr 13 00:08:37 2001
Views:Loosing a job is bad for Indians where we are almost accustomed to stick to a job as long as possible [ and if govt job, stick to it till retirement]... US economt teaches us a lesson not get attached to a company and be ready to be unemployed. Being on H1 makes it only harderm especially for those we want to forget India and stay here forever. For others(though in minority), look at brigther side, we are going back to our hometowns, isn't that we wanted to do all the time? About H1 , oohh!, its voluntary slavary and submitting exploitation and its simply evil and un-american.

Fri Apr 13 00:09:42 2001
Views:Hi at present i am working in newyork and if you perform well and prove your self no question of leaving US will come in to picture

Fri Apr 13 00:09:43 2001
Name:Mallik Basoor
Views:IT is not just IT. We are seeing layoffs in retail, sales and all spheres. Even american workers (very low paid compared to these IT's) are being laid off. Why this hue and cry from IT's?. They came to work here fully knowing that they are temporary workers. I would think that many of them have come here to earn more money. I have seen IT's who were earning 10000's in India have come here. I have seen people dumping one IT company and jumping to another solely for earning more money inspite of the fact that they were making twice that of an ordinary american worker. This is pure greed and without moral qualities. I think that only greedy people are crying now because of the lay-off's. American economy is purely capitalistic. It is supply and demand. It is not justified to make a hue and cry now. If not possible to stay here legally, go back to India and lead a life with moral qualities and try to make our country a better place to live for all people.

Fri Apr 13 00:14:31 2001
Name:Huge Guy
Views:I think it is only fair that the H1B people leave when they are fired. The GC process a quite slow, yes. But the H1B visa is meant to be a temporary work visa. If you are allowed to stay even if your co. fires you then where is the temp. status. I agree with one of the reader abt taxes, etc. - especially the social security taxes. But that does not mean that H1B people should not leave when they are fired.

Fri Apr 13 00:20:48 2001

Fri Apr 13 00:20:55 2001

Fri Apr 13 00:39:49 2001
Views:here the situation is hopeless, according to the economist the situation may get improved in the third quarter i.e in nev-dec. rightnow it is very difficult to the guys like me who are hunting for a job. i think this is not the right time to come to US. for the guys in india having H1B stay there, it will be better for u. for the guys who are in US, i wish good luck Cheers -Sharan

Fri Apr 13 00:55:00 2001
Name:Rajesh Mehra
Views:The purpose of H1 Visa is clear. Nobody was promised a green card, they were hired for a temporary labor shortage. I am now a US Citizen and I recently came in contact with H1 Visa holders and was stunned at their lack of respect for this country. They would call the restrooms here as White House, call US and its people unprintable names, and call Indians born here ABCD. This made me realize that people like me who came here on Green Card had a different perspective.

Fri Apr 13 00:57:40 2001
Name:Tushar Shah
Views:Living and working in United States has been a great experience. It has help buy many a houses, marry many sisters, pay for siblings tuition and paid lots of medical bills. Also it has made many Indians wealthier. Atleast I am better off working 4 years in USA than in India. So have I gained anything? - absolutely yes, Would I go back with more money than I brought? - Yes. I have no complaints if I have to return. I would take back great memories.

Fri Apr 13 01:01:57 2001
Name:Dilip Kansagra
Views:Dear sir, I am one of the unlucky one who is in USA on H1b visa and the situation is worse then ever as the companies are giving layoffs to the h1b people and they have no alternative for their earning by doing any other job so ultimately they have to loose everything the car the other valuables they have as you dont get the time to sell at aprice or your installments are left so we are really in big trouble when we go for finding the job they simply reject us as we are on the h1b visa.we have given a lot to the country but ultimately we are being thrown out any reason.this is terrifieng us but we are helpless we have family to sustain and there is no job all our dreams have dried down. sorry to write to harsh but this is the reality and we are in a miserable situation and the government have collected the tax till now but taking no dicision to solve our problem. from dilip kansagra(Boston)

Fri Apr 13 01:04:28 2001
Views:Hi guys, Yes it is a difficult situation now for H1 holders. People came in truck loads to US in 99 and 2000. Any damn guy with little or no knowledge of computers got H1's thru body shoppers in India and came to US and made money. Now, the .com bubble has burst and what are u crying about, you have chosen to come to US as a temporary worker(H1) and once there is no work here, you are supposed to leave. so, face the fact and go to INDIA with pride. of course back home, people will think in many ways about you, the same people who boasted of you when you left INDIA. This is a very good lesson learnt for the people who want to leave INDIA desperatly, just to show off to their neighbours, that my son is in US. Lets set up companies in India and no one should leave INDIA, and who every needs our services will come to us, since we are the talent and that way we can build INDIA a IT superpower.

Fri Apr 13 01:14:43 2001
Name:Who cares
Views:Whats the whole point of discssing the aftereffects among us...lets have some action, like finding a way to talk with INS officials to solve the problem..

Fri Apr 13 01:24:01 2001
Views:I was going through the messages and I felt so amused. Everybody is crying that they will have to go back. Big deal! What's is wrong with my country? You won't go back to India and live in dignity but would rather suffer this humiliation? The terms of H1B are very clear and you knew about them when you signed the H1B papers. Why didn't you raise your voice and tell these American companies that you cannot come until they treat you the way you think they should be treating you. 1 dollar is 47 Rs, huh?? Have you ever inquired how much your fellow American employee earn? All this time being consultant you have being earning twice their salary and now when somebody should get fired you expect them to be the first. Social Security? Who told you you are not eligible for Social Securiity? Social Security sends you a statement every year and based on your contibution they give you points. There are various levels of points on acquiring which you become eligible for various benefits. Like after staying 5 years in this country I am eligible for Disability Benefit.Now since we are H1B workers we cannot stay here enough to get the benefits when we have reached the age. So are you eligible to get the benefits if you are living in another country? Yes you are. If you are a Sri Lankan or a Phillipine you can get Social Securiy sitting right in Colombo or Manila but not if you are an Indian. You know why? Because our Government doesnot participate in the Social Security program whereas very IT exporting company participates in USA Social Security program. So whose fault is it ours or these Americans? Our strong Indian community in USA doesnot have the guts to say anything to INS but do they have the guts to speak to our own government about it? How many have you send a petition to Indian Embassy? How many of

Fri Apr 13 01:24:36 2001
Views:I think it is a testing time for all H1B visa holders. Nobody knows when this economy will improve and things will settle down to normal. I dont think we will light at the end of tunnel. It is worsening by each day and there are no signs of recovery. Even if you go back to your home country , it is no more a red carpet welcome . You need to fight for a job with other million people. Now a days every body is graduating from computer sciences and I dont think there are many oppurtunities for that. Please realise atleast now and give importance to other fields. Raj

Fri Apr 13 02:20:35 2001
Name:Vikramjit Singh
Views:I don't think H1 B is a ticket to US citizenship. I can understand people's emotions about living in the US but H1B's should move on and not become US centric. They have tremendous value even outside the US.

Fri Apr 13 02:22:35 2001
Name:Zaheer Khan
Views:I empathize with all those facing the plight of going back to India after losing their h-1B status. Its a sad but harsh reality. That being said, I think none of us should complain, moan and whine here. Lets not forget that we came into this country as "temperory" skilled workers who were filling a gap between the demand and supply of labor in the US economy. Now that gap no longer exists and unfortunately we must go. Some day the gap might reemerge and we may get a chance to come back, who knows!! Those who are better prepared with strong contingency plans will have more relief others who took their status for granted and thought they would live in the US forever will have to bear some short term pain. Bottomline, lets not say "its not fair", lets go back to our homeland just as we came in here, that is with "dignity". Jai Hind.

Fri Apr 13 02:29:12 2001
Name:Sai Ratnakar Karumuri
Views:The biggest problem with Indians who came on H1-B here is that what is that if you go back. It is this attitude which is creating the confusion. As long, as you get a job in India or some other country you don't have to worry.Afterall, we build this country, go back and build our own country stronger.

Fri Apr 13 02:36:43 2001
Views:Why do all guys look so let down, you all came for quick bucks as a temp employee, made your money, always talked of going back, so now is the time, whats the big deal ?

Fri Apr 13 02:40:57 2001
Name:Gajendrakumar Nalamwar
Views:INS should think on the law or rule they made on being laid off. Actually law should be like this, there should not be any injustice with anybody. They should allow H1B worker to look for new employer even thow they laid off from current employer. Economy slowdown is not the employes problem. Otherwise there should be atleast grace period of 2 months to look for new job.

Fri Apr 13 02:52:58 2001
Name:Ramiz Khan
Views:For laid off H1 B there is an option, apply for B1/B2 visitor status that gives some time.... apply for new job ask new employer to get H1 again.

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