April 17, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Thu Apr 12 18:57:16 2001
Name:Tripti Noorani Chodu
Views:Some people on this board are blaming that an H1B worker is at fault for accepting to work under these conditions and now whining at getting laid off. But don't forget that most of these H1B workers were hired by companies which are owned by Indian people. They treated them as bad as one can expect in India with very little benefits and lots of promise. People joined them with the hope that one day they will get there GC and kick these bodyshopping companies. My problem is with department of Justice and politicians who make laws on immigration. Either they should stop immigration and dependence on foreign workers all together, or allow them to stay here without labeling them illegal and fear of what will happen to my status here. INS(Immigration and Naturalization Services) is the prostitution headquarter for corporate America and Department of Justice.

Thu Apr 12 18:59:58 2001
Views:Well the time has come for the local US residents/youth to step in and work more harder rather then depending on foreign workers ie H1B holders. Its not that just the H1B people have been laid off, but also the local people ( Residents) are the victims of the slow down in the economy. I would suggest to these laid of guys to go back to India and start working there.Its not that there are no oppurtunities over there. Instead for so many years there has been brain-drain from India. There they will live closer to their loved ones and contribute towards development on India.

Thu Apr 12 19:03:19 2001
Views:Hi, I had a query. I don't know whether I am suppose to post my query here or not. One of my friend is having H1B visa and he got it stamped. But now, he has joined a different company and he is coming to US on B1 visa. The question is whether his H1B visa will still be valid once he comes to US on B1 through a different employer. regards

Thu Apr 12 19:04:16 2001
Views:Friends, this is a reality check. We all were happy so far making dollars. Now in the hard times, we just need to do whatever is legal. We all knew that we are temporary here before coming, so why to cry now. We have a great country to go back. We are different than other immigrants who can not even go back to their own country. I would suggest you all to make money, save money and if time comes to go back take the money and go back. Do not worry better time will come again and you all will be back in demand... My best wishes Desi friend

Thu Apr 12 19:07:56 2001

Thu Apr 12 19:19:08 2001
Name:Harjinder singh
Views:Tech slowdown in u.s had a very bad effect on the indians who were working in u.s firms.For those who still have jobs in u.s firms I feel insecure for them as I think that the tech slowdown has halted & not over yet.

Thu Apr 12 19:21:21 2001
Views:Hi Readers, I think we Indian Talents have never given a thought in this direction that probably one day or the other day we have to face this problem. I am also a Software Engineer and working in US having 11 years of IT experience. This is not a slowdown of technology. But is a cascaded effect of poor business vision and thoughts. Business runs on the principle of Demand and Supply. Suddenly this balance got changed. Still we Indian talents have time. Insted of fighting with the government to provide us a chance to stay and struggle for job. Best option could be go back to our country and try to create the jobs there. Develop the new products there and sell all over the world. And when again the Demand Supply will get balanced we have further opportunities here. I have found that we Indians have a tendency to follow the west. This is the root cause of our problems. We are only doing best for the economy of this country. Let us unite and show our strength and force american company to spend more money to get the talents back. I know the next question which will be asked do we have that kind of infrastructure in our country. I have few questions as an answer. Do we provide all the taxes to the government timely? Do we live in India like we live here? Do we throw our garbage only in Garbage Box? I think problem lies in our mind and ourselves. Once we start living like this ten we can force other people and goverment too for this. Therefore, dear friends, still we have time. Let us go back and do something from our country. I am sure one day we can force this country back. We have the large talents pool, we have big market. Only thing we need is initiative. Let us do it.

Thu Apr 12 19:24:59 2001
Name:Anonymous Guy
Views:hi does anyone know why H1-B visa holders continue to pay Social security and medicare Taxes when they are supposed to be here for at most six years.. ensuring that they never reap the benefits of social security or medicare.

Thu Apr 12 19:25:40 2001
Views:Welcome to Corporate America. When times were good, I saw people making 6 digits, ahead of me. I didnt complain, didnt cry it was unfair. So stop claiming victims. And why is it so heartbreaking for all those people to go back to their janmabhoomi. Are we all so blind, that we are all acting like we are being sent to hell. Its only your own country, your own people.

Thu Apr 12 19:26:19 2001
Name:Soumyanil Kayal
Views:the law reg. the status of H1 b holders shld be more clear.That is their immediate worry.If they have helped the IT industry to grow in US, the law shld also give them a fair deal at this hour of crises.

Thu Apr 12 17:17:24 2001
Views:it is not fair.

Thu Apr 12 17:19:39 2001
Name:Shiju Thomas
Views:an NRI Myself.....Theres no place like home..... atleast they cant tell you get out of my country!!!!

Thu Apr 12 17:20:51 2001
Views:eventhough people from us earn they missed all bound of relations,family,only for money they were working in us,if they were laid off ,they should come back and find suitable possibilities in their own country.

Thu Apr 12 17:21:18 2001
Name:ravi prasad
Views:there are no gaurantees in life except death. Millions of Indians toil entire lives with no job security and yet survive and smile-e.g the maid who does housework-jungle law prevails 'survival of the fittest"

Thu Apr 12 17:25:27 2001
Views:No it is not fair to ask them to leave their jobs.They have to just wait for the things to improve but again not for long period.Returning to india would be based on the personal choice but then for a short duration it would not be a bad idea.Nothing is secure when u go to work in a foreign land.

Thu Apr 12 17:27:16 2001
Views:This was bound to happen sooner or later. Reckless hiring, unrealistic stock valuations, flawed business plans, you name it. But while the going was good, everyone capitalized on the boom - the engineers, the companies, the investors. This was the land of milk and honey, fast money, and the American Dream. Now suddenly life is unfair. And someone *else* becomes responsible for what is happening - from foreign Governments, to the US State Deparment and INS. Having lived through these things in the past, all one can say is that life is a *great* leveller. The law of conservation applies not just in physics but to many aspects of life as well.

Thu Apr 12 17:32:33 2001
Name:Rishi Pattnaik
Views:Definitely the US economy has slowed down. Looking at the trend, it will remain for atleast another two -three quarters. But then even though investments in the technology front have come down the major work now will still remains in the area of maintenance projects. So the really good people in the US need not worry about the slowdown. But in this great American race a lot of average software professionals who have made it to the US will suffer as the Americans as well as the Indian IT companies will now focus on clearing the junk.

Thu Apr 12 17:34:19 2001
Views:It will only get worse. I understood that, and that is why i haven't left my job in Chennai for a large company. In fact, I got promoted, and I'm making USD salaries in the Indian company. To succeed in India, all it takes is vision and hard work. If you do not have that, you can go to the US and work for some guy who has vision instead. Tell me, when was the last time you worked 24/7 in India? Unless people work just as hard here as they work overseas, India would be a much better place. Regards, KC

Thu Apr 12 17:57:02 2001
Name:arif mahmood
Views:Iwas bank manager.served in electronic export for 8y.IT prof present craze for US is unwise attitude. they should explore possib. in develop.countries.especially Indo china.I am cnfident they will have far comfortable lives there.they will help ED in these coutries.they should also explore central asian countries.

Thu Apr 12 17:57:46 2001
Views:All for good only,,,, we r going to be the LEADER in the WORLD, so MY advice is COME BACK TO INDIA ... NOTHING TOOOOO LATE. WE WILL FORM A TEAM... AND WE WILL BECOME THE No.1 and we will say to them We don't NEED U.

Thu Apr 12 17:58:35 2001
Views:I thought this is only a temporary phase. This is gone by the time being, when the industrial slow down will come to an end.

Thu Apr 12 18:01:29 2001
Name:Murali Mohan
Views:I don't see any slowdown or recession. I want to ask everyone who laid off. DO you have real experience, what you mentioned in your resume. Still market demand is there, but only for experienced persons. I want to tell one thing, fake resumes won't work any more. Bye Rajan

Thu Apr 12 18:02:15 2001
Views:What is the duration that one can stay in US on H1B after got laid off from one company till he finds new one?

Thu Apr 12 15:12:33 2001
Views:I don't think its fair as a lot of hard earned money and time has been put into their dream of being abroad to work and prove to be someone in life. May be its their dream to be of immense help to their loved ones. Atleast they should be given small jobs and allow them to grow from there. Please don't spoil their dreams.

Thu Apr 12 15:21:35 2001
Views:i think that its only a temporary phase and its going to end very soon.still in india its a craze to go has to be brought down,coz this is making the problem more severe.already people do not have work there and more people are leaving for usa to secure a has to be checked.

Thu Apr 12 15:23:10 2001
Views:I think that it is India which really needs the services of the Genius and intellectual Indians. Why should any IITian or an IIM alumni leave India and offer his services to an alien country, and to a country which can always throw him out at it's own wish.!!!!!! Has anyone ever heard that a graduate from MIT has come over to India to ffer his/her services then why are we going there????? Why not make India a better place to earn and stay and make Americans work for our companies????

Thu Apr 12 15:24:50 2001
Views:Therse r so many techs already free(laid off), Then what is the position who got there H1b recently do they hope any mere future or do they me happy by seeing the visa.

Thu Apr 12 15:25:24 2001
Name:Ghezali Hasan
Views:It is entirely not fair to do such a thing which these Americans are doing

Thu Apr 12 15:34:14 2001
Name:Vikas Gugnani
Views:Well. all is not lost yet , we still are a self sufficient country, so what Info boom has gone , ther's still sunshine .. what's required is positive attitude towards economy at a macro level , i feel those who are having good basics and sticking on to system side of programming have a bright future ahead this is my gut feel

Thu Apr 12 15:38:18 2001
Name:MK Chemuturi
Views:It was a crazy rush to IT - reaffirming the sheep-mentality (herd mentality) of Indians. Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers or what have you - do a course from a no name institute and get hold of a body-shopper ( and in many cases pay a couple of lakhs) and off to Silicon Valley. I came across many who said that they don't want to use any other language than Java. Most of the desi techies laid off are such ill-equipped people. They came into IT with sheer greed for money and green backs. They got a bundle. Why gripe still - you made hay (money)while the sun shone on USA. Now get out - you are not wanted and invited any more - before US starts hating Indians. These novou rich put on such airs (don't forget their parents back home - they too put on such airs) - that are unbearable. Any body doing anything other than IT are insects - difiicult to get marriage proposals, that was the social scene in India! So I don't shed even one tear for them - they don't deserve.

Thu Apr 12 15:45:10 2001
Name:Pankaj Zote
Views:For how many days this (bad) situation will continue Why this is occured?

Thu Apr 12 16:02:09 2001
Views: do an h-1 B visa holder come back .if his company removes him

Thu Apr 12 16:07:27 2001
Name:ramesh kadaru
Views:What the main reason for the disater in the us? will it be normal?

Thu Apr 12 16:20:39 2001
Views: I applied for my H1-visa through NECBNS in September'2000 and it isn't through yet.My date to fly is 26th April. If anybody could help me in this case, Note: I have n't been given my INS number

Thu Apr 12 16:23:51 2001
Views:I think 40,000 is a big exaggeration. Anyway all this is very temporary.

Thu Apr 12 16:38:32 2001
Views:Hi, I personally feel that ,The status should remain for any H1B Holder to stay for atleast three Months once he is out of status,as you have told he will be first to be laid off and the conditions prevailing now can be there at any time and so three months time should be given before he becomes out of status.

Thu Apr 12 16:39:46 2001
Name:Arun Arora
Views:Is it advisable to move to the US at this time on H1B.Even if u have skills such as CRM which is a growing market all over

Thu Apr 12 16:41:58 2001
Views:How much duration can a h1B holder stay in USA without job?

Thu Apr 12 16:53:09 2001
Name:Hemant Borse
Views:I think it is not fair to lose job immediately when market is down, we should get some security because we are coming here by leaving everything behind in our country. If person loose job then he should get enough time to search another job.

Thu Apr 12 17:05:02 2001
Name:praveen bhatt
Views:As per job in usa is my dream ( if i achived this that means i am the happiest person in india. and my view for this : 1. see if any person who worked in usa .and if his/her working visa is expire and company is not required .then he must be back.

Thu Apr 12 19:28:15 2001
Views:This is not fair. I feel We should be given a fair chance to stay and work here Murali

Thu Apr 12 19:33:24 2001
Name:Alfred Xavier
Views:No one is secured in USA software Jobs. Even if a person is having a job, still he can't be sure what's going to happen next day? It's something like this:you goto work when you have work or sit at home (i.e on Bench) when u don't have just waiting for next client. "IT'S JUST LIKE A LIFE OF A BANJARAN TRIBE IN INDIA" Once the show is over they goto diffrent place to start a new show. In the same way once the project is over we have to goto diffrent place to work if we get a new client.

Thu Apr 12 19:33:56 2001
Views:Hi, If you are H1-B worker with Full time Job. I feel only way is to Work hard and establish your self in the company. don't expect anyone to give you work all the time. Be initiative. This makes managment to think twice before laying you off.. But I agree that, it is mentally hard to feel secure working on H1-B visa. Also watch out for some our own Desi Cut Throats!!. Thanks

Thu Apr 12 19:35:24 2001
Views:I know this is a real hard time for all our Indian brothers there in US, but beleive me, India needs brain like you people and NO ONE should take Indian brains for granted (to be used and thrown). I still beleive Japan methodology of UNITY the strength of a Country.

Thu Apr 12 19:39:16 2001
Views:It is quite unfair, especially since an H1B visa holder also a humnan being begins to take on committments for his or her family like school, cars, house, investments, etc. I think anyone one on a H1B should be automatically granted a green card because all of them go on to get one anyway...

Thu Apr 12 19:40:04 2001
Views:Any firm or consultant has to get in tie- up with mnc,It Firms in Eurpoe,UAE and their main activitie must be placing those candidate who are jobless(ie leave candidate) . Two things will happen 1)firm can acquire +money 2) atleast Professional will be satisfied

Thu Apr 12 19:43:45 2001
Views:The life of a H1 B worker is like a bonded labourer.We have no choices. As long as the companies need us they go head over heels hiring them and when their use has gone they dump us like garbage.I think H1 B people are not collectively voicing their concerns.We have contributed alot to the US economy and we have every right to be treated fairly. Also may be the Indian American groups for a change could also lobby for H1 B people,considering they claim to have a lot of political clout.

Thu Apr 12 19:44:08 2001
Views:They should go for other jobs and after some time there may chance to convert again to their field

Thu Apr 12 19:46:07 2001
Views:Some of the thoughts are well said. No point blaming a company or a system, we change jobs at will, when the economy is good, we don't consider the employer. It is a good idea to leave this place before we spend all our money. Lets invest our hard earned money in India and nobody is going to ask us to leave from there. "Lets build India a better place to live." We know the best of both worlds and combining the both we can make a superior country than America. Jai Hind.

Thu Apr 12 19:46:42 2001
Name:Rakesh Raina
Views:Hi All, As all of us know this is testing time for all of us who r in IT working on H1B visas. History has shown that people who are working in some alien land are the first ones to be terminated or laid off. When It companies hire the people the decision is based on the requirement at that particular moment to come up with new project or develop a product and lately when it is automated they start laying off as they don't require all the develepment team in prodcution maintenance. But the question is why they hire all the employees or contractors when don't think in long run. have we done something wrong toiling to be part of economy development by our services. the situation is really gloomy. everyone who is on H1B visa is always worried whether his future is secured or not. My suggestion is all fellow countrymen should create a lobby to represent the case for all the H1B people and take the case to goverment of USA to make H1B visa holders a permanent or allowing them to stay back till they find another job in the States. In India you can atleast live without salary for few months and companies don't fire the people within short notice but things are completely different here.

Thu Apr 12 19:51:29 2001
Views:Its fair enough for the American Govt to ask Indians to go back. By the way the Indian gov't is spending lot of money for their studies.And they are serving the other nations

Thu Apr 12 19:56:08 2001
Name:Vipul Agarwal
Views:It has been unfortunate the way the economy has all of a sudden slowed down. All my sympathies are with people who were unlucky to be given the pink slip. Like the old adage 'Every cloud has a silver lining', let us try to look at one here too. And I think the fact that INS is allowing laid-off H1B workers to stay in the country till they get another job, comes the closest to be called a silver lining. This is a nice gesture INS is making, although it does have a vested interest too. It is making sure that when the economy gets back in shape, which could take as less as couple of months or as much as a year, the US companies have easy access to tech workers. So guys, if you can somehow survive these 2-3 difficult months, I cn assure you things will look up and you will be in demand once again. Good Luck! PS: I myself am a H1B Database Consultant working in Virginia and have been lucky to survive the shake-up till now!

Thu Apr 12 19:58:14 2001
Views:A createdf slow down in the economy by Federal Bank in USA has resulted in further growth of economy in USA. This has resulted in retrenchment of the staff employed on the basis of further growth. Those who have come on H 1 B visa have no alternative but to go back and find out other alternatives. There was a news in the beginning of the new yedar that German Govt. have increased the quota in allowing IT Personnel into their Country. Other European countries and Australia have much more demand of IT personnel. Those who are in USA and required to go should try their best to find out other alternatives in other countries till the situation over here is improved. The demand for IT personnel in USA will be there once the conomy is steatred to grow which has to be done but it would take some time.Till then those who are on H1 B visa should find out other alternatives.

Thu Apr 12 20:01:06 2001
Views:Well , The very nature of H1b visas are temporary in nature and the first and worst hit will be H1B holders. We have very little to blame US government .Most of the H1b holders ignored and neglected the risks associated with living in US on H1B visas. They were like everyone else ,blinded by the great economy in the last decade. I am sure some of them have reaped the benifits of good economy also . I know it is hard on H1b visa holder because he/she has to leave the country, lot of debts etc . May be it is not fair also but who said capitalism is fair. Infact it is cruel and hard on indivisuals. In a bad ecomomy the negative face of capitalism shows up and crying now makes little sense . I feel we can,t do much other than hope 3rd quarter will bring in smiles back on US economy.

Thu Apr 12 20:04:50 2001
Views:Ok.. you guys don't want me and fired me. Fair enough. But give back my socical security and medicare taxes I paid. Why should I pay those taxes..? It should be only for citizens and permenent residents. Don't rob from poor (and temporary) immigrants!

Thu Apr 12 20:09:05 2001
Views:Hi, Well, It is very sad that H1B are asked to leave. But the competition so high now that you must be higly skilled to get a job again. I think it is a testing time for all of us. Shoba

Thu Apr 12 20:14:14 2001
Name:Mahesh Patil
Views:I read ur Article and I am a regular Reader of the Articales in Rediff. I am a s/w Engineer Working here in US. I am not laid off , i am still Working . According to me , This situation which u have mentioned above was envitable And it was Bound to happen. The People Who are laid off were bound to stay for a short while. Now is the Time When Real People with Good Basics of Computers , are goin to stay here. If we have Talent and Confidence i think it should still not be problem for us. It was a time when Every Tom,ddick and harry on the Road was picked up and trained in Java ,ASP and etc and then was marketed in this Skill thursty, Competative E-Com world. But People Who have Sound Understanding of the Basics in COmputers have the Demand at all times. U can say that.." now the People who were Converted into IT field From sales man to S/w professional are not in demand." But Real people who have are Engineers from IIT,REC, and have struggled for 4 years achiving degrees , studing complex algorithmns ...surely will be rewarded and there is demand for them always. why cant the companies in Silicon Valley , Place the People in Embeded systems as they used to do in JAVA.. bcoz the fact is embedded systems requires the knowledge of Microprocessors which an Engineers can only do that. the bottom line is Again the Days have Come ..where the Real survivors are goin to stay. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.

Thu Apr 12 20:16:02 2001
Views:I do understand that when a person on H1B is laid-off or out of a job, the law states the person should leave US. This might be hard but H1B is a 'non-immigrant' visa and u had been hired to fill a job that could not be filled by a local(US) resource. Also, when u were hired, there was no guarantee as per law that u would be granted immmigrant status. The same time we blame the law, US, etc., imagine if u are an American and get laid off and a H1B is not, how would u feel? Would u not think that the govt is unfair to the American? If out of status, u can change urself to a B1/2 visa and stay for 60 days but need to go thru a new H1B process instead of transfer of H1B. And do not forget H1B is a temporary work Visa(non-immigrant) and as per law u had to go back after 6 yrs max. If u could claim immigrant status, then u could stay. If not, be prepared for heading back.

Thu Apr 12 20:17:03 2001
Views:I still maintain that Canada ia a better option for people intending to stay here in the West. In three years u get ur citizenship and u are free to do what u want....nstead of toiling for the green card which could bea mirage as proved in the present sceanrio.

Thu Apr 12 20:17:54 2001
Views:I dont know whats more unfair here than absolute idiots coming to USA saying they are "IT professionals" while they dont know the basics of Computer Science or Algorithms. (How many of you have heard about Donald Knuth or Alan Turing?). Because of these "new" professionals, Computer Science is no more a science or art. Anybody who knows qwerty typing is now a 'software professional'. Anybody who can dumbly look at a screen is a 'programmer'. Its all part of a bigger plan - a "Balancing Plan" by nature. You cant blame anyone. There was a time when any dick claiming to know sap could come here; then it was vb, then it was java. I could have brought here our cooks and home-maids to do programming here. And now there is too much of them! Obviously there need to be a balance. Why did no one complain so publicly about loose H1B laws when guys with no real knowledge could work here as IT professionals, faking their resumes, birth-dates and other personal & career history? Why is the cry now when being laid off? Where do you see unfairness here? Why is it that now everyone complains about H1B laws - the very same laws that were exploited to come here under any disguise? I think the Karma is taking its own course.

Thu Apr 12 20:24:54 2001
Views:To all h-1's who feel cheated: Lot of those who were laid off cheated their employers thru fake resumes and stuff. This is poetic justice. Those who are really qualified and knowledgeable stay. So, don't be holier than thou.If you feel you should be hired even when 'times are tough' this place will end up like India. Where will u go then ?? ----- Inside tip: Do an Masters degree here and you will have better chances of a job !!

Thu Apr 12 20:35:46 2001
Views:It is understandable that the H1s are feeling the pich of the economic downturn - but the level of hysteria in crying 'unfair' is rather ludicrous. The deal alwas was that H1 is temparory - I have always told my contractors over and over that their job is not guranteed and I will let them go before my employees - een if they are better at the job. I and other employers have promises to keep with our employees. There was no deception in the H1 status. We knew what the rules ere and they have not changed. Nobody owes you or me anything more.

Thu Apr 12 20:36:33 2001
Views:Hi folks, well let us divide the whole group in to 3 sections 1. one who come for just Dollars Dreams.(Majority of Indians fall in this category) 2. One who come complain that the quality of work is not good as in US so they came to work in US in h1/h1b 3. Students who really want to do their Masters and really work in the research and development work. 4. people who get married and come to US Addressing the first point of dollars dreams, well since our population is ever growing and there is lots of competition, we indians always think that staying and trying to find a job in India is stupidity. come to US, earn money and settle here. Many people complain a lot when i say this statement. they worry about the smell, the dust, the environment.But they forget that they were also the part of the same enironment and they came from the same environment. and we were also responsible to keep our environment unclean. Everything is taken for granted in India. the same person who doens't ever try to clean , comes to US and throws the garbage in the right place!! why this attitude????the jealousy for money, Lust, american dream, all for just a show. we talk about living a simple life but when come to india only dollars stand in front of our eyes no friends, relations. let me take an example. coming to US has become a nessessity in India and we Indians are the sole responsible to develop this attitude among ourselves. u can never blame an american for this. He works hard for his country and so is his country. There is no need for an american to take care of u, becos when u come to US ur very well aware of the fact that u have to pay taxes but u forget all these matters and come just for dollar dream and prestige issues. 2. now comes the part of people who r in trouble becos of this market secenario. well, before getting into any job, how come o

Thu Apr 12 20:41:49 2001
Views:Hi Guys, Don't worry and don't step back. According to me whatever is happnding is always for good only, & belive in GOD he will always with us.

Thu Apr 12 20:44:25 2001
Name:D. Misra
Views:Never go back !! Time will change. All these are temporary. Find a way to be legal. America is too big to absorb all. All the best !!

Thu Apr 12 20:51:18 2001
Views:Although there is a temporary slowdown, quality people will always find oppurtunities. This is a just a gross overreaction to be alarmed by a small blip in resource needs

Thu Apr 12 20:53:30 2001
Name:Srikanth ramabhadran
Views:The H1-B law was more designed or suited to fill the IT worker shortage of corporate America. Thats fine with me but the aspect which i dont like is that the H1-B worker is totally forgetton in the law. Imagine a H1-b worker who is settled in place and acquired a home , furniture, car etc got laid off with a 15 days notice. It is virtually impossible to find a new job which would sponsor the H1b worker within 15 days in the prevailing market conditions.Eventually if the H1 b worker doesnt find a new job before he is terminated from the old job then he/she is out of status. Which essentially means that even if the h1b worker gets a new job with in the next month he is still taking a chance with the INS of whether they will approve his new petition. This is ridiculous to me . I strongly feel that some assocication like ITAA should lobby to amend the existing H1b law to facilitate changes which would focus more on the H1 b worker rather than companies which are looking to hire them. H1 B workers have contributed so much to the technological boom for past few years. The law needs to be amended so that if a H1 b worker is already there in U.S for a period of 1 year or more will not become out of status for atleast 3-4 months after he was laid off which may sound reasonable.

Thu Apr 12 20:53:55 2001
Name:Ashutosh Khisti
Views:All H1B are having temporary work-permits, so why to scare for going back, we are here temporarily only. If INS is not interested, why to stick to this place. We have leared lot of new things which we can implement in India. Afterall we don't need to wait for Green Card or Citizenship in India. We can do whatever we want in India. Cheers, "Mera Bharat Mahan!!!"

Thu Apr 12 20:57:13 2001
Views:It's very saddening that things have changed from green pastures to a virtual waste land for the H1 holder, due to the economic downturn. But as the type of the work visa itself suggests, the U.S. government recognized these folks as temporary workers, meaning explicitly that they never wanted them here permanently, unless their sponsor wanted them so. Most of us who came here a while back, came to escape the troubles of socio-economic nature--Specific to India, It has a Reservation system based on caste--and I wouldn't want my children to lack educational, employment opportunities due to that! It has nothing to do with loving or not loving their country of birth. It's mopre a question of survival! Yes, we paid taxes, but we got paid too. The opportunity to be here permanently was always there, in the form of Greencard. But, unfortunately, times of economy have changed---what can we do to survive in such a scenario is the Big Question. To be perceptive in this situation we have to understand the hardships faced by an average American, who has to work really hard to get a college education and earn a loving comparable to that of the IT folks. But the Aliens have done a lot to the economic upturn in the last nine or so years. If the U.S. looses this workforce, they will have a hard time getting them back. So the government has to come up with a proper plan that enables a mutually acceptable solution. For it's not one or two people but thousands. A massive representation to Senators and Congressmen might help. Let us hope that the economy resurrects and therefore the JOBS! Good Luck!

Thu Apr 12 20:59:10 2001
Views:I never heard of people complaining that there were too many H-1s being issued when there was a boom. Quality was never a big issue then. Now that there is a temporary slowdown, why all this complaining ? I agree that the rules are stringent and it makes no sense somtimes and imposes hardships on people who work on H-1s. I have gone through that myself, but all said and done, here is where the oppurtunities are and the US will continue to be the place with the most demand for Indian talent. Good Luck to all !

Thu Apr 12 21:00:01 2001
Name:Raju rana
Views:Hi, This is the Time for all H1B Person to forward our words to INS,AboutHuman being and allow us to Work for other fields also,it would be part of development of this Country. We have spouse and children which are our Dependents,How can we servive them during this Laid off in IT Field.Also we are not getting social benifit from Govt. So,We all H1B(Also Those still on works) should meet at one place and represent our situation to Presidents and INS. Thanks, Raju Rana Programmer NJ.

Thu Apr 12 21:03:02 2001
Views:The people who suffer most in these days of layoffs are the H1B workers.Even in the days when technology jobs were plentiful,H1B workers have a had a most uncertain life.Being totally dependent on their employer for their status,they have to live a life of utter uncertainty and tensions.The lawmakers who introduced the H1B Visa gave the least amount of thought to the individuals who would work under such a scheme.There is absolutely no concern for the plight of H1B workers.You bring in workers when you need them and just throw them out if they are not needed?These are human beings,not commodities that can be thrown out on a whim.I appeal earnestly to the lawmakers to change the rules to make lives easier for these technology workers.If uneducated,undocumented workers can be given amnesty ,then why not grant permanent residency to these highly educated,skilled individuals?

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