April 12, 2001


The H1-B Message Board

Thu Apr 12 10:14:53 2001
Name:Sashikumar RC
Views:My views are: 1. 90% of DOT COM companies failed to show its result as they and their financial companies expected. So Banker announced so many restrictions towards DOT COM companies. 2. Even Big companies had started expecting immediate results for their investments. It is obvious that it will take its own course time for the result. 3. with regards to H1B layoffs, there are more supply than demand. So it is wise for H1B guys to keep their savings and wise to return to India. As soon as market turns to normal they can plan to come back to US Regards Sashikumar RC

Thu Apr 12 10:15:33 2001
Name:Vineesh Vedsen
Views:It is indeed a very sad thing to happen. When US counts so much on the Indians, as techno-whiz-kids for their industry, they should not be the first to be those slaughtered. The options for them is to firstly, review their priorities all over again. Can they spend some more time, persevere and then take a final bow.It is more of a cost-benefit analysis, where they have to check how long can they sustain themselves in US and look for another job.Secondly, if they have spent a reasonable amount of time in US, how are they placed with regards to the financial goals they had stepped into US.That will partly allow the first concern to be taken care of sustenance. Lastly, but not the least,is how much of goodwill have they generated that people in important positions will take care of them. Regards Vineesh Vedsen

Thu Apr 12 10:17:11 2001
Views:It is not a fair idea to ask H1Bs to leave US immediately when they loose job. They should be given a grace period of atleast 2-3 months for H1B Transfer.

Thu Apr 12 10:29:07 2001
Views:I feel its largely those indians who had gone to US without a strong background are the ones who are suffering. For eg those who did some short time courses and joined the dot com bandwagon. When they went, they took advantage of the boom in this segment, and now they are suffering because the party is over now. As far as the indians with good academic bakgrounds and solid technical skills are concerned, they are still secure and in demand.

Thu Apr 12 10:35:35 2001
Views:Well it's very difficutlt to lose tht job suddenly, and geting another job is very diffiult in present situation, all H1B has to given some more time to find there jobs, bcoz thy had proved thier ability and put the efforts in dveloping the IT industrie in US as when their was a requirment of them, when this people are under problem US has to consider about them.

Thu Apr 12 10:39:14 2001
Views:Hi,is the US dream still valid.And is there any hope for the situation to settle down in the near future.

Thu Apr 12 10:45:21 2001
Name:Viraj Rao
Views:i have waited for long for H1-B visa so that my dream of coming to US would come true. well now i have my H1-B visa, but my company in US has told me wait for couple of months. I want to ask, how many more months it is expected for the economy to recover. whats the postion of indian IT guys in US??

Thu Apr 12 10:56:44 2001
Views:kuchh pane ke liye kuchh khona padta hai

Thu Apr 12 11:08:05 2001
Views:I think again they will have the requirements after some period.Still , that we have to wait

Thu Apr 12 11:22:54 2001
Views:It was justknown u see the IT filed is simply unpredictable there will be ups and downs in this filed one should really think b4 geting into this and once got into this they shouldnot repent bcz when there are credits there will be debits

Thu Apr 12 11:30:09 2001
Views:This is just a temp phenomenon...moreover the Indian Body Shoppers are to be blamed for the current market situation.

Thu Apr 12 11:32:07 2001
Views:Well, given that the corporate model in the US focuses only on the money made, and considers the employees mere pawns to be sacrificed in bad times, it is not surprising that people have been laid off in large numbers. I wonder if it is possible to set up companies in India which would give these arrogant (yes, also the richest and most powerful) Americans a run for their money, improving India's position in the world...... I dont think that the guys who still have jobs are secure - the policy is hire and fire. Wake up!!! It is fair or unfair depending on which side of the table you are. After all, fairness is a concept defined by the situation and the model you follow. Returning to India may not be a good option if you have too many debts in the US, but it could be, otherwise - if you get a good job in India, that is, or you have the entrepreneurial streak in you.... Wonder how many of you feel the same as I. regards, s.

Thu Apr 12 11:35:38 2001
Views:We all know that indians have contributed a lot in the US software market. They have slogged for the growth of the US nation, and today when the companies of the Valley feel that its enough these poor INDIAN souls are the first ones to get penalised for no mistake of theirs. It is high time these guys realise ,that it is enough slogging for a country which does not even allow you to stay there. It is better for them to come back to india " The Land which treats everyone on par". Give their services to their Motherland and "Bring the name INDIA to IT Fame of the World" "Nothing is Impossible , Nothing is Too late"

Thu Apr 12 11:59:04 2001
Views:Whatever goes up has to come down just remember folks there is no shotcut to success. Thoose coming on HI-B visas from varried backgrounds to seek riches overnight must try harder.

Thu Apr 12 12:10:01 2001
Name:Vinay Sharma
Views:Hello all, I am a software prof. currently working in the dev. firm at A'bad, and I m also one of the guys who have been hit by the slowdown at US especially in the IT industry since I had filed my H1 a month back and now it seems I am in a BIG Fix. Can anybody tell me the exact reason (i mean the basic reason) of the abrupt slowdown in the economy at US, how much it'll effect to the job market in other contries like UK, Singapore, Gremany etc. and when the things are expected to become normal at US??? Please write to me at the above email id and try to exchange your ideas with me. Bye for now Vinay

Thu Apr 12 12:14:17 2001
Views:Hi, I am just a fresh Graduate from CS department. I certainly dont think that it is fair that the first people to get affected should be the IT people. But I still feel that it is not the end of the world. Even if they had to go back to india (which could happen to me too), IT structure in india is pretty strong too. The quality level of software in India is very good. Half of the CMM - level 5 companies hail from india. True they will have to get accustomed to the old lifestyle again. Also, US is not the only international country which hires. The demand for good IT people is all over the globe.We just think of US as a land of bounty and rush here. Though the effect of the slow economy may spread, it is not likely to catch up with existing demand around the globe. Right now, we can just wait and watch.

Thu Apr 12 12:17:56 2001
Views:It doesn't matter we can go back and work in India. Dont forget that we are Indians and no need to feel bad to go back to our mother land

Thu Apr 12 12:20:38 2001
Name:Vamsi Krishna
Views:I like to know about the future in US other than IT field. Where there is bright future and carrier?

Thu Apr 12 12:20:50 2001
Views:These are the same people who feel at the top of the world when sailing is smooth and make lot of money and also redicule people working in India. There should be no sympathy for whatever happens and they should handle themselves.

Thu Apr 12 12:21:47 2001
Views:Hi This is Gnanesh worked for Lucent Technoloiges i was layed off 40 days back...but still to get an new assignment...i heard lot of people left for India..& as u know recently INS told some good news about H1B holders..I have been trying from my side...thinking i will get one permanent job...i am geting calls but all are asking for GC or US Citizen..but they are not ready to transfer H1B even i am potential...I asked so many people when this will come back to normal..but i got different answers for it...I think no body knows about what is going to happen ...even i heard from my friends back in bangalore that there also companies are laying there any end to this..what u think how long it will keep going.... Gnanesh

Thu Apr 12 12:35:10 2001
Views:We Indians can make a thing out of scrap too, so why to be laid at the mercy of others, form a group of all indians and blast them again. We all are with you!! Best of Luck

Thu Apr 12 12:35:11 2001
Views:We Indians can make a thing out of scrap too, so why to be laid at the mercy of others, form a group of all indians and blast them again. We all are with you!! Best of Luck

Thu Apr 12 02:53:23 2001
Views: Surely life with the burden of living with H1 is too much. Wonder why this slavery exists when Americans think they have gotten rid of all slavery. Why Americans don't bother that they are exercising slavery still. Is it because victims mean nothing to them ? Anyway... promises of good fortune makes us go through tough times, thats what Indian culture teaches us. So we bear it and hardly complain. But surely Americans need to realise that they are practising slavery with H1 policy. It doesn't matter we come from a developing country... we need to be treated like normal human beings if thats what Americans preach. rgds RB

Thu Apr 12 02:53:51 2001
Name:Raj Patil
Views:Today also there are some jobs available but, I can't get it just because, companies don't want to sponsor/transfer H1 Visa. Any specific reason why companies don't sponsor/transfer ??? Is it because of INS that, it takes time to transfer H1 ???? Could INS please do something to avoid this so, that those who are on H1 could be treated like those who are Green Card Holders and Citizens of US. Regards, Raj

Thu Apr 12 02:59:51 2001
Views:Well, one has to bear with the ups and downs of the industry, the challenge which an H1-B visa holder has accepted has a hidden risk. Now the guys who have been laid off are subjected to this perforce.

Thu Apr 12 02:59:59 2001
Views:How can I see other messages?

Thu Apr 12 03:00:43 2001
Name:Nitin Fating
Views:It's depandes on which platform they people are working. What it has assumed that only IT professional on JAVA is facing problem.

Thu Apr 12 03:01:23 2001
Name:Ashish Gupte
Views:It is definitely NOT fair. The H1B people have to pay the same tax,social security, and have other debts like other Americans but they can be slave of only one company at a time. If they have to leave USA because they lose their only job that they can have then they should be given back their tax,social security etc or they should not be taxed at all in the first place. After all isn't USA about "doing the right thing".

Thu Apr 12 03:02:58 2001
Views:Definetly its not fair. But then every H1 B worker knows the fact before comming to USA. Well every job has its own set of hazards and this is the hazard with H1 B employment. Its no point crying foul over something which is very clearly known right from day one. One has to be mentally prepared for such a situation. Be alert about your company condition and find another job before the company can fire you. In a jungle u have to be wary of the tiger so also here we have to be wary and alert about losing status.

Thu Apr 12 03:04:55 2001

Thu Apr 12 03:05:08 2001
Views:I think they can search for jobs in states, with the enormous experiance they have they can really do it.

Thu Apr 12 03:08:17 2001
Name:Parminder Singh Sandhu
Views:i think that h1 people should be allowed to stay in States till they find a job or they can afford to stay. if H1 people are asked to pay all the taxes they should also be supported in some way. The H1 people are imported in US to raise US economy and business, they come here after sacrificing so many things, the US govt should think for thier future to like German Govt provide a visa for 5 years. this is am important issue that demand serious thought. US govt should stop exploiting others for their use.

Thu Apr 12 03:08:34 2001
Views:I am here for past 3 months, but not got a single project. My employer is not paying me now. I donn't know whats the future here. I have stated applying for permanent jobs also, but none of them are responding. Very poor response and most of the companies says that they are not recruiting this year. So would like to know is it adviceable to go to back to india till the market comes up again or wait for few more months , if so how much we need to wait ???????????

Thu Apr 12 03:10:23 2001
Views:can anyone tell about the H1B cancelation process. If an employer cancel your H1, what you have to do. How much tim,e it takes to cancel the H1.

Thu Apr 12 03:12:43 2001
Name:Sumanta Mukherjee
Views:The whole thing sucks! Only people from a country like India can agree to work 10,000 and 15,000 miles away from home and that too after agreeing to the conditions laid out in H1-B. Hey, you agreed to those slave-like terms and conditions in the first place - so why crib when people spit at you ? You already agreed to be spitted at when you agreed to pay Social Security without any gurantee of receiving it.. when you agreed that your educated wife will languish at home with an H-4 Visa.. so why complain ? And what's the big problem in returning to your homeland ? And if India's that bad that you cannot just live there anymore, why don't you agree to work under inhuman conditions in any other country of the world ? Anybody would gladly take you in if they see that you agreed to work under H1-B Visa once upon a time.. I think it suits them the best !!!!

Thu Apr 12 03:13:31 2001
Views:Hi, I was working in a big organisation in INDIA,left that and came here thru some other company,its already 3 job.. whats my future..i have learned so many things..thought of implementing them in a better way..but the time is not in favour of me..could u pls throw some light on this issue...Thanks..vittu

Thu Apr 12 03:23:05 2001
Views:not fair /opportunist/exploitative are the words that come to my mind thinking of what u just said

Thu Apr 12 03:24:36 2001
Name:Mahesh Jambunathan
Views:these are testing times...but it is a matter of time before things will settle.

Thu Apr 12 03:25:34 2001
Name:Mona Chawla
Views:I am working as an immigration attorney in the US currently. I am originally from Delhi; however, my citizenship is Canadian. Nonetheless, I understand the dilemma of foreign workers as I too fall into this category. The one comment I have is that this economic downturn is very unfortunate but somewhat predictable. I think that as H1B workers, we tend to "settle" for simply the chance to work in the US -- even if that chance is quite temporary with unpredictable consequences and compromising salary levels. However, even as an H1B, some of us may opt for other not-so-temporary work visas or put pressure into being sponsored for a green card. Many companies, for the sake of competing, will allow for a foreign worker to apply for a green card. But the problem is that not enough people ask; and when they ask, it is not in an assertive manner. Survival in America -- whether for the better or for the worse -- is about being aggressive and assertive.

Thu Apr 12 03:26:06 2001
Name:Shyam Prasad
Views:Clarification about stay for H1 visa holders after layoff :,1283,42439,00.html

Thu Apr 12 03:33:40 2001
Name:Ila padhi
Views:Because of this south indian persons today the s/w market of silicon valleyislike in california,if u are a s/w professional,then yr basic degree should be either mca or be in comp science or electronics,but most of these guys don't possess like this.that's wht the crisis.somany persons are coming here and not doing their job no comments on the scenario.

Thu Apr 12 03:36:26 2001
Name:Nilanjan Chaks
Views:its truw that H1B workers have contributed a lot, but there has been an indiscriminate selection of candidates for jobs which just dnt fit them too. That in the long run is a bad thing to reflect on the Indian IT worker. In the meantime lay-off for the econmic reason are not the workers fault at all. Its just that it HAPPENED. Maybe its also tim for us to consider the Indian scenario once again. Most companies are also shifting development work to India, and in some cases, there are very good opps back home. Its only a case of revers-brain drain.

Thu Apr 12 03:39:33 2001
Views:Hello, How is the scene in Bangalore? is the US problem spilling over to BLR? kuttappan

Thu Apr 12 03:42:09 2001

Thu Apr 12 03:42:53 2001
Views:It's been a nightmare for people who come to US thru a bodyshoppe. But people who are here as a employee of a Indian company and working as a consultant here are exposed to lower risk. I feel so because these people have something to fall back upon. The episode of US economy slowdown has revealed that Indian companies and Indian Software professinals are highly dependent on the US economy. Aligning their stratergies to explore markets in Europe and countries like Japan.

Thu Apr 12 03:43:07 2001
Name:Krishna sagar
Views:we have been closely following the developments in the new economic scenario & it is evident that there is a major shake out and thousands lost their jobs. The H1-B category itself is premeditated to make it very temporary ,there is nothing new or surprising about people asked to leave if they are laid off..many of these employees are kept in the dark by the employers or the consulting companies about the temporary status of their stay & in case what would happen if they are expelled. The reality is may be a lot of indian software professionals did make good money & had got used to a good life style here but...when the market's home calling. I personally wish all the indian techies to take it easy and make their careers where ever they have an oppurtunity to & not rely on just USA. India is a huge market and good professionals are always in demand. Regards, Krishna sagar

Thu Apr 12 03:45:50 2001
Name:Bipin Baghele
Views:No idea, luckilly I am still serviving, but constantly there is always fear in mind

Thu Apr 12 03:45:54 2001
Views:I feel the govt of USA should do something for them as it is not at all fair. After all they served the usa to grow but now as there are problems coming up on their side, they should be sheltered as well. Something should be done.

Thu Apr 12 03:48:25 2001
Views:There is no guarntee what will happen. This problem is not only with persons on H1, everyone is in the same boat. Hopefully, if this slowdown does not impact India, people can go back to India and take up a job.

Thu Apr 12 04:01:29 2001
Views:Unless there are radical changes in the Immigration laws, the H1 workers are forced to stay in a volatile status and could be chucked out in the event of a slight turbulence in the market in US. Very dangerous!! Well for those who have jobs right now, they are blessed.. But who can vouch for their longevity in the existing scenarios ?? Murthy

Thu Apr 12 04:02:15 2001
Views:Looks like things are getting better...just hold your breadth !!

Thu Apr 12 04:07:28 2001
Name:John Woo
Views:get the hell outta here.

Thu Apr 12 04:07:58 2001
Views:I hope it gets better from here on than worse. As many of the highflying dot.coms are either out or about to and laid off most of the employees, and once the economy starts picking up and the strong companies see some visibility, they are going to hire people at attractive rates.

Thu Apr 12 12:58:48 2001
Name:Mahesh Nanda
Views:I think this is all because of unplanned management and irresponsible hiring of IT guys without having any foresight about what is going to happen in the coming years.

Thu Apr 12 13:10:54 2001
Name:Shaik Mohammad
Views:I would like to apply h1b visa to USA. Iam a B.E.Mech.graduate and now learnning cum Traainning with IBM Institute as a software Engineer,course at HYDERABAD Since 5 months going to completion in JULY 1st week . how to apply please tell me sir thankyou sir

Thu Apr 12 13:19:54 2001
Name:Pankaj Chhajer
Views:I have got a job offer form a US company way back in Dec 2000 on H1b, but till date i hve not yet got my ins cleared and still it is pending, so will you let me know what is the opportunity and the status of it???what will happen to people like me?? what it the scope and there should be some way as to when can we get our visas??

Thu Apr 12 13:28:28 2001
Views:I feel it is not fair on the US Part, to lay off when ever wanted and to give them opportunity at their own advantage.Yes, it is for their self advantage that they are recruiting guys from foreign land, but cant sack them coz the situation is bad.I accept the helplessnes on the part of companies that sack them, but cannot accept the blunt rule of government who wants the H1B holder to go back home.It's kind of resemblance to "Use and Throw" and it is rude.Am just expressing this, bcoz it is inside me and i know it is not going to make any difference in any one of express there is lot more to.... Thank You bye deepu

Thu Apr 12 13:56:23 2001
Views:I believe this downfall of IT market has unfold hidden truths. An Indian in US will remain a second grade citizen/worker/immigrant or whatsoever. So why run after dollors, develop techonolgy back in India and make it a sillicon valley. Be proud to be an Indian and work for it ..our pains and sacrifice will fetch comforts to our generations to come. India will be a leading superower. And no Indian would ever require H1 or green card.

Thu Apr 12 13:58:15 2001
Views:Well, the risk was always there. In a monopolistic regime like a america's corporate, it is profit before people. American citizens come first, as in the case of peoples, canadians, mexicans, illegals, legal H1B workers in the above mentioned order.

Thu Apr 12 14:26:51 2001
Views: I think, this is time to serve/improve indian IT Technology sector by returning to India. We build better & Stronger indian nation like US.

Thu Apr 12 14:37:43 2001
Views:as per my view,let the indians not return to India. Let them look for a job there. Here in INDIA unemployment is soaring to great heights. If they come here, there wont be any oppurtunities for the freshers like us.So let them be in U.S and not return to INDIA

Thu Apr 12 14:54:17 2001
Name:hrishikesh kulkarni
Views:it is really a very bad thing. but we all should unite together and fight for the rights of each and every individual against the US Government. JAI HIND. MERA BHARAT MAHAAN.

Thu Apr 12 14:56:34 2001
Name:K.Rama mohan Rao
Views:is there a possibility for the rise of job market for H1b holders in near future?. Iam H1b holders. willing to go to america as soon as possible.. can I get some suggestions from you?

Thu Apr 12 15:00:53 2001
Views:HEy Any bosy Who could throw some light on following : Is the H1b Cap reached for the current year (2001). I.e If the company applies for H1b in month of May end ...will it be considrede this year or next year (I.e October 2001 onwards) ?

Thu Apr 12 15:12:17 2001
Name:Kartikey Deolia
Views:I feel that the people who have lost their job is bad on part of those people but as a dedicated nationalist I think it is the right treatment that these people have got.They had left their homeland in search for few more bucks and see what it has done to them. If they would have stayed here they could have done their country proud by developing the softwares in India only. So be it.

Thu Apr 12 18:09:11 2001
Views:Why this fuss guys...? I am sure almost 85% of you all would have gone cursing the Indian economy and the infrastructure. I have read fellows saying that US companies have not done anything good to them. Why they would do? They are into business and they have done the right thing. Even you would have done this.

Thu Apr 12 18:10:21 2001
Views:Ofcourse it is fair! The whole point of H1B is nothing but temporary work permit. If people mistook it for the Green Card, then that is not Corporate America's problem. America being capitalist country, encouraged the H1B's because they are getting Cheap technical labor for peanuts. It is not the fault of American companies. It is the fault of the body shoppers, who mindlessly dumped so many (some qualified and some cheaters) with the sole idea of making money. If any deserves a blame then the people who came here on H1B's thinking that it was permanent should squarely take the blame. Ofcourse the biggest culprits of them all are the body shoppers. Direct your anger at them. Not at corporate amercia. America never promised GCs for all the people coming from India in the first place. They never promised secured future either. Who ever heard of secured jobs (ala banks, government jobs back in India) in America?

Thu Apr 12 18:11:33 2001
Name:Arpan Chakravorty
Views:Many Indians have contributed greatly in building up the American IT mainstream but we certainly don't deserve what's happening lately. People have worked with hopes and aspirations and now all that is kind of shattered. Though this happens to be a phase and will definitly improve, but a scar remains and in the future every H1 worker may not contribute like before because if his efforts aren't recognized, it just won't be worth it.

Thu Apr 12 18:11:39 2001
Views:My thought is US government to should make some alternative arrangement OR else people will lose their interst in US. In future professional won't opt for US instead they will look for other country. Which is a big loss for US

Thu Apr 12 18:14:35 2001
Views:See guys.. we go to the US to earn $$.. While going to a new country we normally do not care for the consequences or do not properly read the Rules and Regulations.Now there is no point in blaming a system which we overlooked earlier..US requires H1b holders for a specific skill set so there is no point in keeping a person if they are not working in that area..This is how the system works.. It is good time to book the tickets for motherland..

Thu Apr 12 18:14:42 2001
Views:hello, iam working for a software firm , so i deffinetely dream going to states, but after seeing this situation in states ,u feel that there is no security for our jobs after goin there.i want to know from the technocrats what is goin to happen instates in next 6 months or in other words when will the situation become normal..please let me know as soon as possible with warm regards

Thu Apr 12 18:18:49 2001
Views:Before packing bags and leaving the shores of India, everybody must be given a copy of Bhagvad Gita, to read. In the land of (Honey, Milk) Lakes one has to understand that everything is just a transisition. Nothing is permenant(even green card holders and citizens can be deported)

Thu Apr 12 18:28:21 2001
Views:I think all of the H1B folks are suffering..Iam angry, hurt that even though iam not laid off iam living in constant anxiety. H1B guys dont stand a chance in a slowing economy.Iam now not angry at America, but at india at indians, for not believing in ourselves..for being corrupt for electing corrupt leaders.

Thu Apr 12 18:32:32 2001
Views:Getting H1b not the problem but companies are not finding seats in US for Indian It professionals.

Thu Apr 12 18:37:06 2001
Name:muzammil ahmed
Views:Really it is very sad to see that so many people are coming back from states.They might had spend lot of money to learn the courses and they had had gone to states with a lots of dreams,but its all depends on their own fact,bcas there in the states they cant do anything if they dont have projects then how can they help by chumma giving the my best suggestion is in our India only we have lot to develop so whatever knowledge u people have in it field try to develop India one day we indians only might become like america.So even i had done E-commerce and I will also try maximum to be India and develop India from muzammil

Thu Apr 12 18:45:33 2001
Views:Every individual who came here on H1 knew exactly what the rules were. Most people just wanted to come here at any cost - selling their properties in india, false resumes, false references, even fake certificates. Because they knew that even if they were here for a short time, they could enough money to make it worth. So I don't believe one has a right to complain. In India, even for 1 job opening, 1000's write tests and have a wait for hours beyong their appointment time for an interview and have to actually show their certificates to get a job, so how fair is that ? Why blame the govt here ? What is the Indian govt doing for all the jobless people there ? If one tries to read an interview in rediff by an INS official, I think one can stay in US upto 60 days to find another job. This is not a clear rule because it's a case by case basis, that is determined when you apply for a new H1 if you get another job.

Thu Apr 12 18:48:25 2001
Views:Yes it is fair. Is there any Indian IT company is giving secure job in India ? ....

Thu Apr 12 18:49:09 2001
Name:Happy Indian in India
Views:They deserve it. May all the H1B holders be chucked out of their jobs.

Thu Apr 12 18:50:53 2001
Name:Pradeep Hardikar
Views:Even though I feel sad for people who have to come back because the companies they were working for do not need them, I think it is life. H1-B is supposed to be for temporary workers. Did anyone complain why they were being called temporary when they had excellent skills? No. That is because in 9 out of 10 cases they just wanted to leave India. Nothing wrong with that. Then they wanted to actually get their green card by staying in US long enough, working hard and making themselves indispensable for the companies they were working for. Nothing wrong with that either. US, as a country, allowed them to change their mind from being a temporary worker (on H1-B) to some one who intends to stay there permanently (by applying for green card). So why complain about the country and its policies? It is unfortunate that the companies they were working for do not have business model or resources to cater to them and use their services. BTW, how many had checked up on the company they were going to work for before accepting the job? How many even had an idea which company they would be working for after landing in US? And just what is lost? They still have an opportunity in India (and if Indian IT pundits have to be believed) and Europe. Come back guys & gals. A good person can become indispensable in India also. And can get paid a lot too. Good luck to all of you!

Thu Apr 12 18:56:38 2001
Views:Reality Check guys,, When we chose to come here, we did it on our own. It was a temporary job for christs sake. If we were smart, we should have come here, and either enjoyed life to the full as if we are on an extended vacation (if we are wealthy in India) or save like crazy (if we are not so wealthy in india). In three years, an Average H1B could have saved 30 laks,, and when he goes back to india he would have sufficient to start a life again or build up on the life he left behind. Instead what we did was "trying to be one up on the joneses" . Buying expensive Japanese cars, and 5 bedroom colonials on a H1 is hardly a smart thing to do. But then we were status oriented and highly competitive among ourselves and now we blame the US goverment. The fact is simple, they give us a job when they need us, they take it away when they dont. We should have either not taken the job when it was given , or we should not complain if we took it up. I dont see any rationality in complaining afterwards. If we are smart we would have outwitted these folks here by taking back with us huge sums of money that we had saved, which we would have spent in the US if we had lived here. If a hundred thousand H1s go back and each takes with him 50000 dollars, we would be taking out abt 5 billion out of the US economy. Man, will that be something :)

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