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March 28, 2000


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'We need economic power to wield influence'

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Name: Gulshan
Message: I think India will yet goof up and miss the oppurtunity for growing relations with USA. President Narayanan's non flattering speech sometimes shooting at Clinton ("head man") and sometimes the US policy at the banquet meeting where as a matter of courtsey and protocol only nicities are exchanged was classic example of Indias Ego problem. For crying out loud we are a poor useless country when compared the US and should not let our ancient Egos against a 200 year old country type of an attitude get in the way. We are not in a position to be rude! Lets grow our trade relations like China and then I could care less if we turned lowly communist as the Chinese. Because with economic priciples dictating policy US will bend over backwards. Forget multi polar world nonsense with India leading the way. We need economic power to weild influence. Lets not go asking for artificial things.

Name: Mohammed P.
Message: I am not sure as to how much India stands to gain in terms of the so called "historic visit" by the "worlds most powerful person" as stated by our extremely immatured media and our extremely childish government officials (barring the president Mr. Narayanan). They have just gone gaga over the whole issue and the press is rolling out extremely detailed information of Mr. Clinton's daily programme. Nowadays the media have nothing, except what ("PRESIDENT") Mr. Clinton said, what he did, what he had worn, what he ate, how he ate, his this, his that. Wonder sometime they'll have some news about Mr. Clinton not liking the toilet papers being provided to him, snd so our press and political figures will give him a good early morning lick and clean his bottoms. Though this has been a quite amusing event and a total relaxation if you are tired of reading the daily stuff about the BJP, Congress and Lalloo.

Name: Sunil Chandiramani
Message: I think it is essential that Mr Clinton pays visit to Pakistan as it will help in easing the tensions between the 2 countries ,but most Important is the U.S Stand for the peace of 2 countries should remain firm irrespective of who is the Next U.S. President.

Name: vinay p. kulkarni
Message: Unless and until India begins to take pride in itself, recognises its own contribution to the world economy, to science and everything else, it will alway remain a country of "Firang" bootlickers; too much will always be made of visits by firang leaders, be they lameduck or macduck or anything else. Its going to take India and the subcontinent in general several decades more, if at all to come out of the shadow of the Raj. God only knows who is going to come to our rescue and exorcise the ghosts of the past.

Name: Shiv Vishwanathan
Message: Reactions to Shri Bill Clinton's Visit

A Citizens Report compiled by Shiv Visvanathan

Jaswant Singh (FM): It is a significant visit but it is unfortunate Strobe couldn't spend more time with us.

K.P.S. Gill (Security Consultant): Clinton's bed is a security risk. It shouldn't be allowed into the country.

Uma Bharati (BJP): President Clinton can visit India but he can never invade Bharat.

Tarun Das (CII): The President had tea at CII and dinner with FICCI. I wish to state that in the original programme it was to be the other way around.

Vandana Shiva (Ecologist): It is a prelude to the patenting of Saffron.

K. Sudarshan (RSS head): Because of Sri Vajpayee, Clintonji could not come to Nagpur.

Jairam Ramesh (General Secretary, Congress): Chandrababu Naidu should be worried about his rising bills.

Organizer (Magazine): It is the sangam of Saffronization and Globalization.

Sachin Tendulkar (PMG): Nothing official about it.

Dharmendra (Film Star): Arre Clinton Eastwood hamara hi munda hai.

Reena Singh (Reiki Expert): I am correcting his vibes.

Maurya Sheraton Chef: We have added "Lame Duck" to our menu.

Shekhar Suman (TV Star): He is a mover and a shaker. (Text edited for diplomatic reasons).

Arundhati Roy (Novelist): I am planning to serialize my protest in The Guardian.

Mamta Bannerjee (Railway Minister): In solidarity with the President's historic visit, the Railway Ministry has granted half tickets to all youth under thirty.

Laloo Yadav (Politician): Yadi (if) Clintonji comes to Patna, I shall name my granddaughter VISA.

Sonia Gandhi: Um. Um. Oh!

Ajit Jogi: We will translate and let you know.

S.M. Krishna (CEO, Karnataka): Oh! Clinton GARU, why not Bangalore?

Ashis Nandy (Culturologist): I strongly protest against the Coca-Clintonization of India.

Shiv Visvanathan (aspiring culturologist): A truly upmarket event. Earlier when VIPs came jhuggies were lime-washed. This time South Delhi and New Delhi were given a 'face-lift'.

MTV Fan (Age 20-30): A truly virtual performance. The first electronic president. Only they should have sent the Video and let Clinton stay at home.

MTV Fan (Age 35-45): It is like watching Dennis the Menace grown up. It is a combination of the sinister and the silly.

Anil Agarwal (Environmentalist, CSE): The Clinton visit was an ecological disaster. The Carbon Monoxide level at ITO chowk went up 10%. The plastic waste according to latest CPCB reports amounted to 200,000 tonnes. The methane produced after the Sheraton dinner....

Upwardly mobile socialist with FCR: The National Alliance of Peoples' Movements has strongly protested against the visit. We have also applied to Ford and FINIDA for a social audit of the visit and its aftermath.

Mahesh Bhatt (Film-maker-about Clinton's security): The most expensive chastity belt in history.

Beena Ramani (Socialite): He couldn't give me quality time.

Mauren Wadia (Socialite): It was the real Gladrag's event of the year.

Tanni Datta (Model, Startlet): Read my Lips.

Report of NDTV/CSDS Poll on Visit
Those For : 100%
Those Against : 100%
Those Undecided : 100%
Pronnoy Roy (NDTV) : What does it mean?
(Expert I) Mahesh Rangarajan : Ask Dorab
(Expert II) Dorab Supariwala : Ask Lord Butler
(Expert III) Lord Butler : Ask Lahiri
Pronnoy Roy (NDTV) : I can't. He has joined Zee.

Finally enclosed a take on the trip.

After the advertisement

Hillary : COFFEE
Vajpayee : COFFEE
Musharaf : NO, TOFFEE

And thus began the 1st Nuclear War in the Sub-continent

Clinton ki asli pasand: Write your answers to 50.50 Biscuit Products, P.O. Box 199962, Mumbai

Name: simrat
Message: I think it is good that Clinton is going to pakistan after all hehas aright to see for himself what a selfish and mean country that is and hey!!we have nothing to loose after all its indian food thats cooking in white house these days!& as they say the way to a mans heart is through his stomach!! so we have the upper hand here

Name: kumaravel
Message: Surely this trip will improve Indo-Us Relations, The things made for this is quite normal for an U.S president, Out P.M vajpayee should have spoken in English during his speach in parliment,Other than that I think Clinton has won in this trip as an agreement on Banning the nuclear test and using the same was signed,I think he did it , what is not possible in the conference held in U.S By kumaravel

Name: Raja
Message: Interesting news, I wanted to share this clip with rest of the readers. Rediff neglected to report this piece. You know guys Brits have left India you are not slaves any more. It is not a house of Parliment but a house of beggers seeking change. Democracy is run by no self respect...... What a shame..

NEW DELHI-Indian parliamentarians Wednesday scrambled, jostled and shoved one another in order to shake hands with the US President Bill Clinton after his address to the joint session of Indian Parliament. The MPs were so mesmerised by Clinton's 35-minute speech, that they left their dignity behind and tried everything short of lifting American President on their shoulders. Wondering over MPs behaviour Defence Minister George Fernandes said, "he was ashamed." The Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pramod Mahajan was seen shouting at MPs asking them to leave American President alone. Congress leader Rajesh Pilot said MPs behaved with a "slave mindset." The MPs even mobbed the exit point and the Cadillac car of the American President. After the Watch and Ward staff, responsible for the security of the parliament, failed to contain MPs, the American secret service agents intervened and literally pushed and nudged Indian MPs to extricate Clinton and his daughter Chelsea from the melee. A bewildered Watch and Ward official said he had never witnessed such an incident before and it was for the first time since the inception of the Parliament that force was used against the MPs inside the Parliament House.

Earlier, an obliging Clinton reached across to those sitting in the middle and far corner of the benches to shake hands. Those who could not be reached ran across to the US President. Telugu Desam member of Rajya Sabha R Ramachandraiah managed to put a tricolour handmade shawl round Clinton's shoulders and asked his help to uplift the lot of weavers in his home district. Shiv Sena member Mohan Rawle climbed on somebody

Name: Hitesh
Message: Mr .Bill Don't announce any loan to india we want good friendship with you not dollers.

Name: Mukesh Kumar
Message: First of all, unlike as you mentioned up here, Bill Clinton is no lame duck president!!! It augurs well for India, more than US, with his visit here. India will be not only more on the world map, but it will remain in the heart and mind of Bill Clinton(and a new president soon) and the US people and administration.

-He is among the few best US presidents that country has had for multiple reasons:

- He is a people's president/man - warm and responsive.

- He has superb human/humane qualities.

- He is a great human being, who happens to be the president of the most powerful nation - a rare combination that can ever be found!

- He is sincerely concerned, caring and bothers about issues and more so about people's plight, not only in the US, but across the globe.

All said and done, his visit to India is the best thing that has happened to this country at the dawn of the new millennium.

Unfortunately, it was absolutely arrogant on the part of the Indian govt. to give him an indifferent and a unbefitting reception on his arrival at the airport. He was received by the like of Ajit Panja (Jaswant Singh's presence was a shade better). He should have been recd. by both the Prime Minister and the President. That's how he was recd. in Bangladesh and will be so in Pakistan(by Pervez). And on his departure as well, a similar stately send-off should be givenby at least the prime minsiter in Mumabi(which, in all likelihood, will not be). This is where India's arrogance hurts. Heads of states of other insignificant countries(relatively) are given a better welcome and send-off than what is being done to Bill Clinton. So much for lousy, indifferent Indian diplomacy and protocol!!!!!!

Name: sujit
Message: go get it

Name: mahesh
Message: dear rediff There is no result for clinton rounding the south asia and hyd our cm taking loans to ap he is misusing the money and putting lot of liabilities on AP . ap cm has no work to do so he doing like that.

Name: Mohan
Message: Do we have a solution by a President who is to go out of his own office in November?

Can the Indian government reveal at what cost this ENTERTAINMENT is taking?

Message: This visit is bound to result in increased USinterest in Indian Economy & its Defence affairs.

Name: Meenu Chugh
Message: Clinton's visit will only be successfull ,if whatever he talks is not a sham.

Name: indu
Message: Let's talk sth about the crores of hungry people in India, rather than about Clinton's visit.

Name: prasad babu
Message: Please solve india - pak war at Kashmir otherwise support to my INDIA or Don't interfere

Name: Devendra
Message: It's no doubt a very important visit but I think it's still overhyped. India is still not seen as a country good for mega foreign investment. Our infrastructure is very poor. There are big water, power and transport problems. West still looks towards us as underdeveloped third word country with uncontrolled population. One visit by US president is not going to change these harsh realities. But we can definitely see this as a good omen for future relations with the US.

Name: siva
Message: the indo-us relations will ease. clinton visiting pakistan, is not a setback to india but ...

Name: Usha K. Sarode
Message: It is a historical visit I cannot forget he is one of king in the world. I want to meet him but impossible. but atleast pls.pass on my message to him pls. reply me. with love your forever

Name: deepak kamani
Message: its a visit that can be appreaciated. thanks clinton! enjoy! deepak!

Name: kabior
Message: Clinton visits India.. and all the focus is on getting U.S to not visit Pakistan..or to declare it a terrorist state!

O.K for a moment let us assume that Pakistan is declared a terrorist state.. or for that matter maybe the country ceases to exist!(Please imagine if you can). Do you really think any thing will change for India and Indians??

We are again falling in the trap of politicians who want to continue to perpetuate the corruption of our systems! Beleive me (and analyse yourself), compared to the corruption in our judiciary , police etc... Pakistan ,I.S.I like a timid and innocent goat! The real enemy is within and all people who are real patriots should highlight it and put pressure on the goverment to put its act together. The Prime Minister should feel the heat with regard to cleaning up of the judiciary etc.., and not get away from his responsibilities by simply pointing all fingers at Pakistan!

Let us not forget that most of the recognition that India has got today is on the basis of people who have made it in life not because of but inspuite of the Indian system and its corruption. The entire I.T industry is more or less a private enterprise!

And President Clinton has been forced to acknowledg India due the efforts and talents of the Indians who made it Inspite of the odds.

So let us very clearly let the people in power know that we understand what is wrong with the systems of our country... and crying about Pakistan(as much as Pakistanis crying India to fool their people) can only fool some people and cannot fool for one moment the people who Know better!

In the absense of a sensible press, all good meaning Indians should use all platforms availaible to highlight the need to reform the judiciary. (The first and most important step). Or else be satisfied by Paki..bashing.

Name: Akur Srinivasan
Message: The visit of U.S.President to India is indeed most welcome. It will help Americans and the world to recognise the real potential of India. He has genuine respect for Indians His visit is adiplomatic victory to Indis. A.Srinivasan P.hD.

Name: Anand Srinivasan
Message: The visit will thaw the frozen relationship between India and the US.Economic co-operation will be the cornerstone of this relationship because of mutual interests. Largely this visit has only a symbolic meaning.

Name: manish marhwal
Message: what clinton has spoken on bse index

Name: Arun Kumar
Message: May be the relations will strength and there may be a peaceful Kashmir which was once long ago for the tourists to visit and enjoy. Also India And Pakistan unite again

Name: kamal agarwal
Message: how can india earn money by shaking hands with US

Name: debi
Message: i think clintons the best! he is really gr8 coz he's tryin 2 unite india n pak!!

Name: sukanya

Name: jsrk chaitanya
Message: us has always used double standards .it is just that they would like to unleash their power even in asia that clinton is visiting india.they are traitors in the form of arbitrators.

Name: blmalksharma
Message: It has opened a new chapter in U S India relationship it help India to becoming a Superpower.

Name: roy
Message:Clinton's visit to India will really help to boom the industrial sector of our country, especially the IT industry. But at the same time, we should never surrender our policies and principles to US, though they r the super power in the world. In the Indo-Pak relation, we have to be careful about each and every steps US takes since they've got a soft corner to the Paks. The Kashmir prob should be settled with the Simla Agreement, not with US opinions. -Roy

Name: Sunil
Message: Well at last we are trying to get away from commie,socialistic approch to our problems. This is a good begining for a very fruitful and worthy relationship with US. I am being a US citizen and an Indian, I understand how important the trip was for my motherland. I hope only these "Gandhi Topis and Dhotis" mess up things. As we know we elect and selcet People like Jaylalitha, Kaurankaran,Anthony, Sukhram, Kesri, Sonia, Thackery,Basu,Mayavati,Kanshi Ram, Lallo,Mulayam as our leaders. So these non thinking,lazy,Non Creative, Communal and thoughtless goons and low lives must have learnt something from that man.

I wish and hope a new era for India with this new found love and respect for each other. Hats off to BJP to bring this new meaning to India and its people. There shouldnot be any looking back now, Set the goals and achieve the target. This trip has cleared lot of clouds and misunderstanding between two giants of democracies. India should strive now to achieve the goals of education, population control, jobs, water, and housing being the core problems. Set agends for the future and you will be able to do the things which are required for human development as a whole.I really really think that we should grab this inititive immediately and start working on it. The focus of "Punkistan" should be oblierated totally. The whole concept of India should be India first then every thing else, Oh well that doesnot mean who should forget this rogue terrorist, nation's activities inside our borders as well outside. We should not lower our guard If they try to do any misadventures ,plese teach them a lesson which they will never forget. But policy shouldnot be "Punkistan" based. It should be India based.

Name: cmorang
Message: everytime someone speaks up for us with regard to the Kashmir problem, we shout it out from every rooftop, as a welcome validation of our point of view, while everytime a foreign dignitary seems to speak for the pakis, we cry about foreigners meddling in our internal matters...hypocrisy?

Name: anand
Message: its just a diplomatic move of america. at one side it is supporting pakistan's misadventures in india and on the other pretending to support india ;its min. nuclear deterrance. then why imposed sanctions at that time .in dia has to be cautious of these diplomatic moves

Name: Vijay KG
Message: Deifinitely its not a set back for India. For the fact that he is touring Pakistan for a short duration of 6 hours and that too on his return from Mumbai to Washington, it clearly says how much importance he had given for the country that had been with US in the cold war regime.

As of a head state, he too has his own priorities and one of those priorities could be to get Bin Laden, the munlti-millionire terrorist responsible for creating terror in US.Second priority could be as a policeman of the planet Earth, he wanted to try his bit restore the democracy in the Pakistan.

Name: A.N.Hebbar
Message: Visit of Mr.Clinton to India is over now, but why Govt. is making politics to invite him only to Hyderabad instead of Bangalore which is one of the highest IT.Export center in the world. I assume this is just to please Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, and this trend may not help the countries prosperity.

Name: Ramesh
Message: It would have been more significant if the visit was made by an American President as soon as he assumes power instead of waiting for the fag end of his tenure.

It may be because the President has got far more important 'domestic' issues (like Monica) to be taken care of before turning his attention to countries like India.

Name: Jagannathan NS
Message: Its a begining of a new far india was considered to be a close associate with Russia...with this trip of clinton, india will move along with the US, there by becoming a super power in the south asia region..

Name: Ramesh
Message: It would have been more significant if the visit was made by an American President as soon as he assumes power instead of waiting for the fag end of his tenure.

It may be because the President has got far more important 'domestic' issues (like Monica) to be taken care of before turning his attention to countries like India.


Name: Kamala Menon Cochran
Message: The visit of President Clinton must be seen as a definite advance for India. The four points enunciated by the American President demonstrate a greater sensitivity for India's position and concerns in South Asia. If India, in turn, can abandon the myths and fallacies which have distorted its policies -- domestic and foreign -- over the past 50 years, much progress towards an effective relationship, benefitting both countries, will be possible. It is not the United States alone that must change; India must also fundamentally revise its world-view.

Name: Sriramulu Krishnamurthy
Message: I think Mr. Clinton's visit to India is a great achievement. Its time, we Indians focus our attention on removing poverty and providing universal education, health care and housing to the people of India. To do this, we need to re-organize our economy, privatize the Banks and other institutions and attract greated investment - both locally as well as internationally. Mr. Clinton's visit will definitely give us more exposure to the world and help us develop more trade relations.

Name: udaykumar
Message: His visit makes the second largest IT company in the world.

Message: I never thought even in my wildest dream that i would get a chance to describe what i felt about clintons visit to India.

I feel that we indians has gained a lot from his visit. viz, our friendship with the U.S has improved a lot, monetory gains etc.etc..

What i really liked about clintons visit to india is that unlike other president(s) he has taken a lot of intrest from heart to learn about us and our culture , which is really astonishing.

I dont know whether is it because i am a computer professional the most important part which i liked was his speech given in CYBERABAD i mean HYDERABAD.



Name: Surojit ghosh

I think that Mr.Presidents visit marks a watershed in South-Asian economic development.I must say that this visit has not only brought the two largest democracies together but also at the same time it has enhanced our country's economic development to a large extent.From the visit I have made some conclusion which are very important :

1# USA today cannot go alone atlest in South-Asian context.They don't have a very good relation with China as a result of which they want to join hands with India and want to see India prospering as a Super Power.

2#Secondly they don't beleive Pakistan since all terrorists activites including Osama Bin Laden's JEHAD started from there.

3#Thirdly they are very attracted to our intelligent brains which they know can reap huge benefits in times to come.

Name: Anti Clinton
Email: anti@clinton.usa
Message: That fellow y he came to india to sign india for CTBT Then what those guys r doing they r testing it like any thing Then for what we have to sign up?????? Dont want to become the slaves of US Thats all......

Name: Satheesh
Message: My friends in usa is offering their subkutch to me to prevent clinton from returning. I lost

Name: chan
Message: I was wrong. I thought Clinto visit to India would be a failure but he has helped to put India on the map. Just imagine, he didn't go to Sri Lanks, only stayed in Bangladesh for a day and mere 5 hours in Pakistan only to tell the Pakis off but spent 5 full days in India. Signed many trade treaties and put cyberbad on the map. For a while we Indians found the missing link for our destiny and amde us proud. Clintn proved that USA needs India more than thier old frind Pakistan.

We NRI should not miss this opportunity in helping India to prosper. One sentence that hurt me said by Clinto was that we Indians were proud to be connected to Internet but failed to connect clean drinking water to millions. Our rain water, 70 % of it goes back to the sea and we haven't found a way to trap this gold. We should push for the Sardar Sarovar project. It can change Gujarat into next Punjab.

Also would like to request all NRI who go to India to take some kind of gadjet or machinery for thier relatives and friends. Most of us take shampoo, Tshirts, candies but imagine if thousands of NRI visinting India can take something that can help relatives to earn more money. Slowly many cottage industries can be opened. Just looking at the HOME DEPO we can take many electric tools. Carpenters down there still use tools which were used to build Pyramids.Key making machine, electric drills,western tool and industrial catalogs, some documentry tapes on USA (farming, factories, country side etc..) Let them see how the other part of the world is improving thier lives while we have attched to our old system of CHALTA hey!attitude.

Some people can take goods so we can reverse do engineering like the chinees are doing.All they do is take samples from all over the world and come up with new better design and then captures the world market using cheap labour. They earn plenty of foreign exchange and also are able to provide jobs to millions of people.

Name: kishore
Message: welcome

Name: g.vikram


Name: Andrew Lloyd
Message: The Raj mentality lives on in the Indian media (specially Star TV). If you look at some of the interviews that Star/NDTV have conducted with Jaswant Singh, you clearly see that Star TV is almost looking at Clinton as a savior for India. While Jaswant Singh keeps on reemphasizing that we have to fight our own battles.

I sometimes wonder that during the last 50 years, we have been blaming our polititicians for a lot of ills that afflict India. However this visit is making clear that our biggest ill is in our own minds. We are yet to outgrow our servile mentality. We look for validation by a white foreigner. Whites must be better! And please, journalits and news anchors must realize that when you say "The President" it refers to the Inidan President - the honorable Mr. Narayanan. You have to refer to Clinton as the US President. Oh, how low can we get!

The Indian media has been shown in very poor light in all this specially Star/NDTV.

The only person who has come out on top is Jaswant Singh. With quite diplomacy and steadfastness, he has been able to turn international opinion in India's favor. He does not plead with foreign countries, he engages in an equal dialog. And he does not let politics get in the way.

Actually, BJP has done a far better job of handling this visit than anyone gives them credit for. They have put forward a proud face for India, which is in keeping with our growing economic stature in the world.

Name: ashish jain
Email: ashish_gadia
Message: its good for india-america relationship.

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